My will was made out years ago. We had one when married which I redid after the divorce. I had a living will, but, I updated it very recently along with a Durable Medical Power of Attorney for myself. In fact, I have been spending a great deal of time over the past three weeks looking at (joy of joys) cemeteries. I, just this morning, decided on one. A very old, but, nice municipal one in Raleigh. Well over 100 years old and even has it's own Confederate Soldier section. (to give you some idea of the age). Easily priced and since cremation is the request for both of us, I told the girls that it was possible to bury both of us in the same lot. To this point neither of us has remarried, she has kept my last name and as long as we don't have to talk for eternity, I have no problem with sharing it, thus saving the girls considerable expense... and why would I care one way or the other. I have chosen the Funeral home and spelled out the basic that I want to happen and if they want more, that cost is on them. I have put aside the current + cost of those services in a separate account, but, depending on when I decide to stop posting on the boards and go to that big internet in the sky, there might be enough money left over to take care of that. I don't mind prepaying for a burial lot, but, I am not really sure that doing that for services is a good idea.
By the way, you can generate a "living will" and a "power of attorney" on line for just $22.00.