The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Some trees came down on our neighbor's property. Free wood!

Hahaaa...! Free firewood! :)
As I've mentioned before, there used to be a small 35 acre ranch right next to our house (now a development) at our dead end. We knew the old rancher (he had horses, cattle, and goats, and used to cruise the property on a 4-wheeler).
Anyway, over the first few years we lived here, we had a coupla' pretty bad ice storms. Large parts of trees came down, and he told us to haul all of it we wanted away.
Borrowed my pops truck, and we stuffed the shed full...! :happy: :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
It's totally crazy. I want out too. I'm going to @Cesar R M. It's warmer there, and I've always wanted to explore all the artifacts in Mexico.:happy:

Yeah, I would be with you until my Sis's passport disappeared from the hotel safety deposit box and she spent 4 extra days in Mexico, had to hire a escort to drive her to an embassy to get a temp to leave the country. A very expensive adventure for her and someone still has her original passport out there. Creepity.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
@JenniferS Saw this and thought of you...


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
First off Congratulations on continuing that huge accomplishment!

I was curious, when I was back in college (the great University of Colorado) when a person made the Deans List two semesters in a row, the following semesters tuition was halved. They would continue half the tuition until you feel off the list. Now I must admit that I was in college from 1989-1995 (no it didn't take me 6 years to graduate, I have two degrees LOL) so I am not sure if they are still doing that there but is that something they do where you go to school?

Wow that is a perk. In our messed up state of Illinois that is not the case. They actually take scholarship money away after the semester ends and add it to your account do to messed up budgets. I have two kids in State Universities to shore up that fact unfortunately. My DD graduated from U of I in 3 1/2 years with a double major and a minor without any discounting. Maybe she should have gone to school in Colorado but out of state tuition there, well ouch.


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry, my brain went to hell with this flu and lung infection. My Doctor's assistant ...the a$$ told me to fill out a mood test ;4 pages of it. Sure, right now, I'm not at my best, but after being sick, now in my 5th week, what do you expect? Gosh, our medical system is so stupid. I'ts really hard , I'm not getting better, and I didn't expect to with a penicillin derivative. I have said numerous times, I can't take penicillin. Where do we go to get good medical care? I'm so close to moving anywhere but here. Currently looking to see if any other state is better. I hope this will be a wake up call to anyone close to the medicare system. One size fits all, and the cheaper, and riskier the better. HusSister is having the same problem in Indiana. I know this is a rant, but I hope I'm being informative too. Not being political, it's just what I have experienced, and I have no where to go. At least in the Denver area, several Dr's. have gone out of business, and more refuse to take Medicare patient's. I don't want a free bee, we pay a lot for Insurance, that Medicare doesn't cover, but the Doctor's have their hands tied by medicare, it took us over 3 hours, because of the forms the Doctor has to file for medicare. This system is a total mess. All I thought was going to happen, was the blood draw. The Government wants so much more, and it's just information taking. My hands are tied too, I need my thyroid meds, and can't get them unless I subject myself to hours in the Drs. office, this is so ridiculous. Rant over. Be ware when you get over 65, and are moved into the system. So sad for those coming after. I hope someone can fix this mess. I remember the good old days, my Dr. does too. It's not his fault, he is a victim of the system too. He hates that it takes over an hour to fill out required forms, even with his bad assistant. He doesn't own the practice and has to take people in training to be his assistant. Things are a mess. Sister has no Dr. at the moment. She is fed up, but doesn't need meds. I do, and I'm trapped. No, this is not because I'm sick. I waited a day, and formulated my thoughts before posting. Beware if you are near Medicare. It's a mess for Drs. and patients.
My mother loves her coverage, when her doc got sick at the same time as her she had no problem getting another temporary doc. I also have a few relatives in NY that are happy


Well-Known Member
To be fare, I have a very severe lung infection. I'm taking 2,000 milligrams of a very strong antibiotic. It may be all that is left to do. I don't get anaphylaxis, my skin has peeled down to bleeding , my hands ,my back , my face and legs. My history, says not to give this under any circumstances. I didn't know what this drug was until hubby filled it. It may just be a low "allergy" on the list, but it doesn't make anything better. I still have a lot of pain in my lungs, and coughing. I still have time to go on the meds. I will do them, and if I'm still wheezing, with lung pain, and coughing, I will call for another appointment after the week.
Sympathy like but PLEASE call you doc today. It sounds like you're one step from an ER visit. If you lived by me you'd be on the way to your doc even without an appointment and they didn't want to see you straight on to the ER


Well-Known Member
I'm actually not so sure about the influenza now.. she is not coughing, nor having snot.. or anything like I had.. she is just seriously weakened. Perhaps I passed her another bug and not the influenza one o_O

anyway, she's on meds as well.

and thats exactly how I was feeling 2 days ago. My lungs.. badly hurting when breathing..
More pixie dust for both of you and xoxo from a nice safe distance.


Well-Known Member
Ready for a group project rant? Because here it comes...

I have two classes with group projects this semester. One class just isn't fun because of the workload, but I must say, I have a pretty awesome group. Then there's the other class. One member texted me and asked if I could meet Sunday night. I told her I couldn't meet because I was sick and barely had a voice. She said okay, let's meet today then. I said that was fine. I went in today, and they told me they met on Sunday too. I set the "leader" (who is generally just kind of a b, although the other members are nice) straight right then. I told her I understood that they needed to meet, but that she needed to shoot me an email saying that they had met along with taking some notes. The other two group members understood my point. She just sat there and looked at me like I was crazy.

So it's going to be one of those classes, isn't it?

Edit: I also texted my other group and told them how awesome they are.
Keep calm and repeat after me "this too shall pass and then I'm going to Disneyland"

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