The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
And, one last one...;) :)




Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I grew up in San Antonio going to Sea World a lot. The whole thing is really sad.
Not going to get political here, just going to make one statement. And Andrew, there is zero finger pointing or blaming you.

I have never been to Sea World; however, I used to be a frequent visitor at Marineland, Canada.

Long BEFORE Blackfish, I had come to the conclusion that it was beyond cruel to keep orcas, belugas, and dolphins in such cramped conditions, forcing them to perform daily.
Marineland also used to have a section where you could "pet" the orcas and belugas. For hours every day, these majestic creatures were subjected to being touched and sometimes poked, by hundreds of adults and children. That's just not right.
We have not been to Marineland in a dozen years.

As much as I love elephants, I also applauded Bob Barker's intervention to get them removed from the Toronto Zoo, where they were suffering in our cold temps for 8 months out of the year.

Unless and until these giant creatures, both land and sea, are kept in appropriate containment conditions, I will boycott any park that fails to meet these requirements.

I understand that the orcas currently in captivity CANNOT be released into the wild, but there is zero reason to continue breeding them, continue capturing them, and continuing to force them them to perform idiotic tricks and stunts.

And on another note, I am not impressed with GreenPeace right now either.

Well it is political, it is controversial and here is my take on the new topic at hand. Good things happen, bad things happen, more good than bad.

I love aquariums and zoos. I grew up with the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Because my Uncle worked with the Dolphins I could go back and pet Checo backstage. He'd pop up and I'd pet his head, he'd make happy sounds and I give him a fish and repeat. He lived a very long life, much longer than he would have in the wild.

Meet Luna

She received her name a day ago. It was an estimated 1 week old when discovered and just over 2 pounds, the smallest orphaned sea otter that the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Cali. 6 pounds she was transferred to the Shedd.
She is now a month later up to 12 pounds. Tourists want to see these animals. The tourists pay for their care ultimately and the salaries that go along with it and the facilities that care for them. We can shut all the aquariums down and turn our backs on little creatures like Luna and leave them to die when found. It is a very personal choice which is better.







I look at all Disney does with the live animals they keep, I can't say Disney is a cruel organisation. I go and ride the safari and look at all the wild animals they have in captivity. I see all the baby animals that are bred there and how proud they are when a new one is born. I've watched the birds of prey that Disney have captive that do tricks for us, they are listed as Disney attractions. Most guests pay to get into Animal Kingdom thereby supporting the cause, the animals and their keepers. The creature maybe different but the process is the same.

I know one young woman my sons age, she is a dolphin trainer for Disney, I've known her through the boards since she was in high school. The most compassionate person and in love with the dolphins. No way would she do this if she believed it was cruel.

The other young lady I know worked as a lifeguard with my kids. She had to return from college once, take a year off to earn enough to continue her education. She worked at Clearwater Aquarium returned home, worked with the raptors at Universal until she graduated and is now a Dolphin trainer with Clearwater.She was at Clearwater working with the dolphin with out the tail during both of the films Dolphin Tale. I find her and Clearwater amazing along with the dolphin for its determination.

Here is the young lady I've know for 10 years that didn't have a car, rode her bike to work here, didn't have a car in Florida and rode her bike to work 6 miles each way while putting herself through college. I have nothing but admiration for her determination, work ethic and her respect for animals and education.






Her parents are beyond proud of her and her life work.

Me I look at Walter. He has a great life. But if we trace dogs and cats ancestry back a hundred years ago they should not be locked up in homes, cruelly left home alone while we go to work by those old standards.They were creatures of the wild. I have taught Walt to Sit, Stay, roll over, to speak,to give paw all for a treat. Do I think I am being cruel to Walter, nope. He may live his life in captivity but he is living a good life and likely longer than he would live in the wild.

But Peta would not like me. I eat steak. Think about a cows life.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Happy to report that my sister's birthday lunch turned out great. Although she had originally requested Chinese food, she asked me today if I had any other suggestions as well. I gave her a choice of Chinese or Irish. She chose the Irish restaurant! Man, did we chow down. We started off with a "loaded" nachos plate of chips, lots of melted cheese, salsa, guacamole, scallions, and sour cream. For the entrees, she had the shepherd's pie, and I had the Guinness beef stew. We couldn't finish half of the food and each brought some home! :hungry: :hungry:

Oh, I even had a glass of wine (a Riesling). You'd think with all that food I wouldn't have felt it, but I was definitely a bit sillier than normal when we left the restaurant! :joyfull: :p
Irish food offer Nachos? o_o


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
What in the world is going on with Sony right now? Terrible situation for them, amusing how they all reacted to the emails.
Judge Milian on People's Court has a lot of great sayings.
One of my favourites:
Say it, forget it.
Write it, regret it.

So many cases are decided on the strength of texts, emails, and FB posts.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Well it is political, it is controversial and here is my take on the new topic at hand. Good things happen, bad things happen, more good than bad.

I love aquariums and zoos. I grew up with the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Because my Uncle worked with the Dolphins I could go back and pet Checo backstage. He'd pop up and I'd pet his head, he'd make happy sounds and I give him a fish and repeat. He lived a very long life, much longer than he would have in the wild.

Meet Luna

She received her name a day ago. It was an estimated 1 week old when discovered and just over 2 pounds, the smallest orphaned sea otter that the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Cali. 6 pounds she was transferred to the Shedd.
She is now a month later up to 12 pounds. Tourists want to see these animals. The tourists pay for their care ultimately and the salaries that go along with it and the facilities that care for them. We can shut all the aquariums down and turn our backs on little creatures like Luna and leave them to die when found. It is a very personal choice which is better.







I look at all Disney does with the live animals they keep, I can't say Disney is a cruel organisation. I go and ride the safari and look at all the wild animals they have in captivity. I see all the baby animals that are bred there and how proud they are when a new one is born. I've watched the birds of prey that Disney have captive that do tricks for us, they are listed as Disney attractions. Most guests pay to get into Animal Kingdom thereby supporting the cause, the animals and their keepers. The creature maybe different but the process is the same.

I know one young woman my sons age, she is a dolphin trainer for Disney, I've known her through the boards since she was in high school. The most compassionate person and in love with the dolphins. No way would she do this if she believed it was cruel.

The other young lady I know worked as a lifeguard with my kids. She had to return from college once, take a year off to earn enough to continue her education. She worked at Clearwater Aquarium returned home, worked with the raptors at Universal until she graduated and is now a Dolphin trainer with Clearwater.She was at Clearwater working with the dolphin with out the tail during both of the films Dolphin Tale. I find her and Clearwater amazing along with the dolphin for its determination.

Here is the young lady I've know for 10 years that didn't have a car, rode her bike to work here, didn't have a car in Florida and rode her bike to work 6 miles each way while putting herself through college. I have nothing but admiration for her determination, work ethic and her respect for animals and education.






Her parents are beyond proud of her and her life work.

Me I look at Walter. He has a great life. But if we trace dogs and cats ancestry back a hundred years ago they should not be locked up in homes, cruelly left home alone while we go to work by those old standards.They were creatures of the wild. I have taught Walt to Sit, Stay, roll over, to speak,to give paw all for a treat. Do I think I am being cruel to Walter, nope. He may live his life in captivity but he is living a good life and likely longer than he would live in the wild.

But Peta would not like me. I eat steak. Think about a cows life.
Luna is not an orca.
Nor is Walter.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
I think most people buy these just for the fun out of it, not because they're nice.
aka, like wearing these joke shirts from Mexico (which are kinda sexual or filled with very silly jokes)

At the Mega Mall in Illinois there is one store that is open for 2 months to sell Ugly Sweaters for the holiday season. It is huge on College Campuses year round. My son the Saturday after Thanksgiving went on a train trip station hop. 1st stop eat, 2nd station drink, 3rd station get off and drink some more, 4th station drink and forget how much you've already drank and so forth.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Luna is not an orca.
Nor is Walter.

Duh, same process though. Captivity, feed them, take care of them, make a profit off them and repeat. Luna is no more or less important than a orca or Walter.

Hope the tail-less dolphin in my opinion is also better off in captivity in an aquarium than left to die but we all have different opinions on that too. Even though four cheetah cubs, two rhinos, two hippos, and four other animals initially died and ultimately 29 before Animal Kingdom opened on property and en route we all still go. They have nice quarters but as hippo's and apes go it is very tiny verse the wild. Ever see how many gators a smooshed into a small pond?


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Duh, same process though. Captivity, feed them, take care of them, make a profit off them and repeat. Luna is no more or less important than a orca or Walter.

Hope the tail-less dolphin in my opinion is also better off in captivity in an aquarium than left to die but we all have different opinions on that too. Even though four cheetah cubs, two rhinos, two hippos, and four other animals initially died and ultimately 29 before Animal Kingdom opened on property and en route we all still go. They have nice quarters but as hippo's and apes go it is very tiny verse the wild. Ever see how many gators a smooshed into a small pond?
Clearly we are not going to agree.

I know you don't follow OTPN anymore, but I applaud everytime they post an update about Seaworld rescuing a manatee (3 so far, this month), or a turtle, or a whatever.
I think they do great work. But until they stop forcing orcas to perform like circus clowns, they will never see a dime of my money.

You know, there just might be a reason those orcas are attacking. Protesting their captivity and conditions, perhaps ....

Like I said, this has nothing to do with Blackfish. My mind was determined long before that decidedly one-sided documentary was released.


Well-Known Member
Between your post and @Gabe1 's, this is really the first time I've ever heard of something called Common Core math instruction. When did this all start? o_O Has it been going on now for years, or is this brand new? I'm clueless. (Then again, my general state of mind is always clueless. :hilarious:)
Common core was instituted here in 2012-13. It drives me bonkers!!! Now the schools are pushing to get it out of the schools. There was actually a two hour program for PARENTS to help their children.

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