The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
I had only one pair of hiking boots. I went climbing in Aspen one summer when I was chaperoning at the National Youth Conference. I learned quickly I love down the mountain skiing and HATE up the mountain climbing. No more hiking boots for me but they were kinda cute with fancy laces and pretty white fur poking out the top and a bit of scotch plaid.

I also learned I HATED chaperoning other peoples children even on a Christian Conference. Never went climbing again and never chaperoned a trip again. Once and out.

I loved hiking, loved skiing, and we loved chaperoning our kiddos, together, along with other folks kiddos, too. :)
Good gosh, all that past tense... :confused: Where did the diggity-darn time go...?!?!?! :eek: o_O :facepalm: :cyclops:

I'm out...!
Sweet Magicals to one and all...!!!
Laterrrrrrrrrrr..!!!!! :)


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR

Yep, a lot of surviving soldiers saying that about Agent Orange.


Premium Member
I had only one pair of hiking boots. I went climbing in Aspen one summer when I was chaperoning at the National Youth Conference. I learned quickly I love down the mountain skiing and HATE up the mountain climbing. No more hiking boots for me but they were kinda cute with fancy laces and pretty white fur poking out the top and a bit of scotch plaid.

I also learned I HATED chaperoning other peoples children even on a Christian Conference. Never went climbing again and never chaperoned a trip again. Once and out.

I love hiking, just as long as the trail isn't too demanding or takes more than a few hours. My hiking boots are Asolo, from Italy, and they're the best footwear I own. Been on many hikes in New England, and also once in Colorado. I love being in the outdoors, seeing critters, and looking at beautiful, natural scenery. :)


Premium Member
I loved hiking, loved skiing, and we loved chaperoning our kiddos, together, along with other folks kiddos, too. :)
Good gosh, all that past tense... :confused: Where did the diggity-darn time go...?!?!?! :eek: o_O :facepalm: :cyclops:

I'm out...!
Sweet Magicals to one and all...!!!
Laterrrrrrrrrrr..!!!!! :)

If i was a kid involved in those activities and you were one of the chaperones, my little buddies and I would have thought that you were one of the "fun" grown-ups! :joyfull:


Premium Member
Gonna cry now.
The boys have called it quits!
Adopted Son says he's moving in with his grandparents.
Son #2 says he can't afford the apartment on his own.

SIL is bringing home the application cancellation form this weekend. At risk, the $950 deposit that I put down.
If they can re-rent it for Jan. 1st, I'll get it all back, save $100.
If not, buh-bye @JenniferS' money.

What do you know - the light at the end of the tunnel did turn out to be an oncoming train, after all.

I am sad. And pi$$ed.

After reading a few disappointing stories about your son, it appears as though the fallout comes down on you each time. That is sad, and no one wants to see your feelings hurt anymore. You deserve a happy home, and no one living there has the right to disrupt the harmony. Probably a dumb question here; but given the recent turn of events, have you and hubby thought about giving your son a new cut-off date, to finally move out on his own? Many people I've known through the years didn't have enough money to rent or buy on their own, but there's a plethora of others out there who advertise for roommates. That could be a first step toward independence for him. (Come to think of it, since there is already an apartment available, he could start looking for another roommate now, and I'm sure he could find someone by the time it's available for them to move in.)
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When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
After reading a few disappointing stories about your son, it appears as though the fallout comes down on you each time. That is sad, and no one wants to see your feelings hurt anymore. You deserve a happy home, and no one living there has the right to disrupt the harmony. Probably a dumb question here; but given the recent turn of events, have you and hubby thought about giving your son a new cut-off date, to finally move out on his own? Many people I've known through the years didn't have enough money to rent or buy on their own, but there's a plethora of others out there who advertise for roommates. That could be a first step toward independence for him. (Come to think of it, since there is already an apartment available, he could start looking for another roommate now, and I'm sure he could find someone by the time it's available for them to move in.)
The apartment is ready for January 1st.
As it was, it was already going to take 30% of his income for his half of the rent, irrespective of cable and internet. And food!

On the plus side, the hammer is coming down. Hard. On both of my sons.
I've only been tip-toeing around him the past few months because I wanted to maintain harmony until he moved.
If he ain't moving, I ain't tip-toeing.

I've also told him that I expect $100 room and board, starting January 1st.
And, if he doesn't stop harrassing me in the car, he can start taking a cab every morning and night!

No more Mr. Nice Guy.


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm throwin' my 2 cents in on the whole shoe/germ thing.
When I was growin' up, our house was clean, but, not spotless. We didn't wash our hands 50 times a day, spray disinfectant all over the place, didn't have any antibacterial soap, touched our faces, etc. We weren't pigs, but, we were kids. We ran around barefoot ALL the time. We got bruised, scraped, cut. We got sick on occasion, but, not really very often. We had a blast...! :)
On the other hand, our next door neighbors, the Weinrich's, were germaphobes. You had to remove your shoes to enter their house, the kids were always eating some "healthy" wheat germ or somethin', and washin' up. The place was spotless. And, they seemed to be sick all the time.
Fast forward to our kiddos. They pretty much grew up like DWifey and myself did, and they have been perfectly fine.
The way I see it, you can take it to the extreme way one way or the other. If you live in slop all the time, don't be surprised if your sick a lot. But, also, If you live in a "bubble" (which is impossible in this world) and are never exposed to anything to build up somewhat of an immunity, then, expect to be sick a lot when you venture out of that "bubble". :)

And, my barefoot ways, they ain't NEVER a changin'...!!! :joyfull: ;) :)
I know people like this...I swear they own stock in a bleach company. Sickest kids I've ever known.


Well-Known Member
What can I say - things are different here.
I reiterate for the last time, I don't know a single person who wears shoes in their home. Period.

And now, let's talk about me eating gum off the sidewalk when I was a kid. :p

Mom never asked anyone to remove their shoes. The season didn't matter. The comfort of guests was the main objective. So, I run my house the same way. I've never asked anyone to remove their shoes. That being said, guests have taken it upon themselves to remove their shoes to be comfortable and I am all for that. I prefer to be barefoot unless company is coming then the shoes come on.
I was invited to dinner at a colleagues house. I knocked on the door and my host opens the door and says....remove your shoes and then just come inside and he shuts the door on me! I was left standing there on the porch. I turned around and went home. I was just too insulted by that greeting and command! Two summers ago I was invited to a birthday party. On the invitation it stated that there would be some slippers available but bringing your own would be appreciated since no shoes are allowed on the white carpeting. I didn't attend.


Well-Known Member
The apartment is ready for January 1st.
As it was, it was already going to take 30% of his income for his half of the rent, irrespective of cable and internet. And food!

On the plus side, the hammer is coming down. Hard. On both of my sons.
I've only been tip-toeing around him the past few months because I wanted to maintain harmony until he moved.
If he ain't moving, I ain't tip-toeing.

I've also told him that I expect $100 room and board, starting January 1st.
And, if he doesn't stop harrassing me in the car, he can start taking a cab every morning and night!

No more Mr. Nice Guy.
That s***ks. I hope your Canadian niceness doesn't come through this time and you stick to your guns.

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