The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Coffee = a lovely, hot beverage, served in a mug, possibly with cream and/or sugar.
"Coffee" = a lovely, inoffensive euphemism for making love.
? ? ? ? ? Why.. why.. why? What genius came up with that. Wait, was it Canadian originated? If it was, never mind. Trying to figure out Canadians is like figuring out women. It cannot be done. Understanding Canadian women is like trying to drain the Atlantic Ocean with a Teaspoon.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Yes, these are things I'm pretty sure I've posted about before. Health-wise, genetics matter a lot. Odds-wise happenings, not so much. I could be hit by a truck tomorrow, and cut off like a light switch. I could trip and hit my head against my office desk and have same happen, etc.. It's all a carp shoot.
We are darn fortunate about the genetic thing, so far. But, yes, that could all change in a heartbeat, as well.
Funny thing is, none of it really bugs me, or keeps me awake at night. I'll do what I can, within' reason, to keep the things I can control in life in check, as best I can, and live the best life I can. Again, beyond that, it's all a carppy shooty...!!! :joyfull: :D ;) :)

Yep. :cool:


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Gonna cry now.
The boys have called it quits!
Adopted Son says he's moving in with his grandparents.
Son #2 says he can't afford the apartment on his own.

SIL is bringing home the application cancellation form this weekend. At risk, the $950 deposit that I put down.
If they can re-rent it for Jan. 1st, I'll get it all back, save $100.
If not, buh-bye @JenniferS' money.

What do you know - the light at the end of the tunnel did turn out to be an oncoming train, after all.

I am sad. And pi$$ed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I get hating socks and shoes,my DS hates Tshirts under his dress shirts but he wears one. I hate bras but I wouldn't dream of not wearing one.

We have the same courtesies here however we execute them differently.

We start out little walking to school in boots. Enter school, immediately take off boots in vestibule. Our students are forbidden to go barefoot in school so boots go in tote bag after taking the school shoe of choice out of bag. It was the same when I went to Catholic School, we wore dress shoes and saddle shoes were not good snow shoes. We wore boots and took the shoes out of the bag and and put the boots in the bag. Bag went in front of locker just like my kids did a generation later. They followed the same procedure at Lunch recess.

I worked Downtown for years and we all had to cross the Chicago River from the two train stations to the business district. We all wore boots. You got to the office coat room and removed boots and outerwear and put on shoes. Nobody spent the day barefoot in the office. My DD University she just started to work at outright states shoes must be worn at all times and sundresses must have a sweater or jacket over them to cover shoulders, all in one sentence of handbook. She too will need to remove boots and put on shoes when we get snow.

If I had to go to the docks summer or winter I had to wear steel toe boots, stevedores and longshoremen would not allow anyone without steel toe boots and a hard hat to climb the ship. When I returned to my car I removed boots and put back on regular shoes.

Winter at someones home, including visiting my Moms if I am in boots they come off on seasonal porch and and I put shoes on. We are not hillbillies that track snow through peoples homes, schools or business offices. Me I love love love shoes. I don't think guys lock sharp in a suit walking around in bare foot at a holiday party nor do I think a women's outfit looks complete in a pretty little holiday dress barefoot either. I find shoes very much part of the outfit.

All of our ships came through Sault Ste. Marie and stopped to unload in Montreal. All of the people we dealt with were very professional and lovely, I never found any of the people to be bumpkin-ish. Aside from the language that flipped from French to English when we spoke I didn't find Canadians to be any different in the business world than Americans, the culture seemed very much the same as here. I find a bigger culture gap between the US North and many of the Southern states east of the Mississippi.

OK, let's see...

I wear t-shirts under my dress shirts.
DWifey wears a bra. Other than to bed, or sans kiddos in the house. ;)
We, usually, don't have a need for boots down here (other than the cowboy kind :D), or "outerwear". I know DWifey probably had a use for "outerwear" years ago, as she was an Air Force brat, and they lived in North Dakota, Germany, Montana, and Wyoming. We haven't discussed it much. She hates the cold with a passion, and will never live anywhere near it again.
We "hillbillies"down here don't have enough snow to track through other peoples homes, schools or business offices, nor would we if we did, thank you very much. :rolleyes:
I hate shoes, but, have never walked around at a holiday party in a suit without them. Again... :rolleyes:
We wear shoes when and where appropriate. When we're at home, all bets are off. My girls love their shoes, but, they also don't feel the need to have them on at home. Also, plenty of folks visit our house in flip flops and sandals, as well as us visiting other folks homes. If that footwear comes off during that time, nobody freaks. It's a comfort thing.
I wore hiking boots when I went hiking, and ski boots when I went skiing. It's not rocket science.

I probably forgot somethin', but, I think that's all. For now, anyhow...!!! :joyfull:

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
Gonna cry now.
The boys have called it quits!
Adopted Son says he's moving in with his grandparents.
Son #2 says he can't afford the apartment on his own.

SIL is bringing home the application cancellation form this weekend. At risk, the $950 deposit that I put down.
If they can re-rent it for Jan. 1st, I'll get it all back, save $100.
If not, buh-bye @JenniferS' money.

What do you know - the light at the end of the tunnel did turn out to be an oncoming train, after all.

I am sad. And pi$$ed.



When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
? ? ? ? ? Why.. why.. why? What genius came up with that. Wait, was it Canadian originated? If it was, never mind. Trying to figure out Canadians is like figuring out women. It cannot be done. Understanding Canadian women is like trying to drain the Atlantic Ocean with a Teaspoon.
I'm not sure it was me who came up with that euphemism.
Might have been @donaldtoo, or one of the other Sageteers.
We've been saying it for quite a while.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Proof positive that when someone writes a lengthy post, you should not quickly glance through it, because it's really easy to "think" you just saw a word that wasn't the intended word! :D

Reading the above sentence in your detailed post, I completely burst out laughing; because I "thought" that I read the word, underwear, instead of outerwear!! :p For a split second, I thought . . . what the hell kind of an office did Gabe1 work at, where the employees came inside and removed their boots and undies??!! :jawdrop: :eek: (I'm sorry, but I'm still laughing over this silliness!) :hilarious: :hilarious:

As for your quote above, this is not surprising at all! ;) :happy:
well, that word would fit if the person in question had SUPERMAN syndrome ;)

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Gonna cry now.
The boys have called it quits!
Adopted Son says he's moving in with his grandparents.
Son #2 says he can't afford the apartment on his own.

SIL is bringing home the application cancellation form this weekend. At risk, the $950 deposit that I put down.
If they can re-rent it for Jan. 1st, I'll get it all back, save $100.
If not, buh-bye @JenniferS' money.

What do you know - the light at the end of the tunnel did turn out to be an oncoming train, after all.

I am sad. And pi$$ed.
you need to push them harder.. really..
backing down is not fun.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
An early Christmas concert

Thanks for posting that! Amazing. Our men and women of the armed forces never stop amazing me.

They had below average weather move in over night and it sounds like it is going to hang around for a week. The locals were all wearing multiple layers with scarfs and gloves. It sure was nice to get away - even it was only for a week ! :)

I feel bad for the Blizzard Beach CMs loosing a weeks pay just before the holidays and likely will get hit again next week and this wasn't the first stretch in the last month. So many of them are CPs and still have to pay housing. They'll just take more out the next check. When my son got his first check when he was a CP it was a negative number, he owed them more than he earned. :(
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
OK, let's see...

I wear t-shirts under my dress shirts.
DWifey wears a bra. Other than to bed, or sans kiddos in the house. ;)
We, usually, don't have a need for boots down here (other than the cowboy kind :D), or "outerwear". I know DWifey probably had a use for "outerwear" years ago, as she was an Air Force brat, and they lived in North Dakota, Germany, Montana, and Wyoming. We haven't discussed it much. She hates the cold with a passion, and will never live anywhere near it again.
We "hillbillies"down here don't have enough snow to track through other peoples homes, schools or business offices, nor would we if we did, thank you very much. :rolleyes:
I hate shoes, but, have never walked around at a holiday party in a suit without them. Again... :rolleyes:
We wear shoes when and where appropriate. When we're at home, all bets are off. My girls love their shoes, but, they also don't feel the need to have them on at home. Also, plenty of folks visit our house in flip flops and sandals, as well as us visiting other folks homes. If that footwear comes off during that time, nobody freaks. It's a comfort thing.
I wore hiking boots when I went hiking, and ski boots when I went skiing. It's not rocket science.

I probably forgot somethin', but, I think that's all. For now, anyhow...!!! :joyfull:

I had only one pair of hiking boots. I went climbing in Aspen one summer when I was chaperoning at the National Youth Conference. I learned quickly I love down the mountain skiing and HATE up the mountain climbing. No more hiking boots for me but they were kinda cute with fancy laces and pretty white fur poking out the top and a bit of scotch plaid.

I also learned I HATED chaperoning other peoples children even on a Christian Conference. Never went climbing again and never chaperoned a trip again. Once and out.

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