Premium Member
Proof positive that when someone writes a lengthy post, you should not quickly glance through it, because it's really easy to "think" you just saw a word that wasn't the intended word!
Reading the above sentence in your detailed post, I completely burst out laughing; because I "thought" that I read the word, underwear, instead of outerwear!! For a split second, I thought . . . what the hell kind of an office did Gabe1 work at, where the employees came inside and removed their boots and undies??!! (I'm sorry, but I'm still laughing over this silliness!)
As for your quote above, this is not surprising at all!
You got to the office coat room and removed boots and outerwear and put on shoes.
Reading the above sentence in your detailed post, I completely burst out laughing; because I "thought" that I read the word, underwear, instead of outerwear!! For a split second, I thought . . . what the hell kind of an office did Gabe1 work at, where the employees came inside and removed their boots and undies??!! (I'm sorry, but I'm still laughing over this silliness!)
Me I love love love shoes.
As for your quote above, this is not surprising at all!