Oh, I completely agree about the morbidity factor, as well as disrespecting the families of those brave men.
Also, I'm quite familiar with the re-entry burn look. I was a bit surprised that it would be on display there (or anywhere) too, but could think of no other rocket/capsule that burned (as she seemed, to me anyway, to describe), and wasn't completely destroyed, that would have enough historical significance to be on display at KSC.
Also, before I replied to
@betty rose post, because I was kinda' surprised it would be on display, I googled it and found an image that really seemed it might confirm the display. That's when I googled some more and found several sites that said it has never been on display. That all made more sense, and I was glad to hear.
Anyway, here's the image that threw me. Check out the "Launch Pad Disaster" plaque at the bottom of the image...
ETA: I also googled for replicas of the capsule, and couldn't find anything.