And that is what Special Services are for. If requested I'd meet a plane, pick up unaccompanied children, disabled passengers, blind, deaf, dementia, and they'd come hang with me in my waiting room where I could keep an eye out for changes in their flights. The kids got put in a room behind me 'cause we were responsible for children flying unaccompanied. I'd take all their boarding passes and line them up with departure times and then kept checking monitors to make sure nothing got canceled, gate changes, time changes. I'd move their assigned seats around if I didn't like where they were randomly seated depending on their needs. The UMs always got put all the way up front in their given section so the Flight Attendants could keep an eye on them and they were generally the first passengers to always be pulled off the flight at its destination by another gate agent. The worst was when the kids connecting flights got cancelled or they missed them and had to wait 'till morning. 'cause guess who had to stay with them? I couldn't leave until the morning crew came in at 5am. Yep huge burn out factor.It got old fast.
Now you at that time being deaf I would have put you on the next flight out no matter if it was ours or someone else's and had someone take you to your next gate, ticketed. I would have bump'd someone else to get you the heck out of my room. Nothing personal, I did what I needed to do to get these special service passengers out quickly from my room.