The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
oh I dont mind fake haunted houses, but true ones.. dunno, really gets me.

Funny thing, usual horror with gore and that.. hardly scares me.
but ones that use imagination a lot.. they really get me.

I'm the opposite. I don't like the gore, but, LOVES me some spooky. :)
Although, in reality, I'm not much on believing in "ghosts", either. My son likes to watch those ghost shows.
It always cracks me up when they play back some audio with... "sskik" on it and then say... "Did you hear that?!?!?! He said to pack our stuff and get out, or face eminent death!!!!! :jawdrop: :eek:" :hilarious:
Same with video and some random blip of light they try to pass off as some full-blown apparition. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Personal Development course for College Students. What not to do at Christmas Parties.

Banish your smart phone and don't keep checking it

No Twerking while dancing, you might wind up on Facebook or YouTube the next day

No hitting on co-workers even if they are interested

Don't bail on a bar tab

No Lady Gaga Outfits and wear your shoes all evening

I was with you, right up until the last 5 words.


Well-Known Member
Well this is going to make the meth action figure seem like a mild outrage bringing Toys R Us to remove the toy.
Think if any country would be hypersensitive.

Despite the backlash Cobi Toys, Poland will not discontinue manufacturing and selling Nazi toy line for Christmas.

Speaking from Warsaw, Cobi Toys CEO Robert Podles insisted that keeping such dolls and games on shelves offered a 'fun' way for children to be taught history.

'We believe that through good fun we can teach history and we will continue this line in the future, he says.' :eek:

Think if any country would be hypersensitive.

I can't "like" this. I think one of the best ways to teach children about the hate and extremism of the Nazis is by reading to them or having them read The Diary of Anne Frank. I read it at a young age and it resonated for me. It didn't traumatized me but I understood how awful, I can't find the right words to describe the hate, it was. To give kids toys to play with won't teach them that and it might have them never understand the hate, fear, and disgusting acts.


Well-Known Member
I'm the opposite. I don't like the gore, but, LOVES me some spooky. :)
Although, in reality, I'm not much on believing in "ghosts", either. My son likes to watch those ghost shows.
It always cracks me up when they play back some audio with... "sskik" on it and then say... "Did you hear that?!?!?! He said to pack our stuff and get out, or face eminent death!!!!! :jawdrop: :eek:" :hilarious:
Same with video and some random blip of light they try to pass off as some full-blown apparition. :rolleyes:
I agree about liking the spooky. I work in hospitals and I can say that I don't meet many people who work with me who don't believe in ghosts. We also don't give much attention to them. We know what areas have more activity. Most of the time the energy is neutral, but I have heard stories about priests being called or crystals being hung.
At one hospital I work at sometimes I used to get really scared of one the rooms where we kept our ventilators. Well one night, we were incubating in the ER and I had to grab a vent. I walked into that room and just said out loud, "I don't have time for you sir."

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I can stand some. (The Lego Movie :)) Not an Elf fan.
The lego movie was decent. He wasn't his classic self in it.
I'm the opposite. I don't like the gore, but, LOVES me some spooky. :)
Although, in reality, I'm not much on believing in "ghosts", either. My son likes to watch those ghost shows.
It always cracks me up when they play back some audio with... "sskik" on it and then say... "Did you hear that?!?!?! He said to pack our stuff and get out, or face eminent death!!!!! :jawdrop: :eek:" :hilarious:
Same with video and some random blip of light they try to pass off as some full-blown apparition. :rolleyes:

oh, I like spooky.. I'm just a very scaredy guy.
I get that dread feeling easily with invisible things.

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