The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Premium Member
OK, off again...
Talk to y'all tonight...!
Laterrrrrrr...!!! :)

I wanted to give a "like" to the modern homes pictures you posted (although I do appreciate you taking the time to post them, as well as the thoughts that you shared), but I couldn't click the like button. It's difficult for me to wrap my head around a "home" that's super modern; because I don't find it warm and inviting, such as an older home with wood accents, etc. I can respect the creative work that architects and designers do in coming up with new ideas and concepts for home living. But, I'm old fashioned, and those newer styles almost seem more like modern museums or resort rooms.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get water from the well, and add firewood to the wood stove . . . :p


Premium Member
**** Van ****

It is both Ironic and Disgusting how one of Disney's biggest stars cannot have his name printed in a Disney based forum, without the overly sensitive negatively reacting to everything. It really makes me sad. It also makes me think that as a society we haven't really advanced much over the centuries.

O.K. My turn to be confused today. o_O I haven't a clue what you're talking about. I know of a character with Von as in Ludwig Von Drake (the duck), but I don't think that's what you're referring to?


Well-Known Member
I could never do it that or be the police or a doctor/nurse/etc....

1) I hate blood
2) I hate blood
3) When the doctors took my cast off a few weeks after surgery, I almost passed out.
4) They wouldn't like me. I'm not PC.
5) I don't like other people's lives in my hands
6) I like fire. I don't want to be in fire or seeing a burning house or business. In the case of the forest, a wild fire shouldn't be stopped unless it's near buildings. Most animals will be long gone by the time the fire gets to their homes, if they can.
7) I think too much
8) A nursing home right near my house yesterday, a resident was walking across the street and then went to the ground head first. Three fire trucks, police and an ambulance blocked the intersection for half an hour or so. I went running by it (that's how I know). But I wonder what happens after? Hence, why I could never do those jobs.
9) I could never play Operation without touching the sides.

A lot longer than I thought it would be
You know in real life, if you touch the patient there is no buzzer? :D


Well-Known Member
It was February 2001. I had just recently been divorced. I accompanied my daughter, son in law and his children to WDW. As a side trip we went to the Kennedy Space Center. While there we rode buses to the main buildings, launch areas, etc. During that ride I watched the driver. It seems like a really good gig. He would push a button and a recorded video would appear on the overhead screens and he would drive in a speed that had what they were talking about visible right outside the bus windows.

I told you all of that because... 1) I have nothing better to do and 2) I made the decision, then and there, that I wanted to drive bus at Disney. (Yes, I know I was at the Space Center at the time, don't over complicate this, OK) Upon returning home I started looking into becoming a bus driver. I was called in by a local tour company. They hired and trained me and let me use their equipment to get my CDL. The day after I got my license, planes ran into the towers in NYC. Tourism came to an instant halt. With no need for a driver now, they put everything on hold. In the meantime, I applied for a job as a driver with a municipal bus company, got the job and retired 10 years later from that company. Remember I was 53 years old when I made that change. I was asked countlessly why I was changing careers this late in the game. I had owned my own business and managed others over the years and they couldn't figure out my motivation.

I hesitated saying that I wanted to get the experience so I could drive bus at WDW when I retired. I'm sure they would have looked at each other and put a big X right on my resume. So I convincingly and truthfully told them that I always wanted to drive for a living, but life and obligations got in the way. Now that I was no longer married and my kids were grown and married, I decided now was the time. (It also didn't hurt that I had my CDL already in my pocket) I drove for about 4 years and then was promoted to a management position training new drivers, giving training classes for all drivers on customer service, etc.

So why am I not currently driving bus for Disney? Because desires and circumstances change and also I started to think that constant daily exposure to my escape place, gave me no place to escape too. I still work, part time, doing odds and ends bus driving and I still can visit WDW with a certain degree of excitement. Funny, how life works isn't it?
I think that is a lovely story especially changing careers in your fifties.


Just Horsing Around…
Premium Member
My grandparents from Ireland were first generation in this country. My father loved things like blood pudding (he didn't call it sausage, even though it looked like that). I know it's still popular in England and Ireland, and perhaps few other countries like Scotland (I presume). As a kid, I couldn't decide if I liked the taste, or was just grossed out by the look of it on the plate. My favorite breakfast treat as a kid was toast with butter, and then we had a shaker of cinnamon sugar that we'd sprinkle on top. :hungry: (I still have that sometimes!) :)
I still use the cinnamon sugar shaker...


Well-Known Member
I'm watching Santa Clause 3 and the Canada twist always cracks me up. :joyfull: It's cold and carppy outside which is killing my back so I'm protesting getting dressed today. As a matter of fact we're camped out in my room watching ABCFamily. :) Now if I only had a butler to bring cocoa and popcorn........
That sounds awesome. I just love to curl up and be cozy. I hope your back feels better soon.


Well-Known Member
I can't like that post. He used to freak me out.


Just Horsing Around…
Premium Member
Taping for the parade is 4 days this year.. Saturday through Tuesday 6th-10th as reported by crystal palace staff
Could be, I didn't ask.. We popped in for a bit after Animal Kingdom and the Magic Kingdom was pretty crowed. We hit a few rides and headed back to the room to clean up before dinner. I did notice that the flag pole is back...


Premium Member
Logging off here in a minute, but first: I think crock pots are the best thing to come down the pike in a long time. I mean, you don't even have to be a good cook, and you can have delicious meals quite easily.

Found an "easy" (my favorite ;)) recipe online for thin pork chops. I wasn't sure if you're supposed to get the kind with the bone on them or not, so I got the boneless ones. Then all you have to do is put a can of condensed mushroom soup and condensed chicken soup in the pot, and stir in one packet of Hidden Valley Ranch (dry) powder mix. Throw in the pork chops. (Oh, I even threw in some cut-up mushrooms as well--recipe didn't call for them, but I figure Emeril would do something like that, right? :D) Cook on low for 7-8 hours. It smells really good so far!! It's got about an hour more to go.

I also bought some brown rice, and a small bag of baby carrots. (Sometimes, I just really impress the heck out of myself, you know?! :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: )

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
or sees a puppy or a kitty (depending the taste)

Yes, one from the main floor to the second floor and one down to the basement. x2 in this house.

Often times, a house will have 3 staircases - the main staircase (up and down) as well as a set of service stairs from the laundry room going down to the basement only.
that makes things more clear. . I was scratching my head.
As houses here do not have a basement.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
In about 2 hours or so, I will find out the sex of my second niece or first nephew. :)
You brother/sister does not like surprises? :p

I think my dad is just as excited for me to get my new laptop as I am.

Last night, when I was working on the desktop, he says to me, "When is your new laptop coming?" It hasn't even shipped yet, I don't even know where it's coming from, so sometime next week, possibly not until next Saturday.

Then today, I get my last Black Friday box from Amazon. "Is that your laptop?"

He's a bit possessive of his desktop.
good thing we;'re not brothers.. you would have jumped from the Colorado canyon.. as I am extremely protective of my computer and gear. :hilarious:

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Logging off here in a minute, but first: I think crock pots are the best thing to come down the pike in a long time. I mean, you don't even have to be a good cook, and you can have delicious meals quite easily.

Found an "easy" (my favorite ;)) recipe online for thin pork chops. I wasn't sure if you're supposed to get the kind with the bone on them or not, so I got the boneless ones. Then all you have to do is put a can of condensed mushroom soup and condensed chicken soup in the pot, and stir in one packet of Hidden Valley Ranch (dry) powder mix. Throw in the pork chops. (Oh, I even threw in some cut-up mushrooms as well--recipe didn't call for them, but I figure Emeril would do something like that, right? :D) Cook on low for 7-8 hours. It smells really good so far!! It's got about an hour more to go.

I also bought some brown rice, and a small bag of baby carrots. (Sometimes, I just really impress the heck out of myself, you know?! :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: )

Sounds similar to what I use.
I usually use milk to dilute the condenced mushroom cream/soup. Add a touch of butter and spices, then pan the meat until its sealed (broiling hot) then into the mix.

also, 7 -8 hours? that a lot!

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