The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
On Amazon you can gift a friend for Christmas 1,500 Live lady bugs for $8.90.

That would be awesome for a gardener. They are good for gardens no?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I finally talked to my dad about it and pulled the trigger. It was sold out on, so I went to Amazon and ended up getting an even better price. $90 off.

It has everything I wanted...touchscreen, backlit keyboard (I like doing work in the dark), optical drive (very important for me; I watch a lot of movies and rip and burn a lot of CDs). Now I just have to be patient while I wait for it to arrive...

My dad's just happy because it means I will stop commandeering the desktop. I'm happy because now I won't have to commandeer the desktop.

I'm like a vampire too. It's great. With Apple, they got rid of their CD drives so I have no clue what my next computer would be. Not that I use a CD drive often but I might want to make a movie or a CD one day from music I have.


Well-Known Member
If you want something more enfuriating..
I wonder why they changed the native girl in the new new peter pan movie with a white girl.
didn't they learn anything about white washing from "the Last Airbender" ? :|
Infuriating. ;)

I read about it today. Evidently, they are trying to be more "racially sensitive."

Replacing a Native American girl with a white girl isn't what I'd consider racially sensitive.

Sometimes it's fine. Like in the new Star Trek, Khan wasn't Native American like in the originals. The original actor was Native American, but the new version was played by Benedict Cumberbatch. For that, I'd rather them choose the right actor for the right part. But to change a character that was supposed to be Native American to a white person? Um, no.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see the episode, but I did think the author was being unfair. The complaint about the germs was the most ridiculous. Also about moving all the way across the row.

I don't believe her when she says she's been "3 dozen times." Maybe she went to MK and Epcot 3 dozen days in the 70s and 80s, but someone who has been on three dozen trips would figure out how to handle the system without feeling "stressed." The only reason she felt stressed was that she had unrealistic expectations on how to go about her day. You cannot get prime spots for the parade and fireworks and still get on every single attraction and have time for meals. Plan what's important. Which bring me back to the fact that she has not been 3 dozen times. Otherwiwe, she would know this.

Just felt like an article that was complaining for the sake of complaining and trying convince others not to go. If it were more positive and negative and if the blogger were willing to acknowledge her own failures, I would be more willing to accept it. Of, if she had said "It's nice every once in a while, but I'd rather go someplace on my next vacation where I don't have to deal with crowds and lines," then I would say to each his own. This though, just, no.
Yeah people who go to WDW and have these types of complaints don't plan and are not usually teachable about how to organize their disney trip. When I see these people at WDW I just kind of laugh. My first trip to WDW was not that great, but that was my fault. The next trip I researched and we had a great time. It's what you choose to make of it.


Well-Known Member
I'm like a vampire too. It's great. With Apple, they got rid of their CD drives so I have no clue what my next computer would be. Not that I use a CD drive often but I might want to make a movie or a CD one day from music I have.
Pretty much they are at industry standard. Most laptops I was looking at did not have CD drives. I went with this one in no small part because it has a disc drive. I mean, this is literally the perfect computer for me. I wanted a backlit keyboard, a touchscreen, and an optical drive. I also wanted a 15.6 inch screen (below 14 is too small, above 16 is to big). Intel core i5 processor was also preferred. This laptop had all of the above, plus it's a 2-in-1, so it flips backwards. So I got everything I wanted with this laptop. So excited to receive it.

If you're willing to switch to Windows, the higher end laptops that are similarly priced to the Macs (ya know, the ones I can't afford) have disc drives. Or they also make optical external drives. Since you don't use the drive that often, that might be the way to go. The larger laptops also usually have disc drives. But again, you'd have to switch to Windows.

I didn't even bother looking at Macs. I love my iPod touch and if I didn't have a Windows tablet (necessary for school), I would have an iPad. Apple makes quality products, and after dealing with their customer support after my mom had an issue with her iPad (even though it was out of warranty, they replaced it at no cost to us when she had a problem with it completely going after 2 years), I have very nice things to say about them, but Macs are way out of my price range and I don't understand the OS. At all.


Well-Known Member
Okay, a story

Warning: this story contains stupid people. Read at your own risk.

I was getting ready to go over to the other campus. I was standing outside my car at the trunk. A car, big Ford Explorer, comes and tries to park in the very tight spot next to me. Well, as I am standing right next to my car, in the trunk, this car whacks mine so hard that I hear it and it shakes the entire car. The woman finally figures out that she can't park in the spot next to me, goes to another spot and parks halfway inside, half in the middle of the road.

And I wait there, expecting her to come over and check my car. Nope. She walks in the building. So I have to go get security, call my mom, who then says call Dad, and security has to look up her information and file their report.

And she was a professor. Security said that this kind of thing happens all the time...but normally a student hits another student or a staff member. A faculty member doesn't usually hit a student. They caught the whole thing on tape, and it's a hit and run. She's just lucky we decided not to contact the police and file a report.

Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid stupid.
Good for you standing up for yourself! I have to say that reading your posts and getting to know you through them, I find you to be a very mature gal with great critical thinking skills. Also well grounded.


Well-Known Member
So ... I really want some chocolate.
Hubby's at basketball. Son #1 has my car.
And the only chocolate in the house are four of those big-a$$ Toblerone bars; which are supposed to be Christmas gifts.

Meant to buy five, so I was one short anyway.
We all know how this story ends ....
I've been known to raid the bags of chocolate chips my mom keeps around for making cookies.

FYI, she's been known to raid that bag as well.

We don't tell Dad.


Well-Known Member
O.k. Is everyone sitting down for this one? :p My mother actually sent me to Charm School classes!! :eek: :D I was about 10 years old at the time, and a local dept. store was offering 8 classes in etiquette, and how to act refined.

Somehow, I think I think I desperately need the refresher course :eek: , but the store is out of business now. o_O
You are very polite and have good manners, so money well spent.

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