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This year my older ds is signing up for bowling and my younger one is concentrating on his choral group, and science competition as they will take up quite a bit of his time. he plays basketball with his friends in my yard and rides his bike until it gets too cold. Once winter hits he does some yoga (he's a human pretzel.)Do they have any good sports at the school? When I was growing up, my brothers participated in various sports leagues, but none of them were through the schools. The better sports leagues, at that time, were the town-run leagues. They had fun!
It was also different back then, in the sense that the boys didn't have fancy uniforms. For baseball, the boys would have a cap with the team's name on it, and then the team t-shirts were donated by various local businesses. So the team name (let's say, The Cubs) would be on the t-shirt, and underneath that it would say something like "Mike's Hardware Store".Then they'd just wear jeans and sneakers to complete the "uniform". As funny as all this sounds now, it saved the parents a ton of money. I have friends with kids in various sports now, and I'm in shock over how much they pay, just to have their kids participate. Hockey is the most expensive.