The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Well, Belle was one that would have been tough to adopt out, and it made me feel good to adopt her. We actually met her twice before adopting her, and the first time we met her, we weren't sure whether she would be the right cat. The shelter moved her to a Petsmart adoption location, and then she was more herself. She's very very sweet, which is what the adoption agent told us, but had been through a lot. They had a special adoption weekend and most of the cats had been adopted...except for her and one other (who got adopted later on the day we adopted Belle). Her owners before us brought her back to the shelter and said she wouldn't warm up. We think that they basically hauled her out of wherever she was hiding. She would flinch back whenever we would walk by. We basically ignored her other than when I would wake up early (you know how much I love cats; I got up earlier than I needed to to be with her) and go see her when she had just woken up. We kept her in the (finished) basement for the first week or so that we had her. Then she would wander up, and we basically ignored her until one day I sat down and she was on my lap.

I hear all of the stories about adult cats who can't get adopted for whatever reason, and I feel so bad about it. One of the more recent ones was a cat whose owner had died and whose son couldn't take the cat. Before the owner died, she wrote a letter to the cat's future owners. It was heartbreaking on so many levels. This happened in MD, and I thought "Boy, if I didn't have Belle, I would be more than happy to take that cat." But I have Belle, and I don't think she'd go for it. And I'll probably have her for a while yet; she very much needs me we've noticed. My mom said that yesterday she was walking around meowing when I wasn't home. And the other day, I came home and she was sitting at the door waiting for me. One of my friends was with me and thought it was adorable.

Much as I want a kitten, I know they are much harder to adopt out, and an adult cat can love you just as much, if not more, than a kitten. Only getting a kitten if I still have Belle. She doesn't like other cats in general, but gets lonely. I think she would end up taking to a kitten pretty quickly
Do you have any names in mind for this little kitten? I love naming cats. I'm thinking most people do.


Well-Known Member
Exactly... when you just don't feel like a big meal.

I almost succumbed to the kitten thing the other day. I was in the mall and they have a rescue store there. I looked in the window and here was this kitten with the strangest (i.e. prettiest, marbled) colors that I had ever seen. It was orangeish but not really, more of a brownish orange with dark markings and eyes the size of a full moon, just looking up at me. Fortunately, my dead on the inside dominate personality kicked in and I remembered liter boxes, food, hairballs, shedding and care when I cannot be there. Man, that was close. I'm not going near any pet stores again ever.
It's funny how kittens can lure us in with their sassy charm.


Well-Known Member
Not to sound mean, but, in this instance I knew exactly what life would bring and that would be that I would remain petless. As it turned out, by the next day, it had found a new home, so my rescue was unneeded. Man, I almost felt guilt there for a moment, but, thankfully, I'm over it now.

I'll be honest here, it's not that I don't like animals because I do, it's just that I have spent my whole life taking care of others and I do not want to any longer. In my apartment building, in the apartment right above me, there are 4 dogs. They spend the day yapping away at any leaf that blows by the window and running back and forth like a herd of Buffalo most of the day. I have said nothing because it is only a minor annoyance. As they do seem to remain quiet at night, when it matters. If, however, I were a late sleeper (anything beyond 7:30am) they would be a problem. I also care enough about animals that I wouldn't want to have one that was never allowed beyond a leash length away. No place to run or explore. Just seems a little wrong to me. I know many get a great deal of comfort out of having pets, I do not. I enjoy them, but, I do not want another living creature depending on me anymore. I don't even have house plants because of that.
It's good to know oneself and our limitations. I'm still learning this. Like I know now I can't own another dog after Bubba because my nature is more akin to cats. It would be unfair to the dog.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
@StarWarsGirl95 I have a question about Fantasmic. Actually 2 questions. How did they change it to incorporate Frozen, did the get rid of anything?
Also, to get a good seat do you either have to have a fast pass or done a Fantasmic dining package. Last time we were there they were sectioning off the best seating areas for both. My daughter is going in December so she was also curious. Thanks in advance.
1. The first change is barely noticeable. It's just the bubbles that they show on the water. They have Princess and the Frog and Frozen in the bubbles now, right before Jiminy Cricket pulls his hat through the bubble and you see monstro. They don't even have the music or anything from the film, just some scenes from newer films. Barely noticeable. Tiana is also on the ship at the end. If anything, along with the Frozen stuff, they upgraded their projectors and some other effects and it looks even better than it did before.
2. You do not. The dining package and FP+ only increase your chances of getting a good seat and not ending up in standing-room only. However, if you get there early enough and/or you see the later show if they have one, you should still get a decent seat. When we saw the later show this past trip, they weren't doing the dining package seating, and we got in the seats where dining package participants would normally be. Also, there is a dumb preshow before the earlier one that is not before the later one. So see the later one if there is one (in December, I would think there would be.) What you can also try, and I can't guarantee this will work, but it's worth a try, is get a FP after you have used your first three. Sometimes they have some leftover Fantasmic FPs. I would not get a FP right off the bat for it though. It is a tier 1 attraction, which puts it in the category as RnRC, TSM, and GMR. So I would plan to just get there in plenty of time and for the later show if possible.

As a sidenote, if possible, allow two or more possible nights to see Fantasmic. Sometimes the weather doesn't cooperate or something else weird happens (one time we had an AWOL dragon). So if you really want to see it, make sure you have more than one opportunity


Well-Known Member
It's easy in a food processor 1 item at a time finely mince
1 large green pepper
1 medium onion
1/2 cup walnuts
1 1/2 cups chick peas cooked
1 cup mushrooms
Stir those together with
1 cup rice
4tbsp arrowroot
1 1/2 tbsp. yellow mustard
1 tbsp. nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp thyme
1/8 tsp sage
1/4 tsp black pepper
Bake in oiled loaf pan 5x8 at 350 for an hour

This is the original recipe I found in a book I start the night before by soaking 2 pounds of chick peas I didn't think you would need that much food. My boys and their friends seem to like it. I have no clue why that boy thought there was meat in it.
Thank you for this.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Do you have any names in mind for this little kitten? I love naming cats. I'm thinking most people do.
If I get one to go along with Belle, if it's female, another princess name. We were actually thinking a while back of getting another cat. She could have been Belle's twin. Her name was Ariel. We would have kept the name. If it were a male, then probably prince or Adam (according to some, the Beast's name). Or if it's an orange tabby, Gold (Once Upon a Time fans should get that reference).

If I were to get two new cats, I've been thinking about some different names. Maybe Elsa and Anna, Duchess and Thomas, Yoda and Ben, Leonard and Penny...idk.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
That's too bad but if it help than its for the best right? I wish you a speedy recovery.
It is for the best. I'd like to eventually use that thumb again. Today, I went to the grocery store, and as I was pushing the cart after putting a bunch of stuff on it, I was like, "Oh, THIS is why I need surgery" as my whole hand is throbbing. It's not sitting properly in the joint, doctor said he can pull the entire thumb out of the socket, so yeah, it needs to be done.

Afterward, it needs a week in a splint, then three weeks in a cast. That's the part I'm not looking forward to.


Well-Known Member
Not going too bad thank you.And i hope yours goes as good.
Our Jack was the family pet (springer spaniel) and when it came time Mum and Dad couldn't do it so i had to take him to the vets by myself.when i took him for a last walk on the way there he was almost like his younger self one last time.
Dammit... now i gone get all teary again.

I hope this doesn't off but I was reminded of it. Who doesn't love Linda Richman?
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Well-Known Member
I'm a bit insane as I've started shopping. Summer stuff on clearance and a bit of this and that for our vacation. That being said who's starting lawaway?
WalMart started their layaway. My sister is going to be a first time grandma so she put a few baby things in. Her reasoning was if she bought it and took it home she wouldn't be able to wait until Christmas to give them the gifts. :D


Well-Known Member
If I get one to go along with Belle, if it's female, another princess name. We were actually thinking a while back of getting another cat. She could have been Belle's twin. Her name was Ariel. We would have kept the name. If it were a male, then probably prince or Adam (according to some, the Beast's name). Or if it's an orange tabby, Gold (Once Upon a Time fans should get that reference).

If I were to get two new cats, I've been thinking about some different names. Maybe Elsa and Anna, Duchess and Thomas, Yoda and Ben, Leonard and Penny...idk.
How about Dinah? From Alice in Wonderland


Well-Known Member
It is for the best. I'd like to eventually use that thumb again. Today, I went to the grocery store, and as I was pushing the cart after putting a bunch of stuff on it, I was like, "Oh, THIS is why I need surgery" as my whole hand is throbbing. It's not sitting properly in the joint, doctor said he can pull the entire thumb out of the socket, so yeah, it needs to be done.

Afterward, it needs a week in a splint, then three weeks in a cast. That's the part I'm not looking forward to.
That sounds painful. I'm really sorry that this happened especially since it's your hand and just needing to use it causes pain. Not fun at all.


Well-Known Member
It is for the best. I'd like to eventually use that thumb again. Today, I went to the grocery store, and as I was pushing the cart after putting a bunch of stuff on it, I was like, "Oh, THIS is why I need surgery" as my whole hand is throbbing. It's not sitting properly in the joint, doctor said he can pull the entire thumb out of the socket, so yeah, it needs to be done.

Afterward, it needs a week in a splint, then three weeks in a cast. That's the part I'm not looking forward to.

Yes, even though you have to deal with recovery, being able to use your thumb is a good thing. Plus just thinking about your thumb coming out of the socket gives me the heebie-jeebies!! :in pain:


Well-Known Member
I'm at school just chillin', and I needed to call my mom, but cell phone reception is spotty. Decided to Facetime her instead using the Wifi. The following happened:

1. "Mom, please take your thumb off the camera" Mom: "Oh, I like it better when I'm mysterious and you can't see me!"
2. "Mom, why are you spinning around? You are making me very dizzy." Mom: "Really? Let me do it some more!" "Looking at the window at not at you now, Mom."
3. Mom: "This is cool! This is like the video phone that we see at SciFi!"
4. Me: "Now the camera is aimed at the ceiling..."
5. She hung up on me twice and had to call back.

That's hilarious! :D

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