The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
I like your thought's on getting a kitten. When we adopted our adult doggie ( husband had kitty's , but became allergic to them) when he aged we noticed he spent more time sleeping under the bed. I thought he was depressed. We went to the animal shelter and got a young puppy. That little girl, brought him out of his sleeping, and they had so much fun together, playing "tug a war" with an old sock. At first the older doggie would pull the puppy around. Later when the puppy got older and bigger, she pulled around the older doggie. He was always dominate and the younger dog respected that. But the week before our older doggie passed, he let her be dominate, eating first, drinking first. It was as though he knew his time was getting short. This story still brings tears to my eyes. Thanks to all for "listening".
And that brought them to my eyes also.made me miss our pooch :-(

But thanks for sharing

betty rose

Well-Known Member
And that brought them to my eyes also.made me miss our pooch :-(

But thanks for sharing
It's so hard to lose a beloved pet. Both dogs died of cancer, we bought a house over a land fill. Didn't know it at the time. I also lost many friends in that neighborhood. All from different forms of cancer. We didn't stay in that house for very long. I guess we escaped the "curse" of old land fills. I hope your day is going well @MR FERRET.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you're mean at all. Not everyone should have pets, especially if they can't care for them as well as they should be cared for. 4 dogs in an apartment is a lot!
When you consider that it is a 865 square foot with two people and 4 dogs and one bathroom, yup, I'd have to say that is a lot. I think that is too small for just one big dog much less 4 medium sized ones.


Premium Member
Well, I have some bad news. Remember the ligament in my thumb I tore? Went to the doctor today. It's not healing. I'm going to have ligament reconstruction surgery within the next few weeks.

Not so good news, but if that is what is needed to have it heal properly then it is probably for the best. I hope the surgery goes well and you heal fast!

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
It's so hard to lose a beloved pet. Both dogs died of cancer, we bought a house over a land fill. Didn't know it at the time. I also lost many friends in that neighborhood. All from different forms of cancer. We didn't stay in that house for very long. I guess we escaped the "curse" of old land fills. I hope your day is going well @MR FERRET.
Not going too bad thank you.And i hope yours goes as good.
Our Jack was the family pet (springer spaniel) and when it came time Mum and Dad couldn't do it so i had to take him to the vets by myself.when i took him for a last walk on the way there he was almost like his younger self one last time.
Dammit... now i gone get all teary again.


Well-Known Member
That is my main reason for not driving at WDW as well. We did that our first day at MK last month and figured it would have taken about the same amount of time to take the bus, plus instant A/C was a big advantage. :D
To me the lack of sweaty, deodorant challenged, people all around me more then cancels out the 4 minutes it takes for the AC to kick in.


Well-Known Member
Even my DD thinks I'm herbicidal! We went to IKEA tonight on the way to see Opa in the hospital and they had fake plants and DD says "Look! The kind of plants that you can't kill!" Then she looks at me and says "Or maybe not." I said "Are you saying I'm so bad I can kill plants that aren't even alive??" and DH says "She knows you well. :O

Opa looked good...good color and he didn't have that gaunt look, so he's doing well, but the doctor had said he could go home maybe Sunday, but then today told him Wednesday or Thursday!! Poor guy. He doesn't watch much tv, hates reading, isn't a computer person...he's very active and likes to spend a lot of time outdoors, gardening, etc. And now he's stuck in a hospital bed for a week. That's like torture to someone like him!!


Well-Known Member
I never have a car down there anymore; haven't for probably17 years or so. It just got so busy and congested with so many cars, that it made me nervous to drive down there. That's when I made the decision to always stay on property if I could swing it, so that I could just use all the Disney transportation. It's worked out great for me.

Yes, when we're at WDW, someone else can do the driving, piloting, etc.. ;) :)

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