The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
My FIL is doing better. He had problems breathing during the night and they gave him something and he went back to sleep. This afternoon they did a procedure to insert a little balloon thing in through his arm and to his heart to see where the blockage was and then they blow the balloon up and it crushes the plaques so the blood flows. Then they put in a stint to keep it open. Not sure how long he has to stay in the hospital, but he's feeling good, and hubby is coming home tonight, so it's good news. Yay! I am still refusing to adult adulting! But at least it's good news today and there were no fights to break up or any other stressful adulting to be done, and I'm being a bad mommy and giving my kids chicken nuggets for dinner tonight so I don't have to "cook".


Premium Member
My FIL is doing better. He had problems breathing during the night and they gave him something and he went back to sleep. This afternoon they did a procedure to insert a little balloon thing in through his arm and to his heart to see where the blockage was and then they blow the balloon up and it crushes the plaques so the blood flows. Then they put in a stint to keep it open. Not sure how long he has to stay in the hospital, but he's feeling good, and hubby is coming home tonight, so it's good news. Yay! I am still refusing to adult adulting! But at least it's good news today and there were no fights to break up or any other stressful adulting to be done, and I'm being a bad mommy and giving my kids chicken nuggets for dinner tonight so I don't have to "cook".
That's such good news and no you shouldn't have to adult today!


Well-Known Member
It's been quite a while since I was in school. I was ecstatic to read that you can actually rent textbooks now! That's probably been happening for years, but I didn't know about it until I read your post.
Probably certain bookstores at certain schools did it back in the day, but thanks to the internet, it's pretty easy to rent textbooks. My school has a rental program, but I usually get them elsewhere. They run cheaper on sites like Amazon or Ecampus. Amazon also rents e-texts (so does ecampus, but Amazon runs cheaper), which is very nice. If I have to lug it to school and/or my professor doesn't care about e-texts, then I get the e-text so as not to kill my back. If I can keep the book at home, I get the paper version.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I'm the same way. I trip and hubby says "Hi, sweetie". He says if I don't trip at least once a day he's not sure it's me. I also run into things...mostly door handles. I've almost always got a bruise right by my elbow from walking into a doorknob, and my coworkers laugh at me because I often run into support beams or shelving units. I'm gifted.
We are "two birds of a feather". I hit the hallway walls, at least once a day!

betty rose

Well-Known Member
Oh, that's just one page of the list. I'm on page 7 now and have at least one more to go after this. I've got one list for each of the parks and one for all the resorts plus Downtown Disney. I have a couple of places starred where I know we want to eat there. We're only going to do a couple of Table service restaurants since we'll be on the quick-service plan, so table service is extra. But we're planning to do Sci Fi dine in at HS, and 50s Prime time, as well. Tony's at MK because it's my favorite Disney movie so we HAVE to eat there. And Tuskerhouse breakfast buffet looks fantastic, so we're thinking about that, which is also a character dining experience.
You are going to have so much fun @Songbird76.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I am SO OVER this day!!! Calgon take me away! First I had to break up a fight between 2 10 year olds, one of which it seemed tried to bite the ear off the other because the boy threw a drink on him. Then my head started pounding and hasn't stopped. Then I got a call that my FIL was taken to the hospital feeling funny. Then I got a call that they discovered he had a heart attack. So hubby went to the hospital instead of coming home. So I arranged for DS to ride with someone to soccer practice, and then hubby called back to say his dad had ANOTHER heart attack, but was laughing and joking and in no immediate danger, so they must have been small heart attacks. I am just done with stress for today, thank you!!
On the upside, I did manage to get through a good portion of my Disney food list. It's color-coded and pretty. I love lists.
So sorry about your day. I hope tomorrow is much better.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
I don't do things by halves when it comes to my lists. Last time we went on vacation, I asked hubby to print off my lists for me (I had lists for all the books I own, all the books I WANT, so I don't end up with multiple copies, foods I missed and needed to eat while in the US, things I needed to buy to take back with me, packing lists, and itinerary) and he did...and as a joke, also printed a "list of lists" which I didn't notice wasn't one of my lists because I seriously considered making one and forgot I never did. I am a list maker extraordinaire!
I used to make lists all the time, but more often then not, I ended up misplacing ,or throwing them away. So I quit, DD does the Disney list now.:happy:


Well-Known Member
Spit a platter at TC or in the case of my boys one each but at least they're full for a while:facepalm::arghh::banghead: If you have a red card stock up on Disney gift cards 5% off, Coupons in the back of Birnbaum's, I only buy the book when I come out ahead on the coupons. If you subscribe to touringplans find a discount code. Walmart is cheap to stock up at if you have a car. ADRs for lunch instead of dinner is cheaper at some places. Undercover Tourist and AAA have discounted tickets or if you have a family member in the military they get even better discounts.
Thank you!


Well-Known Member
My FIL is doing better. He had problems breathing during the night and they gave him something and he went back to sleep. This afternoon they did a procedure to insert a little balloon thing in through his arm and to his heart to see where the blockage was and then they blow the balloon up and it crushes the plaques so the blood flows. Then they put in a stint to keep it open. Not sure how long he has to stay in the hospital, but he's feeling good, and hubby is coming home tonight, so it's good news. Yay! I am still refusing to adult adulting! But at least it's good news today and there were no fights to break up or any other stressful adulting to be done, and I'm being a bad mommy and giving my kids chicken nuggets for dinner tonight so I don't have to "cook".
Prayers sent your way.

betty rose

Well-Known Member
So cute, and adorable. :inlove:

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