The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
May I offer this advice. The school should be recording physical contact bullying. If it happens again skip the school and go fill out a police report. Psychological bullying is harsh enough without there being physical and psychological stuff. It is no longer bullying when there is touching shaking etc. Just tell the police officer the school has failed to respond to multiple assaults in an appropriate manner. The school board should be notified of a police report, it might spark the administrators to actually do what they are hired to do.

My DS was at a small private college in Wisconsin when he had an iPod stolen from his locked room. He knew who did it just could prove it. The school security officer told him to be more careful with his stuff. Seriously? No report. I instructed him to get in his car and go to the Police Department and file a police report. Ha! College didn't like the police report that stated College Campus police did not act. Giggle.
Ultimately the kid got into trouble and was arrested for something else, when police and security went into empty his dorm room there was my DS iPod.

Me I am rather fond of parents that fill out police reports when the schools do not respond properly.
Well, I set up a meeting at the end of the last school year when the class lists came out and DS was again put in the same class as one of his most prolific bullies. I had asked for a meeting with the boy's mother and the teacher after several incidents with this kid spitting on DS, taking his stuff and throwing it so he had to run to go get it, and then snapping him with a towel after PE (the teacher walked in on that one, so she saw it happen). We talked about it, but the mom was rather absent..kept leaving the room to talk to her older son, then finally just left in the middle of the meeting. Nothing got resolved. So I went to the principal and told him I was NOT having another year like this one and I wanted a plan to protect DS. Supervision on the playground is not sufficient. 2 teachers for 250 students. And I wanted communication and recording to be part of the plan, because if every teacher sees only one incident, and they don't tell the other teachers, how many incidents have happened to my kid and the teachers all think it's an isolated incident when it's chronic? He was shocked that the problems were not recorded or communicated with the rest of staff, so he was going to look into why that happened. There SHOULD have been a record somewhere of each incident that was reported. That's part of the Kanjer method. So he called DS in to talk to him about the bullying, and told me if it happens again to report it directly to him and he was going to talk to the older boy who had him up against the wall and let him know he knew and would be watching, and we agreed he would have a meeting with DS after a couple of weeks of school to see how it's going. And I talked to DS' teachers for this year to let them know to keep DS away from this one particular boy etc. So...I'm giving them a chance to fix the problem. But if it happens again and the school does nothing, I can contact the school board and tell them my child is being neglected and is unsafe there and they are obligated by law to find a solution. One way or another, it WILL be fixed.


Well-Known Member
It is all what you are looking for in a University. There was a fee for everything at my DD University, less at my DS second University he didn't even have to buy books. My DD looked at big schools, the smallest she considered was Tulane which was just under 9000 undergrads. U of I has 44,000 students enrolled at their Champaign-Urbana campus which is 3 square miles of classrooms and 7 square miles of other stuff like rec buildings, farm studies, research labs etc. The place is massive and is supported by an amazing bus system. Disney could teach them some things about transportation of the masses. U of I has the best campus for students with disabilities in the country and they have no problems loading and unloading these students on and off buses in wheelchairs without delaying the schedule.
My DD wanted huge for a University after growing up in our little Hamlet.
I'm curious as to what you call a little Hamlet. I grew up in a town of about 1000 people, and I remember watching a talk show once and someone in the audience had a question and she said she was from a REALLY small town of only 20,000 and I was thinking "You call THAT a really small town?". But growing up in a small town, I didn't want to go to a really big seemed so intimidating to me!


Well-Known Member
I wanted to wish my dog a Happy National Dog Day, but he ate my piece of blueberry pie off the table, about 15 minutes ago! :banghead: (I went to finish unloading a few plates from the dishwasher in the back room, and within a minute or two, he stole my pie, including the scoop of vanilla ice cream on it too-plate was licked CLEAN. :arghh:
Naughty doggie!!!! Do you have more?


Premium Member
Well, I set up a meeting at the end of the last school year when the class lists came out and DS was again put in the same class as one of his most prolific bullies. I had asked for a meeting with the boy's mother and the teacher after several incidents with this kid spitting on DS, taking his stuff and throwing it so he had to run to go get it, and then snapping him with a towel after PE (the teacher walked in on that one, so she saw it happen). We talked about it, but the mom was rather absent..kept leaving the room to talk to her older son, then finally just left in the middle of the meeting. Nothing got resolved. So I went to the principal and told him I was NOT having another year like this one and I wanted a plan to protect DS. Supervision on the playground is not sufficient. 2 teachers for 250 students. And I wanted communication and recording to be part of the plan, because if every teacher sees only one incident, and they don't tell the other teachers, how many incidents have happened to my kid and the teachers all think it's an isolated incident when it's chronic? He was shocked that the problems were not recorded or communicated with the rest of staff, so he was going to look into why that happened. There SHOULD have been a record somewhere of each incident that was reported. That's part of the Kanjer method. So he called DS in to talk to him about the bullying, and told me if it happens again to report it directly to him and he was going to talk to the older boy who had him up against the wall and let him know he knew and would be watching, and we agreed he would have a meeting with DS after a couple of weeks of school to see how it's going. And I talked to DS' teachers for this year to let them know to keep DS away from this one particular boy etc. So...I'm giving them a chance to fix the problem. But if it happens again and the school does nothing, I can contact the school board and tell them my child is being neglected and is unsafe there and they are obligated by law to find a solution. One way or another, it WILL be fixed.
On this side of the pond" I don't want to take legal action, but...." seems to get things taken care of


Well-Known Member
Kids are not forced to eat from the kid section of the buffet. Pretty standard Disney procedure is that kids can eat whatever they want from the buffet. The assumption when lowering the price for kids is that they will eat less than their adult counterparts. The section for them is so that there are several options most kids will eat right there. But they are not forced to stay there by any means.

As a side note, adults can also eat from the kids section. I may or may not have been known to do just that (as an adult...) :cautious:
Oh that's great then, thanks! And I can't blame you for eating from the kids section...I'd want to, too. But then, I'd use the excuse that I needed to test it, make sure it was ok for the kids, you know. ;)


Premium Member
I am winning with textbook costs this semester.

Two classes where I do not have to buy books.
One class where the textbook rental was about $80.
One class where the textbook was less than $30
One class where I have not gotten the text because the class does not start for another 8 weeks, but will also be around $30.


It's been quite a while since I was in school. I was ecstatic to read that you can actually rent textbooks now! That's probably been happening for years, but I didn't know about it until I read your post.


Premium Member
Day 2 of the Creation of 3 sets of Drapes for DD kitchen, livingroom and bedroom. Cut and sides all sewn together. 2 of the 3 sets of material was purchased from Ikea, great material. What I found in both material was very evident Hidden Mickey's in both. The fabric artist is a secret Disney fan? I saw it in the one for the livingroom when picking out the material. The kitchen drapes I didn't see until last night when I was sewing the pieces together. Woot! :happy:

Both my DD and I have an attachment to Dragon Flies and her bedroom drapes have faint dragonflies in the light aqua fabric. I've passed on the seamstress skills my Gran taught me to my DD over the years. As I've been creating custom drapes for her I'm teaching the art to her that my Gran taught me. Still I have 2 days left of sewing. Can't say I'm not wanting the task to be over. Never have done 3 rooms of drapes at the same time. :facepalm: Still so much better than anything that can be purchased from any department store. :D

Wow, that's ambitious! Also, I didn't realize that Ikea sold fabric. (I've never gone to Ikea; it's not all that close by so I don't bother.)

The drapes sound very attractive. What a nice project for mother and daughter! :)

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