Here’s some middle of the night/early mornin’ fun for y’all…
Just now finally got settled back into our rooms after the fire alarms went off about 2:30a, here at good ol’ Jambo House…!!!!!
Grab what ya’ can, down 4 flights of stairs (at least for us), then down a long hall, and then out to a holding area next to the Savanna.
Hang out ‘til given the all clear, then back in and and back down the long hallway, then back up 4 flights of stairs and done.
Crazy thing is, when we were down in the holding area looking back up at the building for smoke, we couldn’t believe how many room curtains that were still open and room TVs that were still on at 2:30a…I guess Guests in those rooms aren’t gonna’ be rope droppers this mornin’…?!!!!!
Anyway, fun times…..!!!!!