Hi everyone!
It is winter and my daughter is down at college ...and her car(a 2003 VW Beetle) is here with us...not with her.
Therefore I unscrewed her car's antenna tonight so tomorrow afternoon I can put a car cover on her vehicle.
Yet now in the cabin of her car I see a red flashing light that I've never noticed before.
I Google searched "car red flashing light" to confirm what I was thinking.... and yes, it SEEMS like it IS the Anti Theft System.
Probably my unscrewing the antenna caused that?
Should I be concerned?
Some search engines mentioned cars that would not start because of the red flashing anti theft light. Oh no!

It's late at night and I don't want to go out there and try it. My wife would notice and just be upset and then she'd have trouble falling asleep.
Naturally I'll try to start it tomorrow...but if it starts...AM I OK to cover her car with a red flashing light?
Next Tuesday when my wife wants to do her planned "drive the car once a week while DD is away at college"....will it start and be fine?
I AM the one who might have trouble sleeping tonight.
All comments are welcome and appreciated!