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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Ugh. Seems one of the twin boys from Everybody Loves Raymond committed suicide today. So sad:(

Oh Dear, how sad. Allie was their biological sister in real life, how awful for her too. Won't be able to watch those reruns again likely that they are in.

I actually have never heard anything of those 3 kids since the show had ended.


Well-Known Member
Oh Dear, how sad. Allie was their biological sister in real life, how awful for her too. Won't be able to watch those reruns again likely that they are in.

I actually have never heard anything of those 3 kids since the show had ended.
They haven't done much since then. Guess they wanted to go on to live normal lives. According to IMDB, their sister took a break for a while, but seems to be working on her career. The boys really didn't do much after Everybody Loves Raymond.

I agree; I find the reruns hysterical, but now will think about him every time I watch an episode of that show. He was about my age too. :(


Well-Known Member
I wish I had more color in the hallways at my work. Our school district administrator believes that white makes everything look fresh and clean and that posters add clutter. So all the hallways are bright white and very, very little decoration in the halls. It is so boring walking down the hallways, it reminds me of a prison or something. Our art teacher has asked to paint murals but is always told no. :(

What the what...?!?!?! :confused: :(
Big-time sympathy "like".


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Nope. Never heard of that one. Although I guess I still count as a teenaged girl since I don't technically turn 20 for six more days. So...just under the mark.

Boy, I am glad I was never one of those girls who did crash diets and such just to be cool.

Yeah we didn't do that with celery here either. I ate it cause I liked it dipped in ranch, along with other veggies especially cucumbers and bell peppers.

The girls I hated were the real thin ones naturally that would say they were on diets cause they had gotten so big, the attention of that worked on my last nerve and I was very thin at that point in my life. I found it disrespectful to the others that genuinely struggled with weight.

I was happy in college to finally leave the category of teenager.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
They haven't done much since then. Guess they wanted to go on to live normal lives. According to IMDB, their sister took a break for a while, but seems to be working on her career. The boys really didn't do much after Everybody Loves Raymond.

I agree; I find the reruns hysterical, but now will think about him every time I watch an episode of that show. He was about my age too. :(

Yeah, I have a hard time with Full House. The Olsen twins were about my sons age, I think a year older but same when episodes actually air'd after filming. I look at the one twin and relate back to my kid and count myself as blessed, money doesn't solve everything.


Time To Be Movin’ Along
Premium Member
Thanks. I definitely wasn't deprived as a child, but...I think I would make a different decision if I have kids. Also think if they had let me play in water when I was a kid I would have spent more time outdoors on hot days. My dad can just be strange about some things. He doesn't even like it when my mom and I wash the cars and we squirt each other.:rolleyes:

I used to be friends with the girl next door, and I used to go over there to play in the water with her. They had a sprinkler and did not care if we ran through it. Or sprayed each other with the hose. As long as we dried off before coming in.
My next door neighbour and I have a yearly water fight.
Once it's on, it's on - hoses, water buckets, squirt guns - you name it.
His wife and my Hubby are smart enough to steer clear, lest they become collateral damage.

It's one of my favourite summer events. Better than any church picnic.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
I agree. As I said before we spent at least 2 weeks a year in WDW with our kids over 15 years or so. We first budgeted for 4 of us (my kids are 5 years apart in age) $100 a day for snacks, 3 meals, water, Coke and a few adult beverages. That lasted many years and we ramped it up to $125 then to $150. We would do apx. 5-6 table service meals over 2 weeks, mostly when I craved drinking out of a real coffee mug. We never spent all of the budget, we didn't come home with much but it was more than enough. Tickets, resort rooms and food have outpaced inflation be leaps. After the Presidents focus on Foreign travelers to Orlando, I am curious how or if this shifts given Brazil's imploding economy and UK struggling to make small increments in their economy recovery. It is the foreign visitors that are credited with the growth up 7% to the Orlando area.
well, if the dolar keeps going up (which seems it will be if the Feds raise the interest rates).
I dont think the increase of attendance on WDW will continue as much as the last years.


Well-Known Member
Coming to a store near you by summer!



Hahaaa...!!! :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
At the time my high school was built in the mid-60's it cost more per sq ft than any other school in the country. The people who designed it built schools and prisons. The building was visually all glass with little bits of brick around doorways and such. The hallways wrapped around the glass walls and that was the only daylight. No classrooms or offices had windows as they were all on the interior of the hallways. The school was and still is very pretty but they certainly made the classrooms feel like gigantic prison cells. Everything was white too.

Our Primary building here was white walls and army green lockers. It was depressing. We got a new principal and the lockers were painted red, yellow, blue green, purple and orange. On the larger white walls above the tile were kid type murals painted by a local artist. It helped. Our middle school principal believed decorations were a distraction to the learning process and would not allow. He grew up in East Germany.

Yes, because color, light, and comfort are always detriments to learning/work... :confused:

And, the "like" was, yet again, for sympathy. :cyclops:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
My next door neighbour and I have a yearly water fight.
Once it's on, it's on - hoses, water buckets, squirt guns - you name it.
His wife and my Hubby are smart enough to steer clear, lest they become collateral damage.

It's one of my favourite summer events. Better than any church picnic.

I can't say a church picinic has ever been a favorite event of mine. Dread going, finding a way to depart.


Time To Be Movin’ Along
Premium Member
I can't say a church picinic has ever been a favorite event of mine. Dread going, finding a way to depart.
Ours are pretty good.

When I was a kid, I remember them being awesome!
Bro #1 and I used to win the three-legged race every year. Tethered together, we could actually outrun just about any single runner, be it man, woman, or child.
All summer long leading up to the picnic, we would tie our legs together and practice in our backyard. We were like lightning.
The prize was candy. Good candy. We liked candy. :joyfull:

The picnics now are totally different, but when they were younger, my boys always enjoyed them.


Time To Be Movin’ Along
Premium Member
Guess who doesn't have to get up at 4:45 tomorrow.
Have to get one kid up at 6:00. The other at 6:10. The third at 7:40.

And then I am back to bed.
Gonna sleep 'til noon if I want!

Hubby is leaving early; going to work for a couple of hours, and then off to way-out-of-town OBA's - the final tournament of an extraordinarily long season. (Someone give me an amen!)

I'm bach'ing it until Sunday.


Premium Member
Yep, it probably goes without saying, since I've ever only lived in Texas, Alabama, and California, that I've spent more than my share of time in water, and drinkin' from garden hoses. ;)
Garden hoses, Sprinklers, Slip-N-Slides, Pools, etc., most of the year...!!! :joyfull:
Great memories! :)

On a side note about drinking water...
When I used to go backpacking in the mountains, we got water from the closest creek and put iodine purification tabs in it to kill any unwanted organisms. It made the water look rusty, and have that iodine taste, but, it was darn sure tasty when you were thirsty on the trail, and you knew it was now safe. :hungry:
The other thing we used to have to use to clean our dishes with cold water was Tetrox. It came in cakes, and if you didn't thoroughly rinse it out, you would end up with what we called "The Tetrox Trots"...It would clean you out... :in pain: ;) :)
Again, great memories...! :D

Slip-N-Slides!!! :joyfull: Those were fun, but it was also a case of play at your own risk. If there were any rocks on the ground underneath, you'd feel those; and of course, all lawns had rocks. The other thing was that I had more grass burns from flying off the end and abruptly stopping on the grass. I'd also get the occasional nicks and cuts.

BUT--bruises, cuts, and grass burns never stopped me or my little buddies from this idiotic, backyard water slide lunacy. It WAS A BLAST!!!! :hilarious: :hilarious:

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