I'm pretty good. I did chorus for many years, including all county when I was in middle school, and after I did World of Color, I was in chorus in college, did some master classes, did some solos, and actually sang my college's alma mater solo at my graduation. But like
@Songbird76 , it's my hobby, not my career. I've never been quite sure why they picked me for World of Color. I was 18 at the time, which is the youngest you could be to submit a video. The way you did it was you learned your part at home, recorded your video with the conductor, and submitted. They were only going to take 500 videos. I think they got 1500 submissions, including 500 submissions just for Soprano, which was my voice part. I think they only took 150 sopranos in the initial round, including mine. They ended up adding more and they did a video later where they used everyone's.
I beat out professional singers, such as music teachers. I think it was 50% talent and 50% "who did what we asked". You were supposed to record using a dark background, your mic couldn't be visible, and you were supposed to wear a bright colored shirt. You also needed to be precise with the conductor. I did all of the above, and I'm an instrumentalist (I played violin with an orchestra in middle and high school, and I play piano, classically trained) so I was absolutely on beat at all times and didn't embellish.
Anyway, I'm still proud of myself, which is why that's never, ever coming down.