The Brickers' First Disneyland Trip Report

Welcome to our first Disneyland Report! For those of you who have been following our Saga in our other reports, thank you for joining us once again! For those first time readers, thanks for opening this thread--we hope it doesn’t disappoint!

Worth noting is that this report report is 32 single spaced pages of text. I don't point this out because I want to warn you before you make the time commitment to read it, but because at this length, and given my schedule, much of the report was written very hastily. I hope that it’s somewhat coherent and not rife with grammatical errors, stylistic faults, and misspelled words, but such may be the case.

Along the same lines, there are approximately 500 images among the first set of posts. The way I take pictures, my camera produces a “digital negative.” This is unlike most P&S cameras, which give you a usable .jpg file right out of the camera. This means I have to edit each shot. Normally, I spend 20 minutes or so editing an image that I post on Flickr. Given the time constraints and the volume of images to edit, I edited most of these in batches, grouping similar pictures together and performing quick edits. Consequently, some of the shots may be less-than-stellar.

If you're interested in the photography here and would like EXIF data for the pictures, it can be found on the Flickr page for each image that is on Flickr (denoted by little watermarks that read “Bricker”). To access said data, click the picture, which will take you to Flickr. EXIF data can then be found by clicking the "More Properties" link in the lower right hand corner.

Also, quick note: for those who followed our Disneymoon report, as of yesterday (10/21/10), we’ve added wedding photos!

Alright, enough with the disclaimers, warnings, and other miscellaneous opening remarks. On with the show!


August 2010 Disneyland Report:

This summer has been especially busy for us. As some of you may know, we got married, honeymooned at Walt Disney World, moved to Indianapolis, and I studied for and took the Bar Exam (suffice to say, even though we had concluded our honeymoon roughly two months earlier, we were ready for another vacation). The days leading up to this trip were no different. My parents had come to visit us that weekend, precluding us from doing any packing, so we were left to pack the Monday night before the trip. I had not used by camera once since our Disneymoon, so I figured I could just grab the bag containing it and take it. However, for good measure, I decided to open it up and take inventory, as you never know, maybe in an elaborate plot, our pets had schemed against me and opened it one day, taking everything out. Well, not so shockingly, that turned out not to be the case. However, a different saboteur had attempted to undermine my photography efforts for the upcoming trip: me. It turns out, so I thought, I had left my camera’s battery charger at Old Key West. Luckily, I had roughly 1.5 batteries worth of “charge,” and access to Sarah’s D40, but this would be an issue on the trip.

I couldn’t wallow in the pain of my missing battery charger for long, as I had a great deal of packing to complete before bed. This took far too long, and by the time we had completed packing, it looked like Hurricane Tom had touched down several times in our apartment. Two other things I had to do were book our hotel room at Disneyland and our SuperShuttle from the airport. As you may have guessed, I procrastinate a bit. Although in my defense, the Anaheim HoJo had been adding days to its discounted rate, and I had been hoping to book it. No luck on that.

To make matters worse, Sarah had a death in the family shortly before we left and this would prove to put a substantial damper on the first day of the trip. We considered postponing the trip for a few days as the primary purpose was a wedding that wasn’t until the weekend, but that ultimately wasn’t our best option, so we proceeded with the trip as planned.

Up after only around four hours of sleep, and all things considered, we could already tell the first day would be a long day. However, we’re troopers, so we were ready for the day ahead. We space our trips far enough apart that when we book, we always seem to forget about the misery of getting up at 3 a.m. just so we can arrive at the Resort on the earliest possible flight. Right now, we’re contemplating what flights to book for our Christmas trip, and sure enough, that early flight is once again the flight of choice. Perhaps this time we can at least pack our bags earlier than the night before? Easier said than done.


We arrived at the airport and immediately made a b-line for McDonald’s. Well, that is after going through the slow-moving security line. Even at 5:30 a.m., TSA still is inefficient like clockwork. At least they are consistent. Perhaps it’s just based on my experience going to WDW, but I think that if a line is going to move that slowly, it should at least be well-themed! McDonald’s was next on our plate, and I don’t think I need to reiterate to you all how delicious it was. I really don’t get all of the people who complain about McDonald’s. Like Sam the Eagle would say, disliking McDonald’s is distinctly unpatriotic.



After a while of waiting, we finally boarded the plane, where we had a really great flight crew. One of the guys made up various songs about Southwest to the tune of well known songs at the end of the flight, which were incredibly funny. It might have been annoying had he done this for the duration of the flight while I was attempting to sleep, but constrained only to the end, it was very enjoyable. These manners in which Southwest clearly doesn’t take itself too seriously make it our preferred airline; I know many people look down their noses at “Air Moo,” but we think it’s great fun.


On the ground in John Wayne Airport, we briskly headed towards baggage claim. I fancy myself a badass in the vain of John Wayne (although I am a bit more rugged and suave), so of course I had to stop and pose like my elder counterpart. After screwing around doing that for a bit, and an eternity of waiting on our bags (sadly, without the “magic” of DME to send the bags to your room, you actually have to wait on them; at the start of a vacation, this makes minutes melt into hours), we boarded the SuperShuttle for the Anaheim Plaza Hotel & Suites.



When the bus approached, we realized just what $50/night had bought us. It’s difficult to contend that $50/night is overpriced for a hotel, especially one with this kind of proximity to Disneyland (we could see Tower of Terror as soon as we opened the door to our room), but $50/night was overpriced for that hotel. To make matters worse, when we attempted to check-in, we were told that none of the Queen-bed rooms were available yet, but that “the next level up” were available, if we wanted to pay $20/night more. I wanted to call shenanigans on this one. I had called to book our room at around 10:30 EST the previous night. I highly doubted that they had booked up in the interim, but of course, I couldn’t prove this, plus we were there prior to check-in, so there was no point in arguing. The manager informed me that if we came back the next day she could try to get us in one of the cheaper rooms if it were available. I knew this was just B.S. to try to sell us on the “one time” $20 upcharge--since we would be leaving for the parks each day at around 9 a.m., I knew her answer would be the same each day. She also gave us the option of keeping our bags in an unlocked, completely open area and coming back at check-in. Yeah, given the cost of our luggage and everything therein, and especially after seeing the “quality” of the hotel, I think I’d rather pay the extortion fee.


As far as Disney trips go, at this point, this one was easily off to the worst start. However, we decided to try to put all of that behind us and head to the parks with positive attitudes. Admittedly, this was easier for me than it was for Sarah, as she was still visibly grief-stricken.


We have been WDW Annual Passholders for the last couple of years now, but we still had three days remaining on an old no-expiration 10 day ticket (which is how we used to buy them to save money when an AP wasn’t yet cost-effective for us), so we decided to convert them to DLR tickets since we will be WDW AP-holders for the foreseeable future. This was a pain, especially when you can hear the background music, see the train station, and are ready to go play!

When we finally got inside the turnstiles, and headed down Main Street. I had seen pictures of Sleeping Beauty Castle, so I knew of its diminutive stature, but I was still somewhat shell-shocked when I actually saw it. When looking down Main Street, I had no awe for what I saw at the end. It was not a grand Castle, wasn’t really much of anything. I’ll concede that it’s quaint (as I’ve heard others since call it), but I don’t think quaint is really a compliment when referring to a castle. I realize it’ll never be touched because the Disneyland purists would soil themselves if the idea were presented, but I think that’s just nostalgia for nostalgia’s sake. Objectively, I don’t think this castle stacks up to any of its world-wide counterparts. I’m not suggesting making it something identical to Florida’s, but something reminiscent in scale. I hate when people raise the question "Would Walt Do?" when confronted with something they don't like about the contemporary parks, but I have to wonder whether he would have had this castle razed for something more 'epic' upon the completion of WDW, were he alive.

I initially expressed these sentiments when posting a shot of Sleeping Beauty Castle on Flickr, and the Disneyland faithful ripped into me, some invoking Walt’s legacy as justification for keeping the Castle at its present height, others just generally expressing the sentiment that the Castle was ‘sacred’, and something that should never change. Multiple (contradictory) stories were offered as to why it was that height. I knew I had read otherwise, so I did some digging, and low and behold, I found a remark from one of great Imagineers, Eddie Sotto. Mr. Sotto said this, “Herb Ryman once told me that Walt wanted a big Castle [for Disneyland] but could not afford it. His first rendering that Walt directed showed something much grander. I wonder what the bankers thought when they showed up and saw the final." (Source: I guess to each his own on the Castle topic; many Disneyland devotees claim to love its quaintness. I can understand that. However, after growing up frequenting the park with a grandiose Castle, seeing Sleeping Beauty Castle was an underwhelming let-down. Whenever I photographed it on the trip, I attempted to choose angles and lenses that made it appear larger than life to compensate.



Well-Known Member
Well done, sir! Living in the Southeast, my wife and I (and our kids) have been fortunate enough to visit WDW many, many times. We made our first trip to the Disneyland Resort last December in conjunction with a work-related conference in the desert. Your impressions of DLR are nearly identical to mine.

We stayed at the Hojo, which was a nice, very reasonably-priced, conveniently located hotel. However, we - like you guys - treasure our Disney trips for their "escapism" value, and even the short walk from the HoJo kind of ruined that aspect of it for us.

There clearly must be some sort of Indy magnet , at least for the WDW regulars that venture west. Like you guys, we could not pass anywhere near Adventureland, New Orleans Square, or Frontierland without being pulled to Indy. It might be my favorite Disney ride ever, but probably a close second to WDW's Splash Mountain. I particularly liked the proximity of the Jungle Cruise to the Indy queue and the kinetics of seeing the Jungle Cruise boats cruise by.

We really liked the look of New Orleans Square, and dinner at the Blue Bayou was an awesome experience for us. I think Pirates was a close second for us in terms of ride frequency.

We likewise loved Aladdin and felt like DCA, as a whole, gets a little bit of a bad wrap. I loved Condor Flats and the theming around Grizzly River Run. We rode California Screamin' in moderate rain, which was quite painful and essentially sightless.

We are planning to put save up for the next couple of years to fly the whole family out to California for Spring Break once the DCA renovations are complete. My thought right now is to fly to San Francisco, rent a van, work our way down the coast, play at DLR for a 3-4 days, and then possibly fly back home from San Diego. I think the kids will love it.


Well-Known Member
Just scrolled through and looked at the pics, and looked like you guys had a great time as always. I'll read it later tonight, probably. I would do it now but I have to go vomit because I just ate lunch and had to look at over 100 pictures of you. Thanks.

I had a spit take when I read that. Funny stuff!


Well-Known Member
another great trip report! i really want to go visit disneyland since that's where it all started and people always tell me i will be disappointed. from your trip report it looks like a great park! someday i will have to make it out there and check it all out. crazy about your hotel being so sketchy. i think i would pay extra to stay at the grand californian too so i could avoid the real world. who wants to see the real world when on a disney vacation?! thanks for sharing your always wonderful photos! and again, sarah's dresses were fabulous! :D


Well-Known Member
After Dumbo, we made our trek into the Matterhorn, in search of elves and/or jewels (at least I think the storyline to the attraction went like that). When the Cast Member at the boarding station (seemingly) innocuously asked “how many?” we casually responded “two.” Huge mistake. Neither of us were paying much attention to the loading process, so we didn't see that responding two meant that we'd be cramped up in the vehicle one behind another. This made for an “interesting” experience for two reasons: Sarah has really long hair, and the ride tosses you around a bit, so a human positioned between a man's legs has a “jarring” effect on the 'zone between the legs' for lack of a more family-friendly term. Due to the hair in my eyes and the discomfort in my groan, I didn't really take in a whole lot of the attraction. I didn't see any elves, but interestingly enough, I did see a yeti. Even more surprisingly, in the brief glimpse I saw of him, he seemed to be in working condition! I know my eyes deceived me, as WDI has a distinct animosity towards working yetis. The hair in my eyes must've caused me to see things.


A true LOL :lol: moment in this TR for me!

Great report as always!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

One question: Did you see anything about/ learn anything about Cars Land while you were at DCA? We're considering a trip out in 2012 just to see it, so any input is appreciated!

ETA - All of your comments about the HoJo reminded me of the Documentary - Homeless: The Motel Kids of Orange County. Made me think that it was probably a pretty sketchy area once you got off of Disney property. It follows the life of many children who live right outside the gates of Disneyland in shabby, run down motels. The families all have hard life stories and many are unemployed, but several of their parents work at Disneyland, but unfortunately their low skill sets mean they work menial jobs that don't pay enough for an apartment (whether they worked at Disney or not.) The saddest scene in the whole thing for me was when two of the kids (both aged 10 or below) walked across the street to lay down in the parking lot and watch the fireworks. Just knowing they would never be able to afford to go INSIDE those gates and see the show....... gah, heartbreaking!!!


Well-Known Member
It took me almost two hours, but I read every single word. I love DLR reports because I have never been, but would love to go. There are so many rides there that I want to experience that aren't available at WDW (Monsters Inc. dark ride being a big draw as it's one of my favorite Disney movies). I also am desperate to see the Aladdin show.

I also love your thoughts on WDW's total immersion vs. DLR's taste of reality. We took a "non-Disney" vacation this year to Santa Fe, and while I had a good time I did not have a great time. The reason was because there was simply too much "reality" for my taste (homeless people, migrant workers waiting for their morning ride to the job site, etc..) I prefer my vacations to be of the fantastical variety with as little reality as possible, which is what makes WDW the perfect destination for me.

As always, great report. Thanks for sharing your thoughts (me thinks you will make a superb Lawyer!) and as always your amazing photos. :wave:
I am so glad you did a Disneyland TR! We are hoping we'll be in California for a business trip next summer and going to Disneyland will be a pit stop for us...fingers crossed! As always, I loved your pictures, Sarah's dresses (what a beautiful bride!), and your commentary. I always look forward to reading your Trip Reports, makes me feel like I was right there with you guys, and this one did not let me down! I am looking forward to reading about ya'lls Christmas trip! Congrats on passing the bar! How exciting!


Well-Known Member
I feel like I'm all studied up in Disneyland, which is great for me but terrible for my Behaviour Modification midterm on Monday :lol:

Thanks so much for another great TR. Back when I joined Magic, yours was one of the first full TRs I read, and I'm always excited to see another - particularly because your pictures are so amazing. The hour + time commitment to read is worth it.

Can't wait for the next one, and congrats on all your achievements this year - your wedding pictures are beautiful, lawyer-man.


Active Member
Congratulations on another awesome TR! I have never been to DLR and never really had the urge to until ElecTRONica opened a few weeks ago. Seeing all your pictures and hearing all your stories makes me want to go even more! I guess I was under the impression that there wasn't much difference between the two. I love the live shows and I really want to see Aladdin (YouTube here I come....). And the Indiana Jones ride. Wow, I want to ride that! Thanks so much for sharing :wave:


Well-Known Member
Yay! I'm so glad you did your Disneyland trip report!

I'm going to echo Nicole on a lot of this.

The castle is shocking. No amount of words or pictures can prepare you for this.:lol:

Aladdin and Indy are absolutely the two best attractions. I could watch Aladdin over and over and over.

Space Mountain is so much better at DL, and this was reinforced to me after we rode it two weeks ago at WDW. WDW's version is so jarring! DL's version is smooth and I love it.

The characters at Small World are an excellent addition.

I'm glad you enjoyed DCA. It really gets a bad rap for reasons I don't understand.

The Grand Californian is worth every penny. Every one. The villas are not bad on points either, FYI.

Your Space Mountain queue pictures is amazing! I didn't see any exif data for it on Flckr. Did you use a tripod?

It was great seeing DL through your eyes - and lens.:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Phew, glad folks (so far) seem to think I wasn't overly critical. I felt I often came close to crossing that fine line into complaining.

Just scrolled through and looked at the pics, and looked like you guys had a great time as always. I'll read it later tonight, probably. I would do it now but I have to go vomit because I just ate lunch and had to look at over 100 pictures of you. Thanks.

I would make a joke that you actually went to the bathroom for another purpose, but this is a family site.

Tom, your pictures could never be less than spectacular. They’re wonderful, as always.

John Wayne is known for its ridiculous waits in baggage claim. It doesn’t make any sense either; it’s such a small airport! I always try and avoid checking bags when I fly through them for that reason. I could drive home and arrive at my house faster than it takes to get my bag!

I agree, the castle is tiny. I’m always floored when I walk down Main Street in the MK and see the castle towering over everything. But the tiny castle is home to me…it’s what I’ve grown up with, so I like it. If they ever tried to change it and make it larger, it just wouldn’t work with the layout of Disneyland, especially with the Matterhorn next door.

I agree with you on the IASW characters. They don’t stand out too much and they blend in well with the style of the other characters.

The key to the Matterhorn seating is telling the CM “2 singles.” I’ve never found the Matterhorn to be pleasant while riding in the lap of another person, especially when the other person is in a skirt. I also don’t think it’s romantic, seating 2 in there, as some believe. I know DL has some new trains made where the seating is all singles, but I haven’t heard anything in a long time. I can’t wait for them to switch over to those cars. It’ll make everything so much easier.

I think there’s no contest between the two Spaces…DL wins hands down. I actually can’t stand MK’s and their seating scares me. But I guess like me with the tiny castle, MK’s Space is what you’ve grown up with, so it will always hold that special place in your heart.

I’ve always wanted to eat at Blue Bayou. I’m glad you enjoyed it! I must say, the first time I tried the Monte Cristo about a year ago, I was in love. I tried it again a couple of months ago and couldn’t eat it. I dunno. I think the “Disneyland Cool Kids” hype it up a little too much.

I have to ask, because I can’t tell…did you really think elves were in the Matterhorn?

I personally love the street party. My friends and I like to bust out and dance and get pulled up to dance in it. I know it gets a lot of crap from people, and I can see why, but I like to have fun with it. I'll miss it when it leaves, but I can't wait for a real parade to come back to DL.

I’m glad you liked DCA! I’m always happy to see nice reviews on it. I think it gets too much crap from people. It won’t once the makeover is done…DCA is turning out to be a great park.

Thank you for taking the time to write this! I always love hearing about a first timers trip to DL and their comparisons to WDW. I don't think you were too hard on DL. I actually agree with a lot of what you said. And I think you guys will love the Grand's very close to the kind of hotels WDW has. It'll make it feel more like a Disney vacation. Be sure to go to Napa Rose next time you're here! It's my favorite restaurant in both the DLR and WDW, easily.

I was in the parks on one of the days you guys were, but I didn't know that until I got home. Had I known I would've kept an eye out for you guys!

Ha, I didn’t actually think there were elves on the Matterhorn. I got another message about that, so I must’ve poorly conveyed my sarcasm. Oh well, can’t win them all.

You like that street party (to clarify, you don’t mean Glowfest, do you?)?!? Wow, I’m sorry, I guess(?)

I realize I’m in the minority on Space. Viewing it objectively, I can see how DLR’s wins. However, for me personally, WDW’s will always win out. I wouldn’t be upset if it were refurbished to make it ‘more modern’, but I like the way it is now.

We’ll definitely have dinner at Napa Rose next time. With only three days and one table service meal already scheduled, it was tough to justify doing it this trip.

Well done, sir! Living in the Southeast, my wife and I (and our kids) have been fortunate enough to visit WDW many, many times. We made our first trip to the Disneyland Resort last December in conjunction with a work-related conference in the desert. Your impressions of DLR are nearly identical to mine.

We stayed at the Hojo, which was a nice, very reasonably-priced, conveniently located hotel. However, we - like you guys - treasure our Disney trips for their "escapism" value, and even the short walk from the HoJo kind of ruined that aspect of it for us.

There clearly must be some sort of Indy magnet , at least for the WDW regulars that venture west. Like you guys, we could not pass anywhere near Adventureland, New Orleans Square, or Frontierland without being pulled to Indy. It might be my favorite Disney ride ever, but probably a close second to WDW's Splash Mountain. I particularly liked the proximity of the Jungle Cruise to the Indy queue and the kinetics of seeing the Jungle Cruise boats cruise by.

We really liked the look of New Orleans Square, and dinner at the Blue Bayou was an awesome experience for us. I think Pirates was a close second for us in terms of ride frequency.

We likewise loved Aladdin and felt like DCA, as a whole, gets a little bit of a bad wrap. I loved Condor Flats and the theming around Grizzly River Run. We rode California Screamin' in moderate rain, which was quite painful and essentially sightless.

We are planning to put save up for the next couple of years to fly the whole family out to California for Spring Break once the DCA renovations are complete. My thought right now is to fly to San Francisco, rent a van, work our way down the coast, play at DLR for a 3-4 days, and then possibly fly back home from San Diego. I think the kids will love it.

I heard a lot of good things about the Hojo, and we almost stayed there, but it came down to price. A bit ironic, I know, given that we’ll likely spend triple the amount to stay at the Grand California, but I figure one non-Disney hotel is basically the same as another if you’re not going to be spending much time in your room. I probably couldn’t have been more wrong.

Blue Bayou was awesome, don’t get me wrong, I just found the Monte Cristo to be overrated. However, that’s probably mostly a product of my typical diet. I’m not really “used to” much fried food. That, or maybe I got a “bad one,” I don’t know.

I had a spit take when I read that. Funny stuff!

Don’t encourage him.

another great trip report! i really want to go visit disneyland since that's where it all started and people always tell me i will be disappointed. from your trip report it looks like a great park! someday i will have to make it out there and check it all out. crazy about your hotel being so sketchy. i think i would pay extra to stay at the grand californian too so i could avoid the real world. who wants to see the real world when on a disney vacation?! thanks for sharing your always wonderful photos! and again, sarah's dresses were fabulous!

Thanks for reading. I’ll pass along the dress compliment to Sarah!

A true LOL moment in this TR for me!

Great report as always!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

One question: Did you see anything about/ learn anything about Cars Land while you were at DCA? We're considering a trip out in 2012 just to see it, so any input is appreciated!

ETA - All of your comments about the HoJo reminded me of the Documentary - Homeless: The Motel Kids of Orange County. Made me think that it was probably a pretty sketchy area once you got off of Disney property. It follows the life of many children who live right outside the gates of Disneyland in shabby, run down motels. The families all have hard life stories and many are unemployed, but several of their parents work at Disneyland, but unfortunately their low skill sets mean they work menial jobs that don't pay enough for an apartment (whether they worked at Disney or not.) The saddest scene in the whole thing for me was when two of the kids (both aged 10 or below) walked across the street to lay down in the parking lot and watch the fireworks. Just knowing they would never be able to afford to go INSIDE those gates and see the show....... gah, heartbreaking!!!

Yeah, there was a decent amount of stuff up at DCA about Carsland, but I sort of tried to avoid looking at it because by the time we were in DCA, we knew we’d be back soon (and I like experiencing things in person for the first time). From what I inadvertently saw, it looks awesome–and really substantial in scope. There was quite a bit about it in the Blue Sky Cellar, so consider Googling that plus Carsland.

The homeless kids thing really is sad.

It took me almost two hours, but I read every single word. I love DLR reports because I have never been, but would love to go. There are so many rides there that I want to experience that aren't available at WDW (Monsters Inc. dark ride being a big draw as it's one of my favorite Disney movies). I also am desperate to see the Aladdin show.

I also love your thoughts on WDW's total immersion vs. DLR's taste of reality. We took a "non-Disney" vacation this year to Santa Fe, and while I had a good time I did not have a great time. The reason was because there was simply too much "reality" for my taste (homeless people, migrant workers waiting for their morning ride to the job site, etc..) I prefer my vacations to be of the fantastical variety with as little reality as possible, which is what makes WDW the perfect destination for me.

As always, great report. Thanks for sharing your thoughts (me thinks you will make a superb Lawyer!) and as always your amazing photos.

Thanks for the kind words.

I’ve got to agree with you on the escaping reality thing. I might sound bad, but I really don’t want to see homeless people, or other unpleasant aspects of reality on vacation. It’s not because I am averse to that sort of thing, or want to put it out of mind, but on vacation, I do want to put it out of mind. I deal with many unpleasant aspects of society on a daily basis at work; I really don’t want to extend that to what’s supposed to be my escape from reality. That’s part of the huge appeal of WDW for me.

I am so glad you did a Disneyland TR! We are hoping we'll be in California for a business trip next summer and going to Disneyland will be a pit stop for us...fingers crossed! As always, I loved your pictures, Sarah's dresses (what a beautiful bride!), and your commentary. I always look forward to reading your Trip Reports, makes me feel like I was right there with you guys, and this one did not let me down! I am looking forward to reading about ya'lls Christmas trip! Congrats on passing the bar! How exciting!

Thanks for reading! I am hoping to get the Christmas trip report done much quicker than this one. Perhaps I will cut back in scope for that one.

Awesome Disneyland TR! Thanks so much for sharing it-we want to go so badly and love to learn more about it.

Glad you enjoyed it!

I feel like I'm all studied up in Disneyland, which is great for me but terrible for my Behaviour Modification midterm on Monday

Thanks so much for another great TR. Back when I joined Magic, yours was one of the first full TRs I read, and I'm always excited to see another - particularly because your pictures are so amazing. The hour + time commitment to read is worth it.

Can't wait for the next one, and congrats on all your achievements this year - your wedding pictures are beautiful, lawyer-man.

In the grand scheme of things, I can’t imagine Behavior Modification being nearly as important as Disney. You made the right decision.

Thanks for reading!

Congratulations on another awesome TR! I have never been to DLR and never really had the urge to until ElecTRONica opened a few weeks ago. Seeing all your pictures and hearing all your stories makes me want to go even more! I guess I was under the impression that there wasn't much difference between the two. I love the live shows and I really want to see Aladdin (YouTube here I come....). And the Indiana Jones ride. Wow, I want to ride that! Thanks so much for sharing

I was shocked at how much was different from WDW. Really, substantially different in some regards.

Yay! I'm so glad you did your Disneyland trip report!

I'm going to echo Nicole on a lot of this.

The castle is shocking. No amount of words or pictures can prepare you for this.

Aladdin and Indy are absolutely the two best attractions. I could watch Aladdin over and over and over.

Space Mountain is so much better at DL, and this was reinforced to me after we rode it two weeks ago at WDW. WDW's version is so jarring! DL's version is smooth and I love it.

The characters at Small World are an excellent addition.

I'm glad you enjoyed DCA. It really gets a bad rap for reasons I don't understand.

The Grand Californian is worth every penny. Every one. The villas are not bad on points either, FYI.

Your Space Mountain queue pictures is amazing! I didn't see any exif data for it on Flckr. Did you use a tripod?

It was great seeing DL through your eyes - and lens.

Sarah thought the same thing in regards to the two Space Mountains. I don’t mind (actually prefer) jarring coasters, so I can’t consider that a plus for DLR’s. The Space Mountain queue photo was handheld. Shot on burst mode, fired away until I got a sharp one.

I think the plan is to go back next Spring, and we are already going to be using all of our points in October at WDW (BLT, BCV, or BWV). That is, unless it works out better to pay for a WDW room out of pocket. I guess I will have to do the math. For some reason I thought there were some really good room discounts at DLR. I guess I’ll have to look again.


Well-Known Member
Sarah thought the same thing in regards to the two Space Mountains. I don’t mind (actually prefer) jarring coasters, so I can’t consider that a plus for DLR’s. The Space Mountain queue photo was handheld. Shot on burst mode, fired away until I got a sharp one.

I think the plan is to go back next Spring, and we are already going to be using all of our points in October at WDW (BLT, BCV, or BWV). That is, unless it works out better to pay for a WDW room out of pocket. I guess I will have to do the math. For some reason I thought there were some really good room discounts at DLR. I guess I’ll have to look again.

That is a really sharp handheld! Very nice!

There are some great discounts at DLR sometimes! We've paid $139 a night for the Grand Californian before and $99 for the others. If you can't find a discount though the points aren't bad!


Well-Known Member
Ha, I didn’t actually think there were elves on the Matterhorn. I got another message about that, so I must’ve poorly conveyed my sarcasm. Oh well, can’t win them all.
I figured you were joking, I just had to make sure. :lol:

You like that street party (to clarify, you don’t mean Glowfest, do you?)?!? Wow, I’m sorry, I guess(?)
Nope, I'm talking about the Celebrate Street Party. But I did like Glowfest a lot, too! :D:lol:


Well-Known Member
You and your wife make a charming couple. The two of you seem very happy in your trip reports, and I appreciate the time that it takes to make them. I wish the two of you well in all of your adventures.
As an aside, you have mentioned more than once that you love McD's and that you do not understand the nature of the complaints voiced by some regarding the quality of food offered at their dining establishments. My disdain for them hails from my time as a teenage employee of the Golden Arches. I could regale you with a host of true stories involving rodents, saliva, trash, and urine, but I'd rather keep those things as the fodder for my nightmares.
Great Trip Report. I read the whole thing too :>) :sohappy:

I really enjoyed it, you and Sarah are so cute together.

My husband and I were thinking of going to DL ourselves in the near future it's just that long Plane Ride from NJ to there, I think I may die on the plane.

Love all the pictures too.

Happy Halloween to you both :wave:


Well-Known Member
I just read the whole thing and I have so many comments to make. I'll try to keep my post short.

I loved your trip report. Your writing style and pictures were both so much fun. I didn't think you were critical or were unfair about anything.

I am sorry to hear about the loss in your family.

Sorry to hear about the crappy hotel. Hojo is a good option for the future, but the Grand Californian is so close to both parks!

We know the castle is tiny. We love it anyway. It's kind of how people love WDW's castle even after seeing the far superior DLP castle. :animwink:

I prefer WDW's Space too. I feel like I am in a real rocket at WDW.
I prefer WDW's HM too, but I love the Halloween overlay of DL's.

The love for Mr. Toad is definitely nostalgia. Much of our Disney love is nostalgia though.

I can't wait for you to see and photograph Remember . . . someday. It is an amazing show if you love Disneyland as a park. From Walt's opening day speech to music from rides past. It is everything a fireworks show should be.

Roger Rabbit is underrated. A ride with a 360 degree view is no small feat.

I like the Blue Bayou. I have also eaten at Club 33 and they are very nice about picture taking. I took pictures of everything there.

I hope you saw the opening day footage in the cinema hall. You can stay in the cinema hall for almost an hour past closing. It is my hiding spot on Main St. I love having a working cinema hall.

I'm glad you guys enjoyed Aladdin. It really is a great show.

I hate the DL parade too. Nicole is the only person I know who likes it. :animwink:

Did you see the Animation Studio in the Backlot area? The montage and zoetrope are amazing.

Disneyland is definitely a local hangout kind of place. It is not just a vacation destination. There are tons of guests there who don't really appreciate it.

I'm sorry you were disappointed by World of Color. I saw it opening night with no expectations and I loved it.

You did see the jewels in the Matterhorn, right?

You weren't impressed by the ending of Snow White? I think the rain effects are beautiful.

You will fall in love with IASW during the winter. Not only are the lights on the outside gorgeous, the whole ride is transformed into something spectacular. Your next trip should be in December.

I think you should ride Soarin' next time you are here. It feels different to ride in in CA.

You should also ride all of the things you skipped this time. Even something as benign as Casey Jr's Circus Train gives new views of the park.

That is all I can think of for now. I hope you two come back again someday!!


Well-Known Member
I just read the whole thing and I have so many comments to make. I'll try to keep my post short.

I loved your trip report. Your writing style and pictures were both so much fun. I didn't think you were critical or were unfair about anything.

I am sorry to hear about the loss in your family.

Sorry to hear about the crappy hotel. Hojo is a good option for the future, but the Grand Californian is so close to both parks!

We know the castle is tiny. We love it anyway. It's kind of how people love WDW's castle even after seeing the far superior DLP castle. :animwink:

I prefer WDW's Space too. I feel like I am in a real rocket at WDW.
I prefer WDW's HM too, but I love the Halloween overlay of DL's.

The love for Mr. Toad is definitely nostalgia. Much of our Disney love is nostalgia though.

I can't wait for you to see and photograph Remember . . . someday. It is an amazing show if you love Disneyland as a park. From Walt's opening day speech to music from rides past. It is everything a fireworks show should be.

Roger Rabbit is underrated. A ride with a 360 degree view is no small feat.

I like the Blue Bayou. I have also eaten at Club 33 and they are very nice about picture taking. I took pictures of everything there.

I hope you saw the opening day footage in the cinema hall. You can stay in the cinema hall for almost an hour past closing. It is my hiding spot on Main St. I love having a working cinema hall.

I'm glad you guys enjoyed Aladdin. It really is a great show.

I hate the DL parade too. Nicole is the only person I know who likes it. :animwink:

Did you see the Animation Studio in the Backlot area? The montage and zoetrope are amazing.

Disneyland is definitely a local hangout kind of place. It is not just a vacation destination. There are tons of guests there who don't really appreciate it.

I'm sorry you were disappointed by World of Color. I saw it opening night with no expectations and I loved it.

You did see the jewels in the Matterhorn, right?

You weren't impressed by the ending of Snow White? I think the rain effects are beautiful.

You will fall in love with IASW during the winter. Not only are the lights on the outside gorgeous, the whole ride is transformed into something spectacular. Your next trip should be in December.

I think you should ride Soarin' next time you are here. It feels different to ride in in CA.

You should also ride all of the things you skipped this time. Even something as benign as Casey Jr's Circus Train gives new views of the park.

That is all I can think of for now. I hope you two come back again someday!!
Y'all are boring. :lol::p Oh well. I'll keep on dancing! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That is a really sharp handheld! Very nice!

There are some great discounts at DLR sometimes! We've paid $139 a night for the Grand Californian before and $99 for the others. If you can't find a discount though the points aren't bad!

Those prices seem really good! We also have thought about renting DVC points for GCV (or is it VGC?) depending on how much that would cost. I suppose I should look at a points chart.

I figured you were joking, I just had to make sure. :lol:

Nope, I'm talking about the Celebrate Street Party. But I did like Glowfest a lot, too! :D:lol:

Wow...well, to each his/her own! :ROFLOL:

You and your wife make a charming couple. The two of you seem very happy in your trip reports, and I appreciate the time that it takes to make them. I wish the two of you well in all of your adventures.
As an aside, you have mentioned more than once that you love McD's and that you do not understand the nature of the complaints voiced by some regarding the quality of food offered at their dining establishments. My disdain for them hails from my time as a teenage employee of the Golden Arches. I could regale you with a host of true stories involving rodents, saliva, trash, and urine, but I'd rather keep those things as the fodder for my nightmares.

Thanks for reading!

My 'beef' with the people who don't like McDonald's is pointed more towards those who think "McDonald's makes you fat." McDonald's doesn't make people fat any more than guns kill people. People who eat McDonald's in excess become fat because it isn't the healthiest food. This should come as no shock. I have an issue with a trend in society towards a lack of personal responsibility and accountability. I think certain individual's views of McDonald's exemplify this trend.

As to the cleanliness and/or practices of the restaurant, I really can't speak to that. Gross things like that happen everywhere. If you think about things like that or watch those supposed expose "news" reports, you'll never eat out. Yeah, it's terrible, but that's a reality of the food preparation industry in general, and is nothing unique to McDonald's.

great report (love the wit and comments) and AWESOME pics!!!! makes me want to go out and invest in a better camera.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Great Trip Report. I read the whole thing too :>) :sohappy:

I really enjoyed it, you and Sarah are so cute together.

My husband and I were thinking of going to DL ourselves in the near future it's just that long Plane Ride from NJ to there, I think I may die on the plane.

Love all the pictures too.

Happy Halloween to you both :wave:

Just sleep on the plane! Happy Halloween to you, too!

I just read the whole thing and I have so many comments to make. I'll try to keep my post short.

I loved your trip report. Your writing style and pictures were both so much fun. I didn't think you were critical or were unfair about anything.

I am sorry to hear about the loss in your family.

Sorry to hear about the crappy hotel. Hojo is a good option for the future, but the Grand Californian is so close to both parks!

We know the castle is tiny. We love it anyway. It's kind of how people love WDW's castle even after seeing the far superior DLP castle. :animwink:

I prefer WDW's Space too. I feel like I am in a real rocket at WDW.
I prefer WDW's HM too, but I love the Halloween overlay of DL's.

The love for Mr. Toad is definitely nostalgia. Much of our Disney love is nostalgia though.

I can't wait for you to see and photograph Remember . . . someday. It is an amazing show if you love Disneyland as a park. From Walt's opening day speech to music from rides past. It is everything a fireworks show should be.

Roger Rabbit is underrated. A ride with a 360 degree view is no small feat.

I like the Blue Bayou. I have also eaten at Club 33 and they are very nice about picture taking. I took pictures of everything there.

I hope you saw the opening day footage in the cinema hall. You can stay in the cinema hall for almost an hour past closing. It is my hiding spot on Main St. I love having a working cinema hall.

I'm glad you guys enjoyed Aladdin. It really is a great show.

I hate the DL parade too. Nicole is the only person I know who likes it. :animwink:

Did you see the Animation Studio in the Backlot area? The montage and zoetrope are amazing.

Disneyland is definitely a local hangout kind of place. It is not just a vacation destination. There are tons of guests there who don't really appreciate it.

I'm sorry you were disappointed by World of Color. I saw it opening night with no expectations and I loved it.

You did see the jewels in the Matterhorn, right?

You weren't impressed by the ending of Snow White? I think the rain effects are beautiful.

You will fall in love with IASW during the winter. Not only are the lights on the outside gorgeous, the whole ride is transformed into something spectacular. Your next trip should be in December.

I think you should ride Soarin' next time you are here. It feels different to ride in in CA.

You should also ride all of the things you skipped this time. Even something as benign as Casey Jr's Circus Train gives new views of the park.

That is all I can think of for now. I hope you two come back again someday!!

We didn't see the Animation building, unfortunately. Something for next time. Did see the jewels, though.

I have since heard that Soarin' has a different feel at DCA. Add that to the 'next time' list.

It wasn't the effects at the end of Snow White, it was the lack of a conclusion to the story. It seemed to just abruptly end.

We really look forward to IASW in the winter. I think we'll end up riding it 50 times!

There are a lot of little things we missed that are definitely on the list for next time. I'm excited to actually fully 'prepare' for and research that trip!

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