The “We're big girls now!" "No seriously does ANYONE have a bobby pin?!” June 2012 Trip Report

Jaamboo everyone and welcome to my very first ever trip report! :)

This trip took place from Monday, June 18th-Saturday, June 23rd. I did write a PTR which you can read here if you really want..

This trip was a high school graduation celebration that we thought of when we were only sophomores in high school. We never actually thought we’d follow through with the plans or that it would ever happen, but look at that.. 3 years have come and gone and we’re already back from our vacation.. :( I guess that’s good because it shows that we’ve stayed close friends ;)
Here’s (from left to right) the cast of this trip. Jill, Myself (Rachel), Jamie, and Annie.

(While we were waiting for a Hollywood Studios bus on our first night there. Sorry we had to represent our favorite Blackhawks! :p)

Now, like I said, this is the first trip report that I’ve written so please excuse my newbie storytelling/pictures and sorry in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors..
With that being said I really hope you all enjoy my trip report and have as much fun reading about our trip as I will reminiscing about it! :)

So are you guys ready?! Then ON WITH THE SHOW! Oo and don’t forget.. Para su seguridad, permanezca sentado con las manos, brazos, pies, y piernas dentro el barco, ¡gracias! :D


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Once we were done walking around on the beach we hopped on to the boat to head on over to the Magic Kingdom. It was about 10 o’ clock at this point.






So now at this point Jamie and Jill were way ahead of Annie and I because we were having way too much fun photographing the area. Jill then yelled to c’mon and I looked at the boat driver and he looked like he was ready to go. So Annie and I hurried over to get on the boat. While getting on I walked past the driver and he had no expression on his face. I said “Sorry were photogrphers....” After that he said nothing. He didn’t even look at us! Ok somebody didn’t take their CHEERios this morning.... Really buddy the morning has barely even begun! Haha!







I always have to take a picture of Sunset Pointe because it reminds me of Mr. and Mrs. HollyBelle. :)

Ugghh hello 10 o’ clock crowds....


Aahh I loovve this sight! :) Except for that lovely scrim.... O well that means progress right?

I love them. :)


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So our first plan of action was to go to the Chapeau Hat Shop on Main Street to buy ourselves the Mickey ears with graduation caps on them. Well we had no such luck.. I guess all of them were sold out for the rest of the year? :(

When we walked out the trolley show was just finishing up.


Now I have to give some credit to derelicte19 for this picture. I saw a picture similar to this in her TR (which you all should read if you haven’t yet! :) ) so when I saw these flowers I got the idea to snap this picture!


We decided to head over into Frontierland because at the times boards Big Thunder Mountain was listed at only 10 minutes! SWEET! Since BTM had a shorter wait then Splash Mountain we decided to pick up some snazzy fastpasses for Splash before hitting up Big Thunder. The wait was in fact about 10 minutes (if that).

New queue that we didn’t have to go thru.

So after our ride on that crazy mine train we went to go hit up the Haunted Mansion while we waited for our fastpass time to open.


I couldn’t fit my head thru the hole for some reason....?!

A look at the new walkway that’s under construction right next to the HM.

Shoutout to the volleyball team that was in front of us in line! We actually were behind them at BTM too and we started chitchatting and found out that they were from Colorado. They were all so nice! The AAU Volleyball tournament was being held that week at the Orlando Convention Center and The Wide World of Sports. Our club was in attendance, but not the team that Jamie, Annie, and I were on. Did I mention how nice it was to be in Florida and NOT have to play volleyball? Yeah, it was a nice little break. ;)

The girls LOVED the new interactive queue at the HM since it was not up and ready last time they were in Disney.


Jillie getting misted while playing the piano. ;)






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Love the RnRC picture!
Thank you! ;) :D

Great report. It looks like you ladies had a fabulous time.....

The waitress at Le Ceiller, how could she not be a hockey fan?? Which by the way love your support of the sport even if I do root for a different team...

Totally love the RNRC picture. Seriously that is one of the best shots I have seen yet..good times.

You have me pumped to hit the world! And I can't wait to read the rest.

Thank you so much! :)
I know that's what we were saying! Thank you, were crazy fans, but hey aren't all true fans crazy? :P What team do you root for?
Haha! Really?! I'm glad to see that people love that picture as much as me! :)
Yay yay I'm so glad! Do you have an up and coming trip planned?!

So jealous of your trip with your friends! Hold onto the memories...some of my best are when I went to Disney with my 3 best girlfriends for my 21st Birthday. Wish I could turn back the clock!
Aww! :') Yeah these were definitely some of the best memories of my life! We actually hope to return together sometime around our 21st birthdays! Haha! :)


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Thank you! :) Darnit! Did you guys have a good time? I love AKL it's so pretty there! The weather was beautiful even though at least 2 of the days we had heavy humidity.. but it didn't slow us down. Haha! We got very lucky with the rain situation though! It only rained for a short period of time on Friday, but the day after we left was when hurricane Debby rolled thru.
No way?! AWESOME! :D Yeah we got many "Go Hawks!" cheers as we walked thru HS on Monday night. No sadly he did not.. :( He has tweeted me back before though so I guess I was just unlucky this time or he's sick of me bugging him.. :p Haha!

Yep awesome time...Kidani is our home resort for DVC. I have a 6 year old daughter and she tried lots of new rides, like tower of terror and big thunder mountain. We did lots of new things and we also went to Ohana, but for dinner... We all had food comas... We go every June and this year was a really awesome trip..

We were actually down there when the Hawks won the cup two years ago...I ran down the halls of Kidani screaming "Hawks win" it was awesome, but I missed the parade cause we were still there....

Keep up the good report!


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Shoot I found this picture of BTM that I forgot to share with you guys earlier (#newbieproblems)....

So after paying a visit to a haunted mansion (which Jill says is actually haunted because people are requesting to have their ashes buried there now?) it was time to cash in our fastpasses for Splash Mountain!

We saw a CM drawing this cute little Pooh with a broom and water. I love when they do that, so creative!


Where did Jamie go?! :eek:

Now as I said before Jamie doesn’t like big drops and last time we went on SM together the ride staled and we were stuck 3 to a seat (before they added the lap bars) for 30 MINUTES OUTSIDE! Well, luckily there was no stalling this time. Once we got off though we walked past the front of Splash and saw a log flume stuck right at the top, on the incline, right before the drop.... So glad that wasn’t us because I think Jamie would’ve jumped out of the ride! Haha!

Next up was another one of my all time favorites. Pirates of the Caribbean! :)





We all thought this was the funniest shirt ever!

I thought this was the cutest bracelet

Sorry it’s kind of dark.. but I got a new Mickey head charm for my necklace!

After that we decided to use our snack for the day and go grab the world famous DOLE WHIP!! :D


Now.. silly me.. I saw “Dole Whip” on the menu and thought “O that’s probably it!” Because I wasn’t a huge fan of pineapple until about a year ago so this was huge for me, finally getting to fully enjoy one! Well I should’ve gotten the Dole Whip FLOAT with the pineapple juice and ice cream.... O well I guess I just get to save that goodness for next time, huh?

It was still soo yuummy none the less. :)


Jill ended up getting a root beer float and Jamie waited and got a snack back at Everything POP!

We headed back to the POTC gift shop because Annie had purchased a leather bracelet for a friend from school that we needed to go back and pick up.

Then it was starting to get really hot and the crowds were picking up so we decided to start heading out. Not before hitting up the gift shops on good ole’ Main Street USA though! :)


Holla Class of 2012! :D

Took a picture of this little guy to give a shout out to enchanted_belle! :)


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Yep awesome time...Kidani is our home resort for DVC. I have a 6 year old daughter and she tried lots of new rides, like tower of terror and big thunder mountain. We did lots of new things and we also went to Ohana, but for dinner... We all had food comas... We go every June and this year was a really awesome trip..

We were actually down there when the Hawks won the cup two years ago...I ran down the halls of Kidani screaming "Hawks win" it was awesome, but I missed the parade cause we were still there....

Keep up the good report!
Aww! Wow what a brave trooper! I definitely was too big of a chicken to do TOT at age 6! Haha! Big props to her! :)

OMG! Ohana for dinner = AMAZINGNESS! :D :D It is so good I wanted to go there for dinner too!

No way?! I would've loved to have seen that! That's awesome! Haha! I'll never forget my Kaner's goal.... ;) I was actually up in Chicago all weekend for a volleyball tournament (the same one we had right before this trip) at Navy Pier the weekend after they won and I thought I was going to make it over to Michigan Avenue on time, but our playing schedule went too late. So the next day (Sunday) my dad says "Go outside some people are saying they saw the Stanley Cup! Maybe some players are following it?!" and I was like "Psshh yeeah riight...." Well I went outside and the cup was on a yacht docked at Navy Pier! Then 2 seconds later OUT COMES KANE from the boat, down the walkway and he looked right at me and then walked literally 2 inches in front of me. I died. :rolleyes: Burish was walking with him and then once they went inside one of the restaurants we went back to where the boat was docked and Hossa and Kopecky were hoisting the cup. It was an awesome weekend! :D I miss it.... :(


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We hopped on a bus back to POP to take a little nap before hitting up 2 more parks that night.

Yep Annie, that’s our bus station aall the way down there....

Is it just me or does this look like a hidden Mickey?! ;)

90s girls :)

Sweet ride! ;)

So we got back to the room and did this....

No actually we ended up going down to the pool for a nice swim. While we were in the pool there was this cute little boy, he had to of been about 7 years old, and I was goofing around with him cause let’s be honest, he was wanting attention. He actually even almost told me his room number! Uumm I think his parents should teach him stranger danger?! Then his grandparents came to get him out of the pool and as he gets out he says to me “Maybe we could meet up here tomorrow?!” And then his grandma said “Sweetie, they’re like turning 17!” We got a very good chuckle out of that (even if we are all 18). Haha! He was a cutie!


We passed out in the lounge chairs for about 40 minutes until 6 o’clock.

Here’s time for another funny story! Sorry I keep forgetting about this stuff and then remembering it after I post about that part of our vacation....
So as the CMs at POTC ask us how many are in our party we say “4” and proceed to get in our assigned line. Well we had a spunky little pirate CM who was trying to be funny and says “Oo we’re celebrating college graduation, huh?!” No sorry just high school.. Then as we walked right in front of him he takes his plastic sword and puts it up to Annie’s neck and goes “I keeps the red head!” Ok I was right next to her and it was really awkward. Annie responds with “Uumm I don’t even have red hair! My hair’s brown!” Then he says “Oo my bad! It’s the lighting in this here place!” We walked onto our boat CRACKING UP! He looked like he was kind of embarrassed, but hey it gave us a good laugh! :D Hahaha!


Active Member
So after paying a visit to a haunted mansion (which Jill says is actually haunted because people are requesting to have their ashes buried there now?) it was time to cash in our fastpasses for Splash Mountain!

so sorry i keep posting but I keep thinking of things to say lol, so last year by bf and I got stuck on HM like where you see the hallways and footsteps on the stairwells. It got really scary because we had this conversation about if we thought the mansion was really haunted or not. Well I have read online what Jill said about the ashes and I do believe that has happened (more times in Disneyland I think) it really cannot be confirmed or denied. But I was saying yeah it probably is because HM is such a beloved attraction that I'm sure Disney fan spirits would go there from time to time and its probably fun for them. They can also haunt without being discovered kind of.

I love your necklace and the charms- supposedly my bf is getting me a pandora type bracelet for my Graduation (which was in May) so I hope I have it because I want to get a Disney charm!


Well-Known Member
Loving your TR! My friends and I planned to go to Disney for our senior graduation but it fell apart and we ended up doing a senior week at the beach. Lame. But now we've planned to go down there when we all have kids! Looks like you guys had a blast! Can't wait to read more!


Well-Known Member
The story about the little boy cracked me up! I could totally see my little man do this, (3 yrs old and already a player. LOL) oh dear lord something tells me I will have my hands full in two weeks when we are down...

I love how you are having a great time. And laughing at the CMs when they unsuccessfully try to hit on you..classic right there.

I myself have never had a dole whip-allergic to dairy-so I really don't know what its all about but that ice cream looked amazing...and as you said you will dif have to go down there again to enjoy some yummy goodness.

Love the charm for your necklace!! So cute.

And I root and am a huge Caps fan...if you read my trip report when I return you will dif find we are a Caps family.


Well-Known Member
Your shirts are so cute! :) And your 'Ohana breakfast pics have me drooling this morning...I LOVE that pineapple bread! Can't wait to read more...I'm 44 days away from my trip, so I'm in that all-Disney, all-day-long place. Oh, and it's great to see some fellow hockey fans out there...even if they aren't fans of MY team! :rolleyes:


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love your shoes! whenever I'm shopping I'm always thinking "what would be good for Disney" haha yeah i have a problem.

and I really want to stay at the Contemporary one day- also Poly

Thank you! :) OMG! ME TOO! I LOVE bright and colorful shoes, can't ya tell?! ;)
So I got a Vera Bradley duffle today to bring with me to college and as I was picking out which design I liked I turned to my mom and said "I like this one! It almost reminds me of Animal Kingdom in a way?!" Haha! I love connecting stuff to Disney! :P

so sorry i keep posting but I keep thinking of things to say lol, so last year by bf and I got stuck on HM like where you see the hallways and footsteps on the stairwells. It got really scary because we had this conversation about if we thought the mansion was really haunted or not. Well I have read online what Jill said about the ashes and I do believe that has happened (more times in Disneyland I think) it really cannot be confirmed or denied. But I was saying yeah it probably is because HM is such a beloved attraction that I'm sure Disney fan spirits would go there from time to time and its probably fun for them. They can also haunt without being discovered kind of.

I love your necklace and the charms- supposedly my bf is getting me a pandora type bracelet for my Graduation (which was in May) so I hope I have it because I want to get a Disney charm!

No girl it's totally fine keep posting! :) OMG! That's so true! Ugh I have a love/hate relationship with that ride.... It creeps me out so much every time! I would believe it though!

Thank you! :) You're getting a pandora bracelet?! I just got one on Saturday from my auntie and today I bought a Blackhawks charm! :D Do they make Disney ones?! Did you graduate high school or..?
O and are you a hockey fan too?! :)

Eeee so fun to read all girls trip reports! I love your neon shirts and I FREAKING LOVE those rainbow shoes!!!
Thank you so much! :D I love bright neon stuff!

Loving your TR! My friends and I planned to go to Disney for our senior graduation but it fell apart and we ended up doing a senior week at the beach. Lame. But now we've planned to go down there when we all have kids! Looks like you guys had a blast! Can't wait to read more!
Ugh the beach is so lame.... Haha! :P That's so cute though that you guys are planning on going when you all have kids! We did indeed have a blast, thank you! :)

Thanks for the shout out!! And for promoting my trip report!!! haha woot woot!!!
No problem girl your trip reports are awesome! :D
And sorry I didn't respond to your other comment.... I've have yet to eat at Via Napoli so I would really like to try that in the near future, but I'm sure your pizza wasn't as good! ;) Haha!
Yeah this whole Parise thing is getting interesting! And it's dragging on so long....

The story about the little boy cracked me up! I could totally see my little man do this, (3 yrs old and already a player. LOL) oh dear lord something tells me I will have my hands full in two weeks when we are down...

I love how you are having a great time. And laughing at the CMs when they unsuccessfully try to hit on you..classic right there.

I myself have never had a dole whip-allergic to dairy-so I really don't know what its all about but that ice cream looked amazing...and as you said you will dif have to go down there again to enjoy some yummy goodness.

Love the charm for your necklace!! So cute.

And I root and am a huge Caps fan...if you read my trip report when I return you will dif find we are a Caps family.

Aw that little boy was so cute! I love when little kids are like that I think it's adorable! :P Haha! O your vacation is in 2 weeks?!

That pirate CM was honestly the funniest thing ever! It was so awkward and embarrassing for him (and Annie) that we could not stop laughing. And I have a loud laugh so people were probably like "WHAT THE HECK?!" Haha!

We were having an amazing time! :D

I'm sorry that you have an allergy that keeps you from enjoying delicious Disney treats! :( Next time I go I'll just have an extra one for you, ok? ;)

Thank you! My mom got it for me as a gift awhile ago and I've been adding on charms ever since. I love it too!

Oo your family's a Caps family, huh? Eeww.... LOL JK you guys have Brouwer and I think he's a pretty cool dude! And Ovechkin, I guess. Haha! :P I can't wait to see your pictures though and read your TR when you guys get back!

Your shirts are so cute!
And your 'Ohana breakfast pics have me drooling this morning...I LOVE that pineapple bread! Can't wait to read more...I'm 44 days away from my trip, so I'm in that all-Disney, all-day-long place. Oh, and it's great to see some fellow hockey fans out there...even if they aren't fans of MY team!
Thank you! :) Mhhmm the Ohana breakfast is SO GOOD! Do you think they can deliver that pineapple bread to IL? I'm in love with that stuff! Haha!

Oo I love being all Disney all the time! Your trip will be here before you know it, how exciting! :D

Oo no, I'm afraid to ask.. Who do YOU root for?!

LOVED IT!!!! Thanks for Sharing
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! :)

remember, float includes juice
YES! That literally will be forever engraved into my brain! I will never mess up on my order again! :P Haha!

Great trip report! The four of you made memories you'll never forget.
Thank you! :) Yes we definitely did! I'll remember those days for the rest of my life!

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