The “We're big girls now!" "No seriously does ANYONE have a bobby pin?!” June 2012 Trip Report

Jaamboo everyone and welcome to my very first ever trip report! :)

This trip took place from Monday, June 18th-Saturday, June 23rd. I did write a PTR which you can read here if you really want..

This trip was a high school graduation celebration that we thought of when we were only sophomores in high school. We never actually thought we’d follow through with the plans or that it would ever happen, but look at that.. 3 years have come and gone and we’re already back from our vacation.. :( I guess that’s good because it shows that we’ve stayed close friends ;)
Here’s (from left to right) the cast of this trip. Jill, Myself (Rachel), Jamie, and Annie.

(While we were waiting for a Hollywood Studios bus on our first night there. Sorry we had to represent our favorite Blackhawks! :p)

Now, like I said, this is the first trip report that I’ve written so please excuse my newbie storytelling/pictures and sorry in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors..
With that being said I really hope you all enjoy my trip report and have as much fun reading about our trip as I will reminiscing about it! :)

So are you guys ready?! Then ON WITH THE SHOW! Oo and don’t forget.. Para su seguridad, permanezca sentado con las manos, brazos, pies, y piernas dentro el barco, ¡gracias! :D


Active Member
Thank you! :) OMG! ME TOO! I LOVE bright and colorful shoes, can't ya tell?! ;)
So I got a Vera Bradley duffle today to bring with me to college and as I was picking out which design I liked I turned to my mom and said "I like this one! It almost reminds me of Animal Kingdom in a way?!" Haha! I love connecting stuff to Disney! :p

No girl it's totally fine keep posting! :) OMG! That's so true! Ugh I have a love/hate relationship with that ride.... It creeps me out so much every time! I would believe it though!

Thank you! :) You're getting a pandora bracelet?! I just got one on Saturday from my auntie and today I bought a Blackhawks charm! :D Do they make Disney ones?! Did you graduate high school or..?
O and are you a hockey fan too?! :)

I love bright and neon colors? what kind of shoes are they? I'm looking for a new pair for Disney haha

Yeah I'm getting a pandora bracelet, I'm not sure if they have Disney charms specifically for pandora but I'm thinking that if they have charms the similar style it would work, and I am planning on making it work! lol
won't the charms from your necklace fit on the bracelet? I graduated from college, Rutgers University in New Jersey like an hour from Philly.

Yeah I'm a Devils fan- new one though, my family (my dad) was never a big hockey fan but my friend and my bf are huge devils fans so I've been to a lot of Devils games. I went to a Devils viewing party at a bar and I won these Devils tickets for the very expensive black seats that you get all you can eat amazing food, it was the best!!

And I'm soooooo sad!!! Parise left me! I have a kovalchuk shirt so I'm glad my shirt is still relevant lol


Well-Known Member
Really enjoying your report...also enjoying the hockey talk. :D (I'm a Maple Leafs fan)

The pictures you took around the Poly were awesome and I gotta say there is just something special about mornings in the Magic Kingdom. I always like catching the Trolley Show. The first time I ever saw it was a few years ago, we were having breakfast at Main Street Bakery and I was right by the window...watched the whole thing just like a little kid. :)

Keep it coming!

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
Glad I caught up on the TR. Our power as been spotty after the severe weather on Friday in southern Ohio.

Love the shirts. That is a cool way to do custom shirts with a personal touch. Did you just use spray paint and stencils?

It was just raining men at the World for your group. An awkward CM and a 7 year old. I guarantee that kid was begging to go to the pool for the rest of his stay. :D


Well-Known Member
Thank you! :) Mhhmm the Ohana breakfast is SO GOOD! Do you think they can deliver that pineapple bread to IL? I'm in love with that stuff! Haha!

Oo I love being all Disney all the time! Your trip will be here before you know it, how exciting! :D

Oo no, I'm afraid to ask.. Who do YOU root for?!

I wish we could get that bread delivered...soooo good!

I'm a Hurricanes fan! I love, love, love hockey! :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I love bright and neon colors? what kind of shoes are they? I'm looking for a new pair for Disney haha
Yeah I'm getting a pandora bracelet, I'm not sure if they have Disney charms specifically for pandora but I'm thinking that if they have charms the similar style it would work, and I am planning on making it work! lol
won't the charms from your necklace fit on the bracelet? I graduated from college, Rutgers University in New Jersey like an hour from Philly.

Yeah I'm a Devils fan- new one though, my family (my dad) was never a big hockey fan but my friend and my bf are huge devils fans so I've been to a lot of Devils games. I went to a Devils viewing party at a bar and I won these Devils tickets for the very expensive black seats that you get all you can eat amazing food, it was the best!!

And I'm soooooo sad!!! Parise left me! I have a kovalchuk shirt so I'm glad my shirt is still relevant lol

They're New Balance. I think I saw them in an Eastbay magazine, but you can go to their website and see if they still have them! :D

O that's cool! Well let me know what ones you get! Actually my necklace is a Brighton necklace and the Pandora charms I guess are special ones that screw on to the bracelet so I don't think my Brighton ones would work because they wouldn't fit over the little screw thing.

O yeah I think you might've told me that sorry! Not that I thought you were still in high school. but I figured I'd guess younger rather than older! :P Haha! Congrats on your gradaution! :)

That's awesome! I'm so jealous! I'm glad you're a hockey fan though because hockey is awesome! Haha! I know him AND Suter went to the Wild! I've heard rumors about the Blackhawks trading my Kane for Bobby Ryan of the Ducks.... I'M FREAKING OUT! :(

Awesome pictures
Thank you! :)

Really enjoying your report...also enjoying the hockey talk.
(I'm a Maple Leafs fan)
The pictures you took around the Poly were awesome and I gotta say there is just something special about mornings in the Magic Kingdom. I always like catching the Trolley Show. The first time I ever saw it was a few years ago, we were having breakfast at Main Street Bakery and I was right by the window...watched the whole thing just like a little kid.

Keep it coming!
Yay yay another hockey fan! :D I feel like a lot of people on these boards are also hockey fans! Disney lovers AND hockey fans?! MY KINDA PEOPLE! ;) Haha! I love Lupul! (Except for his latest Twitter action....)

Thank you! :) I was very happy with the way those turned out! I was hoping I didn't edit them too much.. Aww! I love the trolley show too! We have a Disney World cd and it's on there so I know all the words. (Crazy I know!)

Glad I caught up on the TR. Our power as been spotty after the severe weather on Friday in southern Ohio.
Love the shirts. That is a cool way to do custom shirts with a personal touch. Did you just use spray paint and stencils?

It was just raining men at the World for your group. An awkward CM and a 7 year old. I guarantee that kid was begging to go to the pool for the rest of his stay.
Yay yay I'm glad you did too! :) How is it out there cause we got those really bad storms right before you guys did.

Thanks! Yep the front is stencils and spray paint (plus some puffy paint). We got together about a week and a half before our trip to have a sleepover and discuss things (we did the same thing freshman year) and we made them then! Took awhile, but it was totally worth it!

It really was OMG! Hahahaha! :P Yeah he probably was, I mean I can't blame him! :rolleyes: Haha JK!

I wish we could get that bread delivered...soooo good!
I'm a Hurricanes fan! I love, love, love hockey!
Haha! SO GOOD! :)
No way?! Awesome! I love my boy Skinner out there (I actually have his shirt!). I'm so happy to have another big hockey fan reading my TR! YAY! :D


Active Member
They're New Balance. I think I saw them in an Eastbay magazine, but you can go to their website and see if they still have them! :D

O that's cool! Well let me know what ones you get! Actually my necklace is a Brighton necklace and the Pandora charms I guess are special ones that screw on to the bracelet so I don't think my Brighton ones would work because they wouldn't fit over the little screw thing.

O yeah I think you might've told me that sorry! Not that I thought you were still in high school. but I figured I'd guess younger rather than older! :p Haha! Congrats on your gradaution! :)

That's awesome! I'm so jealous! I'm glad you're a hockey fan though because hockey is awesome! Haha! I know him AND Suter went to the Wild! I've heard rumors about the Blackhawks trading my Kane for Bobby Ryan of the Ducks.... I'M FREAKING OUT! :(

Oh cool! I'm going to the Nike and Addias outlet today hoping to find something!

Oh wow how annoying about Pandora, does your Brighton necklace fit charms that aren't made by them? I want to get one like Pandora but that will fit all kinds of charms, I don't really like that I'd have to just get Pandora charms.

Its no big deal! Thank youu! I need to get a Congratulation pin like you guys had!

Yeah hockey is fun very fast, also a basketball, football and baseball fan! I hate when players are traded, its sooo annoying! It completely changes the team that you love.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh cool! I'm going to the Nike and Addias outlet today hoping to find something!

Oh wow how annoying about Pandora, does your Brighton necklace fit charms that aren't made by them? I want to get one like Pandora but that will fit all kinds of charms, I don't really like that I'd have to just get Pandora charms.

Its no big deal! Thank youu! I need to get a Congratulation pin like you guys had!

Yeah hockey is fun very fast, also a basketball, football and baseball fan! I hate when players are traded, its sooo annoying! It completely changes the team that you love.
Oo good luck! Let me know if you find anything!

Yeah I know isn't it annoying?! It's like their sneaky way of making you pay for their expensive stuff! I mean I'm sure you could try and see if other ones fit I just haven't tried so far and I asked my mom and she said they probably wouldn't.. Yes, my Brighton one fits all kinds. That's how I was lucky enough to get that Mickey charm that they sold outside of POTC! :)

Yes you definitely have to! I love getting "Congratulations!" from random people. ;) Haha!

Yes it definitely is! Girl, I feel like we're twins because I love all sports too! I like other teams, but when it comes down to it I'm an all Chicago gal with my White Sox, Bulls, and Bears. :p It is SOO annoying though! I'm glad you understand my dilemmas! And the Blackhawks didn't do terrible (even though you guys made it to the SC Finals!) so I don't see the need to try and change things so drastically! And Kaner's been a huge part of this team! People always just seem to look past that though because of his partying ways.


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Original Poster
Some Instagram shots from the morning I forgot to add....


So after we laid out and got nice tan lines we decided to head to the POP food court to grab some dinna!

Annie got the parmesan crusted chicken + breadsticks, Jamie got the chicken penne alfredo, Jill got a little pepperoni pizza, and I got the angus barbecue burger w/ fries. We all got a dessert and drink as well!

Now I kind of had a “Go big or go home!” moment because I was so hungry since we hadn’t had a full meal since breakfast and it was now about 6 o’ clock. I don’t usually have burgers all that much, but I don’t know if it’s just because I was hungry or what not, but that burger was delicious! I did have to wait about 10 minutes for it which made me a little impatient, but the barbecue sauce plus the little dried onion rings on it was SO DELISH! :)

So after we all filled our tummies with yummy food we headed back up to our room to change and get ready for the exciting night ahead of us.

A picture of our window because yes we did decorate it with our stuffed animals and green garland with little pink flamingos on it (very fitting, right?).

So we headed on over to Hollywood Studios with really only one game plan in mind, to purchase our ride pictures from TOT and RNRC from the previous night!

But of course who could go to HS and NOT ride the tower and a rockin’ rocllercoaster again?! So we did! :)




We were so mad because after RNRC we got stuck in the unloading dock for a little bit so we only got to catch a .1 second glimpse of our ride photo. We were pretty proud of ourselves because we had free-styled it and didn’t hold onto the bars at all! We were all holding hands and giving the “rock on!” hand signals. Well, we went over to the Photopass counter to ask if we could look at our ride picture because we had missed it. Now, I feel like Disney has a love/hate relationship with people that take pictures of the ride pictures. Some CMs don’t seem to care, but others boot you right out. So when the CM pulled up our picture I was going to sneakly try and snap a picture of it to show to my mom when I got home, but silly me didn’t take the cap off soon enough so she caught me taking it off and said (in a VERY stern voice) “NO TAKING A PICTURE!”. It kind of scared me and in my mind I thought “Shoot, she caught me.... :(“ So I put my camera down and said “I’m sorry I won’t!”

Then I felt like a better person when I said “Can we please purchase a picture?” :D That picture is the one I posted on the first day. I can’t say we were as fortunate with the TOT picture we purchased.... The lady over at that TOT's Photopass kind of gave us attitude when I asked the girls “Should we crop it?” Since we did that freshman year. All of a sudden the lady butts in and says (meanly) “O, we DON’T crop pictures anymore!” O ok. Sorry my bad.... Well something just seemed off with that lady and in the end she never ended up scanning the picture correctly on to the card.... I called Photopass guest services once I got home, entered the code, and no picture was showing up. After 45 minutes of being on the phone and them calling over to TOT and getting a manager to look for it, our picture was no longer available. :( So I got refunded my $14.95, but I don’t want my money. I just want the picture! :(

So after all that picture buying hubub we made our way down Sunset Boulevard to exit and make our way over to EPCOT for EMH until 12. :)







So once we made it to the end of Sunset Boulevard Annie was leading the pack because I was lagging behind since I was taking pictures. Instead of making a left onto Hollywood Boulevard she took a right. Then once I caught up to them I said “O what else did you guys want to do here?” and Annie says “Don’t we want to go to EPCOT?!”. HAHA! Oo my poor little Annie you’re a little lost.. She thought towards the hat was the exit. She had very good intentions, but just goofed up a little bit. I applaud her for trying though! It gave us all a good laugh!



So at first we thought of taking the boat over to EPCOT, but the line was kind of long, and it does sometimes take awhile having to stop at 3 other resort docks. I knew they would not want to walk so we headed over to the buses. OO MYY was the EPCOT line loooonnnng....


Well-Known Member
Awesome TR so far!! I must say, of the years of flying to Orlando, every single time I try to spot WDW from our descent and I never have! I really like that you captured those pics!

Can't wait to keep following along. These TR's really help pass the time for my upcoming trip! :D


Active Member
Oo good luck! Let me know if you find anything!

Yeah I know isn't it annoying?! It's like their sneaky way of making you pay for their expensive stuff! I mean I'm sure you could try and see if other ones fit I just haven't tried so far and I asked my mom and she said they probably wouldn't.. Yes, my Brighton one fits all kinds. That's how I was lucky enough to get that Mickey charm that they sold outside of POTC! :)

Yes you definitely have to! I love getting "Congratulations!" from random people. ;) Haha!

Yes it definitely is! Girl, I feel like we're twins because I love all sports too! I like other teams, but when it comes down to it I'm an all Chicago gal with my White Sox, Bulls, and Bears. :p It is SOO annoying though! I'm glad you understand my dilemmas! And the Blackhawks didn't do terrible (even though you guys made it to the SC Finals!) so I don't see the need to try and change things so drastically! And Kaner's been a huge part of this team! People always just seem to look past that though because of his partying ways.

I have to follow you on instagram! Its seriously my favorite thing right now lol. Too bad about the ToT picture oh welll I guess you guys will just have to go back and get another one! lol I love ToT!! I also love taking the boat to EPCOT and EMH- my family went in 2007 and we stayed at the Swan & Dolphin and I loved it because we would be at the hotel at night and just like hmmm I want to go ride ToT and we would get on the boat and go! also in 2007 they had these cool neon plastic bracelets for night EMH so you didn't have to keep showing your card, I miss that! And I also love how you guys go to multiple parks in one day- thats my favorite

Yeah I always just call it a Pandora bracelet because that's like the style but sooo many jewelry stores have their own version of it so I was just like you can get me the least expensive but nicest, I'm not ready to commit to one set of charms to have to buy!! I will have to look into the Brighton one then, I was also thinking about zales because I like them and they seem to have good sales.

We totally are! sports are fun! its cool you play volleyball, its not very big in this area. I like how you like the bears if they are in the superbowl i want them to win because I love bears lol. My teams are Devils, Yankees, Giants, and Knicks (I guess I'm not terribly into NBA) my NCAA bracket is always all Big East teams haha. I'm soo surprised Devils did so well Brodeur is heartbreaking to watch because he was sooo amazing at one point and he makes these great saves but misses the easy ones. I'm very surprised Parise left- there was an interview and he was asked if he would go to the Rangers he
responded 'No,' and added, 'Don't try to get a headline out of it.' so idk I thought he'd be loyal. Jeter is my favorite yankee and I always thought of Parise of the Devil Jeter equivalent:(


Well-Known Member
OMG!!!!!! I must know where you found the plush brer rabbit,I have been looking for a few years and can't find one anywhere,I checked ebay but people wanted rediculous amounts of moulah on there!!!


Active Member
Took a picture of this little guy to give a shout out to enchanted_belle! :)

I swear... Pascal keeps sneaking down to Disney when I'm not looking! Sheesh! Dan and I need to keep a better eye on him...

speaking of Dan, he loves that Pirates shirt (I showed him your picture hehe), so I think he's going to make me get it on the next trip.

This is my playing TR catch up... I love your cute shirts, I need to now eat at Ohana (I fail at this apparently), I think we only saw the graduation ears at the one cart upon entering MK (I look for them every year for some reason), and I'm craving a tower ride right now. :)

mmmmkay, I'm caught up which means.... update! :P


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Original Poster
Ok I hope you guys are in for a good, long story.... If not then you can scroll past all of this. It’s just about some bus craziness! Haha!

So we left Hollywood Studios and were walking to the EPCOT bus line when we saw a HUUGGE line. We prayed and hoped that that wasn’t our line, but sadly it was. So I went into veteran mode again and thought “Hey, doesn’t the Ticket and Transportation take you to EPCOT as well?” because the TTC line was right next to the EPCOT one and had barely any line. I made a call home to my mom to see if the monorail still ran during EMH. She said she thought so and I asked the girls what they wanted to do. We all decided that we would give it a go because we definitely would not be getting on in the next 2 busses. So we hop into the TTC bus line and what happens? 2 busses show up for EPCOT in the meantime.... The bus finally came for TTC when a 3rd bus for EPCOT showed up, but we were already on the TTC bus so we just said whatever let’s go on an adventure. An adventure we went on because once we got to the TTC we walked all the way over to the monorail to find out it was closed “But there are buses that’ll gladly take you”. So as we walked over I started to get “Can we just go back?!” “This is ridiculous!” and I started to feel really bad because I was the one taking us on this adventure because I thought I knew my plan of action well enough. But all of us had decided to take this route not just me. We probably would’ve turned back, but I was going to EPCOT for them because they all talked about how bad they wanted to get on Soarin’. So we get over to the bus line for EPCOT to find a DISASTER! OMG! I had never seen bus craziness like that before! The line was ginormous and was only getting bigger and out of control because once people flowed out of the set up queues they didn’t really know where the line ended. So we just kind of followed some people and we were behind a lady (literally her legs were as big as my arms) with a stroller and some other family members. Well the next thing I know she’s going “EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME!” trying to get thru the line for EPCOT because I guess she didn’t believe that that was actually the line for EPCOT since it was so far back. We were right next to the queue for the HS bus so I don’t know where she thought she was going. Then a lady yelled “Hey! We’re all waiting here for EPCOT too!” and the skinny lady with the stroller yelled “O ok. THANK YOU for being THAT person with the voice!”. We didn’t know if that was actually her way of being sincere or just a smarty pants. So as we’re waiting we hear a little grumbling among some of the people closer to the front of the line and I guess it’s because some people were trying to cut in line! There was a girl behind us yelling “Line’s back there!” and there was actually a guy in charge of manning the bus lines going after them to tell them where the line actually ended. But oohh once skinny mama in front of us saw all this commotion going down she screams “UUMM LINE’S BACK THERE! THERE HAVE BEEN A TON OF PEOPLE WAITING LONGER THAN YOU HAVE! WE’VE ALL BEEN WAITING JUST LIKE THE REST!!”. So the people trying to cut were of spanish or mexican decent so when they were forced to walk to the end of the line they acted like they didn’t know what everyone was talking about (;)). So skinny mama screams “I CAN SAY IT IN SPANISH IF YA WANT!”. Hahaha! This lady seriously had so much courage to say the things she did! It was funny though because she accidentally bumped into Annie, but she was all apologetic so she was indeed a nice lady (just had a big voice and wasn’t afraid to use it!). She was a twig though (it was kind of scary) so we don’t even know how she could get that loud of a voice. She reminded Annie and I of an old teacher we had in grade school who we really liked so we were both like “Dude, she deserves a ribbon or something for that!”. Haha! So an EPCOT bus came, but of course we were too far back to get on. I was wondering at this point, since it was so bad, why they didn’t just have a ton of “non-EPCOT” buses helping out to try and get all these people to EPCOT. Well Disney must’ve heard my thoughts or something because next things you know a blue, city-like bus came to whisk us away to EPCOT. So we got our seats and at this point I was almost on the verge of crying just because of how crazy and hectic everything was and because my plans never usually end up in disaster like that in Disney.... I really wished we would’ve just stayed in the EPCOT line to begin with at HS, but what are ya gonna do? TTC just sounded and looked like the better option at the time.

Ok that’s it for my loooonnnng story, but wasn’t it entertaining?! I’ve just never had something like that happen to me so I had to tell you guys! So after sitting with Annie, texting my mom and my neighbor (my 2nd mom haha!) I felt better and was ready to get into EPCOT. We ended up getting there around 10:45 and originally while we were in line for EPCOT back at Hollywood Studios Annie had said “Let’s try and get there by 10:30 ok?” since it was 10. So after all we had been thru I would say 15 minutes late wasn’t that bad! Haha!




I had looked at the wait app on my phone and it said that The Seas with Nemo and Friends was already closed for the night. Really? We walked towards Nemo anyways since that’s the way towards Soarin’. When we got to the electronic times board by Soarin’ we saw that Nemo was still open! Soarin’ still had a 45 minute wait soo.. NEMO HERE WE COME! We walked right on. That queue is the longest thing to try and get thru when it’s deserted! The whole beginning part where you go thru the little beach scene we were all singing “Let’s go to the beach each!” (Nicki Minaj- Starships). :p

Also as we were getting into our clam-mobiles I had my phone in my hand and the CM told me “NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY!”. Ok buddy, you’re preaching to the choir saying that to me because that is my BIGGEST pet peeve is people using their flash on dark rides like that!


We all enjoyed finding nemo very much! It was a nice relaxer. :)

I had to go see and take a picture of the manatees for my brother. :)

After a quick bathroom break we went to go visit Bruce and his friends.



Then it was time for our most anticipated ride of the night! :D


We waited only about 25 minutes if that. We got to play an interactive game in the queue trying to fly birds using our arms and leaning with the people in line with us. It was a very fun game to play at 12 in the morning! I can’t even imagine what we looked like.... :) Haha! The actual Soarin' ride screen was a little bit dirty, but I know that’s been discussed on here before so that’s no surpirse. We all loved it none the less though!

We had a leisurely walk back to our bus thru the fiberoptic light up walkways. :)
We had another blue city-like bus (not a “Disney bus”) come pick us up and take us back to POP. I guess Disney was still using my idea? ;)

We got back to our room by about 12:30am. By the time everyone was showered and I finished my notes we were in bed by 1:30. :)Coming up: We're going on a safari while trying to find the Yeti! Also, we get to have a dress-up night while eating Mexican food and watching Illuminations!


Well-Known Member
I can totally relate to you leading the pack around Disney and making transportation errors. I was at DTD with two of my girlfriends who had never been to WDW before and had planed to bus straight to HS for our ADR at 50's Primetime after a little shopping. I brought us to the bus stop in the Westside thinking there would be a bus to the parks. We walked down the line of bus stops to find that there was no stop for Hollywood Studios. So, in my crazy uninformed mind, I think that the buses to the parks must only be at the Marketplace stop. We walk all the way over to Marketplace, down the strip of bus stops, and still no HS bus stop. Embarrassed, I finally asked one of the bus drivers what the fastest way there was, and ended up busing to POP (where we were staying) and to HS from there. Luckily we were right on time for our ADR so it was not a problem, just sucks when you think you know what's best and it doesn't pan out.


Active Member
First I have to say Congrats to you girls!

Second, I love this trip report! I don't get on here too much,but your trip report is keeping me interested so i keep checking for more, can't wait for the rest!

I love the matching shirts with the quote from fox and the hound...great idea!


Well-Known Member
Transporation at WDW can be the WORST sometimes. You think they would have a plan of action where since Epcot was open late, they would have more busses going to and from DHS and MK! Sheesh!!!!! lol

That burger looks really yummy! I love burgrs and if they have onion ring type things on them, that's even better!!! lol

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