The “We're big girls now!" "No seriously does ANYONE have a bobby pin?!” June 2012 Trip Report

Jaamboo everyone and welcome to my very first ever trip report! :)

This trip took place from Monday, June 18th-Saturday, June 23rd. I did write a PTR which you can read here if you really want..

This trip was a high school graduation celebration that we thought of when we were only sophomores in high school. We never actually thought we’d follow through with the plans or that it would ever happen, but look at that.. 3 years have come and gone and we’re already back from our vacation.. :( I guess that’s good because it shows that we’ve stayed close friends ;)
Here’s (from left to right) the cast of this trip. Jill, Myself (Rachel), Jamie, and Annie.

(While we were waiting for a Hollywood Studios bus on our first night there. Sorry we had to represent our favorite Blackhawks! :p)

Now, like I said, this is the first trip report that I’ve written so please excuse my newbie storytelling/pictures and sorry in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors..
With that being said I really hope you all enjoy my trip report and have as much fun reading about our trip as I will reminiscing about it! :)

So are you guys ready?! Then ON WITH THE SHOW! Oo and don’t forget.. Para su seguridad, permanezca sentado con las manos, brazos, pies, y piernas dentro el barco, ¡gracias! :D


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First of all "congratulations" i know it's not written on white chocolate or anything but hey...
Second I have to say I'm super impressed that you girls decided on this when you were sophomores and followed through all those years later. It shows major commitment.
My daughter is 16, a WDW lover and a great kid, but I can't picture her deciding to do this now with her friends and make it all happen a few years later.
Lastly - GREAT trip report!
Thank you so much! :) Yeah we all couldn't believe that the time had actually come and that we were going to WDW all on our own, but it was definitely an amazing time and I will never ever forget it!


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When will you post more?
I will be posting more in about 5 minutes! :)

lecellier . lover - i must say you kinda look like anna popwell..
Really?! I guess I can kind of see that? I hope that's a good thing.. if so, thank you! Haha! :)

I can't wait to keep reading yours!!
I'm going to be a senior this year and reading yours keeps getting more excited to graduate.
Oo senior year! It will be so much fun girl! Just make sure you enjoy every moment while you can because time FLIES! Thank you! :) Do you know where you're going to college yet?

Rachel! Yeee I forgot that you would be posting this so soon!
Lack of bobby pins in the humidity might be the worst thing ever - luckily they arrived before RNRC, or might have gotten REAL!

The Brave stuff looks cute, and your trip is making me think of my trip with the girls after second year! Hopefully you guys end up like Lauren and I, traveling and living the Disney dream for lots of years!

Also, total rip off of no prom/grad pictures with the four of you all dolled up.

Bahaha! Yeah luckily we got them before that ride or I probably wouldn't have been able to see the ride because I would've been whipping my hair back and forth!
Yeah I hope we're like you and Lauren too! We're already starting to save our pennies for another trip sometime in the future! ;)
I'm sorry we don't all go to the same school so we didn't all get pictures together! :( I can post some graduation/prom pictures of us if you would like? ;)
I know I've been so busy the past 2 days, but it's a good ole' rainy day here in Chicago today so I hope to crank a lot out!

Woo Hoo I've been looking forward to this TR. Funny though I've seen some of these photos already.
Hahaha! Yeah you were able to get a lot of live updates thanks to Twitter and Instagram! :) Gotta love these social networks!


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Ok ok I am so sorry everyone that I have not updated in awhile! I had my family gradaution party all day yesterday. But I am very proud to announce that I will be typing the rest of my trip report from my new “13 MacBook Air! :D
O and I also wanted to say sorry about all of my pictures now being gone from my PTR. I accidentally (like a newb) deleted all of those pictures from my Photobucket. I mean I guess the PTR isn’t that important anymore now that I have the TR, right?! ;)

So where did I leave off? O yeah that nasty bug....

Soo maany pillow pets. :)

After looking at the shops on Hollywood Boulevard Jamie and I decided to try on some of the ears under the sorcerer hat while Annie and Jill hit up the bathroom.



I could not believe how intricate these Mickey ears have gotten!


Time fore a group photo!


Then we decided to go check out what was new in the Animation Gallery!

I honestly cannot wait to see Wreck It Ralph, it looks so cute!

Even more excited for this sequel though....

They had some pretty cool stuff on display from the new PIXAR movie Brave.

Has anyone ever looked inside the office that’s in the Magic of Disney Animation building?! There are so many nick nacks in that office! I don’t know if it’s still in use, but we had fun looking at it! Even though we found that out of all the stuff in there there was NOTHING from The Lion King!

This is were we hit a road bump.... I had checked an app on my phone that said that RNRC was still at 80 minutes and TOT was at 60. Now this was where the Disney veteran in me really came out. I know it’s not that big of a deal to wait in a line, but I don’t even remember when the last time was that my family and I waited in a line for an hour! I know sounds ridiculous right.. but it is what it is. So I told the girls that we could do better than that later into the night. The reply that I got though was “I really give a $%^& I came here to ride rides!” I’m not going to say who said that because I don’t want to throw any of them under the bus, but hey this is a trip report and I’m supposed to go into depth on stuff right? :p

So we headed down Sunset Boulevard to see if my phone app was lying to me or not. Once we got to the TOT the wait time said only 30 minutes so we got in line.

We ended up waiting not even 15 minutes so it was funny how we thought we were going to be waiting in a line for awhile, but we got on in no time! I love riding TOT at night because not only does it make the ride more creepy, but the view is gorgoues once those doors open with all the neon lights below! Man do I love this ride! :D

Sorry it’s not a very good picture, but I think you can spot us out.


Active Member
Oo senior year! It will be so much fun girl! Just make sure you enjoy every moment while you can because time FLIES! Thank you! :) Do you know where you're going to college yet?

I'm looking to go to Sacred Heart in Conneticut or University of Alabama!


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After having a terrifying ride up and down a tower we decided to go see what the wait was for a rockin’ rollercoaster!
The wait time said 80 minutes still, but I just figured whatever I have my friends to chat with along the way so even if it was really an 80 minute wait we’d be fine since we had eachother as company! :)

I have to say I was alittle scared for this ride.. Ok a lot scared (ask Annie). It’s just the beginning that scares me. AND I hadn’t been on the ride since the last time we were all together in Disney. I wanted to chicken out, but Jamie didn’t chicken out on TOT (she’s not a fan of big drops) so I figured I better grin and bear it....

O! I also have to give a big shout out to Kenzie (tiaragirl) in this section because supposedly I made her go to bed crying this night because she was so jealous of a Facebook status I posted about being at HS. ;) :D

You know it’s almost time to ride when you hear people playing with these marbled doors.

OMG! That ride was probably the BEST ride of my life! That waitless sensation you get at the beginning of the ride from going so fast is just crazy goodness! I screamed my head off and held Annie’s hand the entire ride! O yeah and we got to ride in the first car! :D

So after RNRC we were all on an adrenaline rush and feeling very good! :)

Thank you kind lady for taking this picture of us infront of one of our favorite rides! :)

We had a plan in mind, though, which was to get on TSMM right before the park closed so that hopefully it would be a short line AND we would get to walk out of the park with hardly anyone in it since it would be closed by the time we got off.

It was about 11pm at this time so we had some time to kill. We decided to go learn about the movies. ;)


Annie’s nickname is Buddha (more on that later) so Jill wanted to take a picture of her infront of her “home”.




We ended up having the gangster scene and our gangsta was actually pretty good!


This is Jill.. a little munckin! Haha! :p


We had a very pleasant and memorable ride through the movies not only because our guide was great (not boring or too coreographed sounding), but because we had a very nice looking guy sitting in front of us with his mom and (we were hoping) sister! Haha! At first when they were walking to get into our ride vehicle we all thought he was told to sit next to Annie (since she was on the end and we had extra room in our row). I was going to be SO jealous of her if he did, but they ended up sitting in the row infront of us. She said he smelled just like Hollister! So if you’re out there, thank you Mr. Anonymous boy for giving us some good eye candy during TGMR! I’m sorry like I said we’re all single 18-year old (now college) girls who were having a good time so we couldn’t help ourselves noticing when cuties were around. :) :rolleyes:

After our GREAT movie ride we looked at the clock and it was about 11:35pm. PERFECT! We were kind of hungry so we decided to go to a local popcorn stand and get some popcorn. Jill got a pretzel, but the rest of us got popcorn and I also got a souvenir Hollywood Studios mug. A teacher at my high school had one and I was determined to get one so I could bring it to college with me because it has TOT and RNRC on it!


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So we mozied on over to PIXAR Place while eating our snacks (thank you Disney Dining Plan!). Now crazy, sleep deprived me thought we’d maybe be able to eat in the TSMM queue because I’m pretty sure I’ve been people eating in queues before.. Well we got to the entrance and were told we’d have to finish our snacks. No problem. We stepped out of line, but knew we couldn’t finish them in time before the line closed for the night. I had a resealable baggie in my drawstring bag so we decided to pour all of our popcorn into that so we could enjoy our popcorn after the ride.

Look at that, hardly a line! :D


I do have to say though that Mr. Potatoehead was starting to look like a Mr. Green Potatoehead.. His eyes need a little fixin’! Haha!


Annie and Jill were being goofy girls and renacting a picture from while we were waiting in line for Mickey’s PhillharMagic back when we were freshmen.

I wooped Jamie’s butt! Just don’t look at the accruracy! ;)

Our spin on TSMM was a blast!

We enjoyed our popcorn while walking thru an almost deserted HS. While we walked past the hat Jill made a comment about how the stage they have setup kind of takes away from the hat. Which I totally agree! And so did a family walking next to us. They had 2 little daughters that were so cute! They asked where we were from and then I asked where they were from and they said Jersey. The dad was so funny he said “Ya know, the Jersey Shore?!”. Which the mom responded with “No close to Pensylvania, ya know like the Abby Lee Dance Company?!”. Haha! They were great!

We ran to catch our bus back to POP because one was just pulling in while we were making our way over. When we got back I made a phone call to set a wake-up call and I acutally got a person on the line helping me. It was kind of creepy because it was a lady that said “What can I do for you this morning?!” In a weird Kristen Wiig, SNL type of voice.. Haha! When I said good-bye she said “Have a magical morning!” Ok yeah I mean I guess it is 2am, but sorry lady I’m going to bed!

We showered and were in bed by....


Ok maybe more like 2:30 once we stopped laughing....

Next up, a breakfast in Hawaii, and 3 parks in 1 day! :)


Active Member
RACHEL!!!!! I forgot that this was coming on here so soon... yay!!!!! :D I just got really excited/happy about there being so much tower love already.

And... umm... Monsters SEQUEL? how did I miss this memo? And when does it come out? OMG.


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RACHEL!!!!! I forgot that this was coming on here so soon... yay!!!!! :D I just got really excited/happy about there being so much tower love already.

And... umm... Monsters SEQUEL? how did I miss this memo? And when does it come out? OMG.
Hehe! Yup I have down time now so I figured I better start it before all of the college craziness starts happening..
Of course there's a lot of tower love it's my FAVORITE ride! :D SOO jealous you get to do the 10-Miler in September! :(
YEAH THERE'S A SEQUEL! It comes out next June.. BOO for it being so far away! Haha!
Here's a teaser trailer I found for it on!


Active Member
Hehe! Yup I have down time now so I figured I better start it before all of the college craziness starts happening..
Of course there's a lot of tower love it's my FAVORITE ride! :D SOO jealous you get to do the 10-Miler in September! :(
YEAH THERE'S A SEQUEL! It comes out next June.. BOO for it being so far away! Haha!
Here's a teaser trailer I found for it on!

hahahahaha that looks HILARIOUS.
Yeah, back to the training world this week for that race too... stop reminding me! :P
And, don't kill me... I've still never eaten at Le Cellier. idk if I'd like it so I've never had a reason to go there.


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hahahahaha that looks HILARIOUS.
Yeah, back to the training world this week for that race too... stop reminding me! :p
And, don't kill me... I've still never eaten at Le Cellier. idk if I'd like it so I've never had a reason to go there.
I know I lolled while watching it I can't wait!
Haha! Sorry! If it makes you feel any better I need to get my butt back into the gym to get ready for my upcoming volleyball season. :P
YOU'VE WHAT?! :eek: How come? Do you not eat steak?


Active Member
I know I lolled while watching it I can't wait!
Haha! Sorry! If it makes you feel any better I need to get my butt back into the gym to get ready for my upcoming volleyball season. :p
YOU'VE WHAT?! :eek: How come? Do you not eat steak?

No, I love love LOVE steak!!! But, this past trip was the first one where everything didn't revolve around character meals... sooooo.... yeahhh :oops:


Well-Known Member
It looks like you girls were having a great time! And I know exactly how you felt when you rode RNRC, I almost chickened out the first time I ever rode it. I have yet to ride Tower of Terror but that might change on my upcoming trip (have to wait and see.)

Can't wait to read more!


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No, I love love LOVE steak!!! But, this past trip was the first one where everything didn't revolve around character meals... sooooo.... yeahhh :oops:
Oo gootcha! ;) Haha! Ok well then PROMISE ME that within your next couple of visits you will try to go there? If you love steak Le Cellier is honestly a steak-lovers heaven! I don't usually like steaks from the grocery store, but I could eat at LC every single night! Or ya know once we become friends once I come out to Philly we could just go on a trip and go there together?! ;)


Well-Known Member
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It looks like you girls were having a great time! And I know exactly how you felt when you rode RNRC, I almost chickened out the first time I ever rode it. I have yet to ride Tower of Terror but that might change on my upcoming trip (have to wait and see.)

Can't wait to read more!
We did have a great time, thank you! :D
I really hope you go on Tower of Terror on your upcoming trip because you will love it! It is less intense (in my opinion) than Rock n' Roll! I will be so proud of you if you go on! ;)


Well-Known Member
Great report. It looks like you ladies had a fabulous time.....

The waitress at Le Ceiller, how could she not be a hockey fan?? Which by the way love your support of the sport even if I do root for a different team...

Totally love the RNRC picture. Seriously that is one of the best shots I have seen yet..good times.

You have me pumped to hit the world! And I can't wait to read the rest.


Well-Known Member
So jealous of your trip with your friends! Hold onto the memories...some of my best are when I went to Disney with my 3 best girlfriends for my 21st Birthday. Wish I could turn back the clock!

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