The “We're big girls now!" "No seriously does ANYONE have a bobby pin?!” June 2012 Trip Report

Jaamboo everyone and welcome to my very first ever trip report! :)

This trip took place from Monday, June 18th-Saturday, June 23rd. I did write a PTR which you can read here if you really want..

This trip was a high school graduation celebration that we thought of when we were only sophomores in high school. We never actually thought we’d follow through with the plans or that it would ever happen, but look at that.. 3 years have come and gone and we’re already back from our vacation.. :( I guess that’s good because it shows that we’ve stayed close friends ;)
Here’s (from left to right) the cast of this trip. Jill, Myself (Rachel), Jamie, and Annie.

(While we were waiting for a Hollywood Studios bus on our first night there. Sorry we had to represent our favorite Blackhawks! :p)

Now, like I said, this is the first trip report that I’ve written so please excuse my newbie storytelling/pictures and sorry in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors..
With that being said I really hope you all enjoy my trip report and have as much fun reading about our trip as I will reminiscing about it! :)

So are you guys ready?! Then ON WITH THE SHOW! Oo and don’t forget.. Para su seguridad, permanezca sentado con las manos, brazos, pies, y piernas dentro el barco, ¡gracias! :D


Active Member
OMG! You are going to LOVE it! You definitely will not be disappointed. Can't wait to hear about your experience once you get back from your trip. Haha! I would definitely go with the cream cheese potatoes since it's your first time.
I know I used to have a Droid and would always cry when I walked past all the iPhone cases.. Haha! I actually got a new one on the trip!

Yeah we were totally debating whether or not to get a pair because they have a lot of cute ears out there now. We wanted to get the Mickey ears with graduation hats on top, but they were "all out".... :(

Thank you! I actually got it from Disney World many years ago in Magic Kingdom! :)

I love the sequins ones!

the case is super cute, they need to start making them for Droids its jut not fair!!

ahh I want that bag, its really good for WDW!


Active Member
Oo gootcha! ;) Haha! Ok well then PROMISE ME that within your next couple of visits you will try to go there? If you love steak Le Cellier is honestly a steak-lovers heaven! I don't usually like steaks from the grocery store, but I could eat at LC every single night! Or ya know once we become friends once I come out to Philly we could just go on a trip and go there together?! ;)

Yayyyy friend trips!! Get your butt to Philly already sheesh! Lol. I'm so excited for your move. And I'll get there soon I promise. Looks like the next big trip is in January if I get into CP, so I'll get the parents to ADR it. It may be one of the very few ADRs we do actually. Boo!


Well-Known Member
LOVE the report! Got to say... you've got me spending money on sourveniers before we've even planned our next trip. I've GOT to get that Grumpy hat for my hubby (a huge grumpy fan) and I SO want one of those Perry pillow pets. For my son of course... not me... I mean why would a 35 year old woman want a pillow pet? :oops: :D


New Member
Loving your report! Every time I read about Le Cellier in a trip report I feel like I've failed as a Disney World fan because I have never eaten there. I think I just have to prepare myself to splurge!

Congrats to you and your friends on graduating! and good luck with college! I feel like an old woman every time I say this, but it goes by so scary fast. I can't believe I am in my senior year already. So Enjoy it!!

Can't wait for more :D

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member

We had a very pleasant and memorable ride through the movies not only because our guide was great (not boring or too coreographed sounding), but because we had a very nice looking guy sitting in front of us with his mom and (we were hoping) sister! Haha! At first when they were walking to get into our ride vehicle we all thought he was told to sit next to Annie (since she was on the end and we had extra room in our row). I was going to be SO jealous of her if he did, but they ended up sitting in the row infront of us. She said he smelled just like Hollister! So if you’re out there, thank you Mr. Anonymous boy for giving us some good eye candy during TGMR! I’m sorry like I said we’re all single 18-year old (now college) girls who were having a good time so we couldn’t help ourselves noticing when cuties were around. :) :rolleyes:


I knew there would be some boy watching in this TR. :rolleyes: Maybe he was thinking I wish I could sit in the next row instead of by my sister.

Those faces are hilarious. We rode this three times and I still screamed on every launch.


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I love the sequins ones!

the case is super cute, they need to start making them for Droids its jut not fair!!

ahh I want that bag, its really good for WDW!

Yes it looks very cute on the back of my phone I must say. :cool: Hahaha!

Yeah they need to get on that! They could be making a lot of money off those cases!
I'm not sure if they still sell them? I love it though it goes everywhere with me while I'm there. It's perfect! :)

Rachel, I am reading the beginning of your trip report, and it is great so far! I can't wait to read more.

Thanks Jessica! Your TR was great last year so that means a lot. :) Haha!

Yayyyy friend trips!! Get your butt to Philly already sheesh! Lol. I'm so excited for your move. And I'll get there soon I promise. Looks like the next big trip is in January if I get into CP, so I'll get the parents to ADR it. It may be one of the very few ADRs we do actually. Boo!
Hey now I don't want to get out there too fast.. I'm going to miss my family so much! :( It is pretty exciting though! Haha!
O you applied for the college program?! That's awesome! :D Let me know how that goes! Yeah definitely have them ADR it though! You won't regret it! Aw that stinks though.. boo! Too busy for other ADRs?

LOVE the report! Got to say... you've got me spending money on sourveniers before we've even planned our next trip. I've GOT to get that Grumpy hat for my hubby (a huge grumpy fan) and I SO want one of those Perry pillow pets. For my son of course... not me... I mean why would a 35 year old woman want a pillow pet?
Thank you! :)
Well I'm very glad I could give you a preview of the souvenirs they have. Haha! You need to get on planning that next trip! ;) Haha! Yeah psshh I mean what 35 year old woman would want a pillow pet?! :P

Loving your report! Every time I read about Le Cellier in a trip report I feel like I've failed as a Disney World fan because I have never eaten there. I think I just have to prepare myself to splurge!

Congrats to you and your friends on graduating! and good luck with college! I feel like an old woman every time I say this, but it goes by so scary fast. I can't believe I am in my senior year already. So Enjoy it!!

Can't wait for more

Thank you! :)
Yeah it definitely IS a splurge.. The bill for the 4 of us including a drink, an entree, and a dessert was $179.65. :eek: But we were on the Dining Plan so it was well worth it!
Ahh thank you! Yeah high school went by scary fast so I can't even imagine how fast college is going to go....

I knew there would be some boy watching in this TR.
Maybe he was thinking I wish I could sit in the next row instead of by my sister.

Those faces are hilarious. We rode this three times and I still screamed on every launch.
Sorry.. :P That would be awesome if he was thinking that though! :D Haha! That ride is SO fun! When we went on it the next night we didn't hold on at all cause we were giving the "rock on!" signs with our hands and I screamed so loud! Haha!



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The clouds in this picture are amazing!

Congrats on graduating! I love your trip report, it looks like you all had a great time! I can't wait to read more! I'm going in September, I wanted to go to Le Cellier so bad but all the ADRs are filled :( The food looks amazing there!

BTW, Bertha is adorable ;)
I never paid that much attention to the clouds, but now that you say that they do look beautiful!
Thank you so much! :) Darn that stinks.. yeah it does get pretty booked. Did you try getting an ADR for lunch or dinner?
Bahaha! Thanks I was wondering if anyone was going to notice her. :p
I never paid that much attention to the clouds, but now that you say that they do look beautiful!
Thank you so much! :) Darn that stinks.. yeah it does get pretty booked. Did you try getting an ADR for lunch or dinner?
Bahaha! Thanks I was wondering if anyone was going to notice her. :p

I tried for both, preferably for lunch cause its only 1 on the dining plan. I'm sure I'll make it there someday!


Well-Known Member
Hey girl, hey!!! ok, I'm all caught up now! I did ZERO TR reading this weekend!! I know, shame on me!!! And I haven't even updated mine in forever... geez, I'm terrible!!

Anywho, so much awesomeness going on so far I can't even stand it! LOVE the Blackhawks shirts (you know this already though!! lol) Still sad you didn't wear Kaner though :(

RNRC is so flippin awesome!! Next time, sit in the furthest back seat. The launch is a million times more intense than sitting in the front. We thought we were never going to come out of that launch and the out of the first loop!

When we stayed at WL we had awesome bus service. We always have a car, too but in November last year it was the first time we used DME and stayed on property without a car. I just like being able to get in the car and GO!!!

And I think I seriously might have drooled over the filet.... No, really. I'm starving and didn't get a lunch today at work! Toooooo busy!!!! Update more soon, k thanks!! xo


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Day 2- 'Ohana, Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and EPCOT O MY!
So our wake up call today first came at 6:30am. Not only did I have my phone alarm set, but Annie did too. Well.. we both pushed snooze. We got the wake-up call from Disney, but all I remember was picking up the phone and hanging it up. I can never get up to those for some reason? The 4th wake-up call came from my mommy. She called to make sure we were getting up because we had a breakfast ADR at ‘Ohana at 8:50 (Again, I love her! :) ). She didn’t want us oversleeping and missing our reservation because her credit card number had to be put on the reservation. :D

I loved opening my iPhone weather and seeing Bay Lake as my location. ;)

So we hopped on the bus to Magic Kingdom and at first we didn’t know if we were going to take the boat or the monorail over to the Polynesian. Well, the boat servies to the resort were not working yet so we took the monorail. It was already in the station when we got up there so we got right on and headed over.

These are the lovely seats we ALWAYS sat in if they were available. ;) Haha!

While on the monorail there was a family of 4 sitting across from us. They seemed very confused when we got to the TTC so I asked them where they were trying to get to. They said they were going to ‘Ohana for breakfast so I told them the Polynesian would be the next stop. Annie replied with “Yeah, she knows her way around here!” Haha! They followed us into the Polynesian and we let them cut us in the check-in line so they wouldn’t be late. It was fun having some extra little duckies (as the girls referred to themselves as) to guide around. :)

Oo Polynesian how I loove you! Wish I could stay there.. so expensive though. Maybe someday when I marry an NHL hockey player we can stay there?! :p :D


So many leis.... :D

I spy with my little eyes a little bit of the WDW Railroad way off in the distance!

Today we were wearing our matchy matchy shirts. :)

Here’s a picture of the back of our shirts. This one’s Jill’s so each of ours was kind of different, but the quote was the same. :)






We had checked in at 8:30am and were seated by our 8:50 reservation time.

Mhhmm pineapple bread.... :)

The view from our table

Yummy fruit


My mouth is watering now....

Essential Mickey Mouse waffles!

Time for some character lovin’! :)


Well-Known Member
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Hey girl, hey!!! ok, I'm all caught up now! I did ZERO TR reading this weekend!! I know, shame on me!!! And I haven't even updated mine in forever... geez, I'm terrible!!

Anywho, so much awesomeness going on so far I can't even stand it! LOVE the Blackhawks shirts (you know this already though!! lol) Still sad you didn't wear Kaner though :(

RNRC is so flippin awesome!! Next time, sit in the furthest back seat. The launch is a million times more intense than sitting in the front. We thought we were never going to come out of that launch and the out of the first loop!

When we stayed at WL we had awesome bus service. We always have a car, too but in November last year it was the first time we used DME and stayed on property without a car. I just like being able to get in the car and GO!!!

And I think I seriously might have drooled over the filet.... No, really. I'm starving and didn't get a lunch today at work! Toooooo busy!!!! Update more soon, k thanks!! xo
Glad you've been able to catch up with my TR! I know I feel bad I abandoned my Kaner....

OMG! We've taken a spin on RNRC in the very back and that was CRAZY! My head shook so much! Haha!

I'm still jealous you got to stay at WL.. I love that place! :) Yeah like the idea of free transportation is awesome, but I'm like you I just like to be able to GO! Haha!

Hehe! Sorry love.. I hope you're able to eat something soon! Did you hear how we ALMOST got Brodeur, but he stayed in NJ.


Well-Known Member
Glad you've been able to catch up with my TR! I know I feel bad I abandoned my Kaner....

OMG! We've taken a spin on RNRC in the very back and that was CRAZY! My head shook so much! Haha!

I'm still jealous you got to stay at WL.. I love that place! :) Yeah like the idea of free transportation is awesome, but I'm like you I just like to be able to GO! Haha!

Hehe! Sorry love.. I hope you're able to eat something soon! Did you hear how we ALMOST got Brodeur, but he stayed in NJ.

I just had some pizza. Not as good as Via Napoli's pizza though :(

I have read a little about the draft and I think I saw he always went to Chicago. I want Parise in Boston. Not only is he a great hockey player, but he's one good looking man!! lol


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I volunteered to do the maraca parade! ;)

The main mouse himself in his hawaiin apparel. :D





All smiles after a yummy breakfast! :)


After breakfast we decided to go explore the pretty grounds

Some construction scrim up around the outside of the resort.





So a little bit more on the whole ducky story. When we got to the Orlando airport Jill said “Ok Rachel you’re going to be like our mommy duck and we’re going to follow behind you like your little ducklings!” So if I’d ever get to far ahead of them in a crowd or something they’d be like “Mommy! Mommy!” Then I joked about having a flag that I could put up so they could find me.. ;) Also whenever we’d get off the bus and the bus spiel would say “Take small children by the hand.” Jill would hold out her hand to me. Hahaha!

So here I am leading my little ducklings up stream! :)



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Some more pictures from around the beautiful resort. :)








It doesn't get any better than Disney World and a nice sand volleyball court! :)

A view of the new DVC construction going on at the Grand Floridian.






I was Annie’s personal braiding styalist for most of the week! ;) :D

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