Test Track refurb???


Premium Member
Having looked at the videos I really like what they have done with this, a definitely improvement over the previous version. I think the biggest advantage to the new version is that a lot of what you see in the old version are things we all see on our drive home from work everyday, the new version provides and environment we just don't experience in real life.


Well-Known Member
BTW there will be a way for fastpass / single rider to design a car besides the 30 seconds choose your type of car that's there now.

You can go into the post show get a card and use one of the 3 design computers they have in there and design your card before you get in line.


Active Member
BTW there will be a way for fastpass / single rider to design a car besides the 30 seconds choose your type of car that's there now.

You can go into the post show get a card and use one of the 3 design computers they have in there and design your card before you get in line.
That is a great tip. Thank you very much!


Active Member
What I've noticed from the longer ISM video
-There's purple arrows on the outside part of the ride instead of the old yellow arrows
-The truck you avoid is now just blue and white lines
-The design car part looks super cool
-I like the car that draws itself in the beginning of the queue
-I liked the old hot and cold chambers better (although the new ones work better)
More when I experience it myself.
The lines on the truck are done with laser.


Well-Known Member
Really looking forward to experiencing the new version, the videos look great! I will say though that the ride is screaming Tron beyond belief and a small piece of me wishes they would have just used the Tron theme for this make over! Not a complaint, just a suggestion! :)


Well-Known Member
My son and I are both looking forward to being able to ride the "new" Test Track. I've been trying to avoid most video so that we are surprised :) From what I have read and the little I've seen, I don't think we'll be disappointed.


Well-Known Member
Loved seeing that video, much appreciated.

TT before was the kind of thing that I would do because the single rider line was short. Fun, but not much to think about. The new version looks so much better (and very TRON, which is always nice) and the pre-show and queue space is a massive imporvement. Now it actually looks professional, interesting and futuristic. I also like the Space Mountain-ish part before you go outside.

More refubs like this for Imagination and Energy and Epcot could easily move up in my ranking of WDW parks.


Well-Known Member
Um, well, okay. We were excited about this retheme up until we watched this video. I liked it right up until the old anti-lock brake test areas. Then it was downhill. Hubby was hoppin' mad at the first climb after the seatbelt check. DS16 sat silent even after the video conclusion until I asked him what he thought.

Of course I will reserve final judgement until I've actually experienced the new TT for myself. However, after watching this video I'm feeling disappointed. It's like the rich, multi-layer show sets were all removed and/or given lighting effects. After a scene or two of the sleek Tron-esque streaks I was looking for something more...that never really materialized. Where you had moving robotic arms (formerly the heat, cold, & corrosive tests) you now have a mirror (?) with simulated wind-tunnel movement (?) and more Tron-esque streaks. The handling area was more Tron-esque streaks. The collision avoidance I was actually glad to see the truck still there in all it's weirdness after seeing this in now a 3rd version (it's surreal....sometimes my minds-eye still goes back to the WoM days). Rounding the corner to the barrier test area I was a little sad to see the removal of some of the most visually interesting, multi-layer TT set areas and more of the Tron-esque lighting effects added. That's one of the spots I felt the most robbed. Overall, it feels like a cheap cop-out. Yes, lighting effects can be complicated and pricey to create. I'm curious how long they'll stay sync'd correctly. It's just not very rich. There's not much to really see. It's lights and streaks with a few illuminated signs.

Hubby's response after I calmed him down enough to get him to be sorta objective and descriptive of what he saw: ((I'll leave out the many expletives in the spirit of "family friendliness")) If I wanted a blankity-blank car simulator experience I'd load one onto my blankity-blank computer. What the blank? That's blankin' stupid. You can't tell me that's the only way new technology in cars gets tested nowadays. Well, that's one less blankity-blank reason to even go over to Epcot on our WDW day in January. Blank!

DS16 (I had to pick his brain to even get a response out of him. Poor kid was speechless.): Well, it'd be cool if you could design your own car and drive it. Isn't that what you were supposed to be doing? I didn't see that. ((I mentioned that I saw the car itself in the mirror room area. Maybe that's where you're supposed to "see" your car design.))

Hubby says he doesn't even want to go to Epcot on the morning of our WDW day (1 day stop as a port of call on our Magic cruise out of Galveston in January) as we had previously planned. We wanted to check out the new TT. I think I'll still push to do it because it's hard to capture an entire ride experience in a simple video. I almost wish I hadn't looked at the video, tho. I have definite reservations about it now.


Well-Known Member
To repeat what I said in my review, in my opinion, the design mode is now the best part of the attraction. It is what also ties everything together. Imagine riding Test Track 1.0 and not seeing the preshow film? Sure you would get some idea of what is going on, but it would even leave you wondering what happened. Test Track 2.0 is supposed to be more abstract, more futuristic, and does blur the lines of reality and the digital realm. Test Track 1.0 put you in the spot of a test dummy and told a story, but really didn't have a wow factor, but Test Track 2.0 only spells out part of the story and allows you to connect the dots to make it what you want it to be. It forces you to use your imagination. Test Track 1.0 tested how the car you were sitting in did through various tests while Test Track 2.0 tests how your design and the designs of others in your car handle the tests through a computer simulation. You get to see how YOUR custom design based on your likes and preferences stacks up to the Sim Car (the car you are actually riding) and everyone else. Test Track 1.0 just presented the information to you almost like a text book where Test Track 2.0 engages you in the process to learn the information. Test Track 1.0 was a test in the present day world and Test Track 2.0 is a test in the future world... which just so happens to be the name of the section. Where Test Track 2.0 lost some props from Test Track 1.0, it gains effects and details that Test Track 1.0 didn't have.

Give yourself a chance to ride it. Every time I do, I'm constantly looking around. I saw wow. Even the videos of design room show how people are more engaged and excited to be able to design their own car and test it. Something that I know didn't happen standing next to air bags, street signs, and a tool chests. I know people have their right to an opinion, but geeze, you are judging before it is even open to the public, before you have ridden it, before you have the opportunity to take not only the sights and sounds, but also the interactivity. Shame on you.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious? It was a warehouse with a couple of cones and like 4 tvs that never worked...

I'm talking about the conditions chambers where (okay, yes, "rich" & "multi-layer" was a stretch) but you had STUFF to look at on both sides of the car, one side at one point having something moving and doing something. Then the barrier test area where you (when the effect was working) you'd see a car move and crash into a wall. There was STUFF to look at, not just tracing lighting effects. It was more interesting. Where the handling test area was, the turns on the incline with the trees, there was something to look at. The cow sign that said "Moo" was funny, used to tickle me. It was something besides glowy lighted outlines. That's what I'm getting at. There's black and there's glowy light outlines and streaks. Nothing much to SEE.


Well-Known Member
BTW there will be a way for fastpass / single rider to design a car besides the 30 seconds choose your type of car that's there now.

You can go into the post show get a card and use one of the 3 design computers they have in there and design your card before you get in line.
That's good to know, thanks for the information.

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