Test Track refurb???

TestTrack Dummy

Well-Known Member
Judging from the video i love it and i used to be very fond of 1.0 as you can tell by my picture and user name. Its a huge step up. As much as i liked 1.0 there is no deny that it was bland and boring. You could see all the other cars and if you looked across you'd see how empty most of the attraction was. The car smashing never worked and i wouldnt consider the props the be very "rich". It was fun but didn't belong in Future World. I cant wait to actually try this out for my self. The design portion is another crucial part that videos cant replicate so keep that in mind.


Well-Known Member
The truck is efficiently going to have issues.

I rode 3 times and had different results each time.

First time it didn't light up fully.
Second time worked perfectly
Third time the car was out of sync and the truck had already gone off and we sat there longer than usual before moving on

Also each time the power results screen at the end never worked for me. It just showed default cars each time and not ours


Active Member
Managed to get two laps on it today. Vast improvement over Version 1. The car design application/GUI seems a bit clunky and hard to handle, even for me (23, tons of computer knowledge). But that's just me, not as intuitive as I would've hoped. Everything else, fantastic


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about the conditions chambers where (okay, yes, "rich" & "multi-layer" was a stretch) but you had STUFF to look at on both sides of the car, one side at one point having something moving and doing something. Then the barrier test area where you (when the effect was working) you'd see a car move and crash into a wall. There was STUFF to look at, not just tracing lighting effects. It was more interesting. Where the handling test area was, the turns on the incline with the trees, there was something to look at. The cow sign that said "Moo" was funny, used to tickle me. It was something besides glowy lighted outlines. That's what I'm getting at. There's black and there's glowy light outlines and streaks. Nothing much to SEE.

Unless you've ridden it, I think you are being prematurely critical.


Well-Known Member
Unless you've ridden it, I think you are being prematurely critical.
Aaaand again...((3rd or 4th time now, I think))...I'm reserving final judgement for when I see it for myself in January. My comments are based upon the first video I saw & watched with 2 members of my family that showed the rider POV, no pre- or post- show. I'm hoping its a ride that doesn't present well in a simple ride thru video. But, from what I saw, I'm not very impressed. If having an opinion of a ride video and expressing that in a discussion forum is a crime then I'll plead guilty. Funny, I've not criticized anyone who saw the videos, liked what they saw, and expressed their feelings...


Well-Known Member
The eye-opening fact that people like the un-themed old ride better than this one.. people on YouTube are crazy.
I can see the logic.
The original attraction truly was a condensed version of what an automotive test track truly is, with ride elements designed to mirror, at least in theme, the sorts of real-world tests that prototype vehicles go through as part of the design process. Guests then, were educated about how the real-world, steel-and-plastic side of vehicle manufacturing works.

This new version is certainly colorful and blue, but what exactly are the guests learning? Perhaps the attraction makes more sense when the preshow is fully working, but it seems like it's supposed to be some sort of virtual world representation of how a computer simulation of how a vehicle design process works? Or something? I mean, there's a lot more crap to look at, and superficially it resembles an old EPCOT attraction, I guess because it's darker in there and they play slow new-age music, but from what I've seen you learn about as much about what an actual test track is like from "Test Track" as you learn how a computer works from watching "Tron." (ie, not much, and most of it wrong... though blue and pretty.)



Active Member
The videos do the ride no justice and while the story can be hard to follow because you're so busy looking at things, the story is there. And for the new environmental chambers are a lot better than the old. Plus the aero chamber is interactive. If you raise your hands while going through you can see how it affects the wind flow plus you won't be disappointed if you design your own car then get to play with that car in the post show.


Well-Known Member
Guests then, were educated about how the real-world, steel-and-plastic side of vehicle manufacturing works.

IMO, what was taught by the original attraction was pretty superficial. Yes you saw tests, but nothing in detail was described or explained. Why these tests? What degrees of extremes exist? How does the average car fare? What happens in the event of failure? etc.

You can't expect to learn much from a 3.5 minute noisy thrill ride and it's difficult to try. I think GM and Disney know this and that's why the "educational" aspect is more focused in the pre and past show areas where guests have the time to digest and go over information. I haven't seen it yet, but I assume this is the case based on information released so far.

I wouldn't object to the quality of learning on the ride itself when it's technically not the whole pavilion.

On a seperate note, I wouldn't mind seeing a new take The Bird and Robot Show added. :)


Well-Known Member
This thread is quite interesting. From the ride videos, this looks like a first rate redo of Test Track. It's not World of Motion, but it never was going to be. We have an attraction that has the theme of the FUTURE, something that Future World has lacked for so many years. The sound track, effects, even the voice over talent are superb. Of course, the million dollar question with TDO management is how long will it be before the ride is run into the ground or the effects are broken? But, I'm going to not be a cynic for a moment and look at this from another vantage-point.

We've run into another moment of fanboi whining. It seems as though nothing can be done right. Test Track was a lousy replacement for World of Motion. The concept could have worked out to be great, but what was a grand show scene ride turned into a lousy ride down the mall parking lot along with a fast highway ride outside. Now, you have a theme and overlay that espouse the theme of the future, which is what EPCOT Center was always about. It has a ride experience that you actually can't have on the road. Sorry, I don't get to do Tron style driving in a car. Bravo to the GM team and WDI, it looks terrific, and this furthers the notion of people complaining about any and everything. People like myself that have taken notice for quite some time of the substantial decline in quality, value, and overall product in Orlando had been bashed so many times until the more recent future, when all we were pointing out was the obvious truth about what was going on. BUT, people like myself can also be point out when something has been done right and from the looks of things, this is a first rate redo.

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