Temporary Huggles

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
well...it's been a slice y'all! I'm outta here for the evening...got things to see and people to do... :lookaroun

Uh...reverse that...

Night, Nibs! (I guess it's OK for me to call you that, since all the other space cadets do) :wave:

Safari Giraffe

New Member
I really don't feel like dealing with today. It's gloomy outside and cold and perfect weather to just crawl back in bed and sleep the day away (but that isn't reality........is it...........).

*HUGGLES to everyone*

Maybe things will brighten up as the day progresses.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Uponastar
I know what you mean. I sort of eased into it slowly myself. In real life I am a bit more on the quiet side. It's really nice to come in here and be a little more of an extrovert.

Safari Giraffe
I feel the same way.

Apparently we're all a bunch of introverts. :lol:
Do you suppose if we all met in real life, we'd all be standing around looking at each other and mumbling incoherently?



Well-Known Member
Uponastar said:
Safari Giraffe

Apparently we're all a bunch of introverts. :lol:
Do you suppose if we all met in real life, we'd all be standing around looking at each other and mumbling incoherently?


Only for a minute or two. :lol:

If you ever get the chance to attend a meet jump at it! Its a lot of fun!



Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Only for a minute or two. :lol:

If you ever get the chance to attend a meet jump at it! Its a lot of fun!


I bet the meets are a lot of fun!
Without mentioning any names, have you ever met anyone who was not at all what you expected?


Well-Known Member
Uponastar said:
I bet the meets are a lot of fun!
Without mentioning any names, have you ever met anyone who was not at all what you expected?

Yes, yes I have. :lookaroun

speck is a sweetie (despite his denying the fact) and there are a few more people I would love to meet up with; most were just as I pictured them. :cool:


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
speck is a sweetie (despite his denying the fact) and there are a few more people I would love to meet up with; most were just as I pictured them. :cool:

Oh we all know he's a sweetie, we just let him think he's got us fooled!:lol:

Most people were as you pictured them? That's great. I often wonder how accurate I am in my perceptions of my fellow hugglers. But, like I said last night, I believe that we attract people to us who are at least somewhat like us. I really think I would l would not be disappointed to meet any of you. I would hope you'd feel the same about me. :)
But, in the meantime, this thread is great fun! And more than that. We can come here to vent. To say we're sick or a family member is ill. To say we're happy or sad about an event in our real life. To just be cranky or incredibly silly. And there's always someone to listen and to share. That is awesome!


Well-Known Member
Uponastar said:
Oh we all know he's a sweetie, we just let him think he's got us fooled!:lol:

Most people were as you pictured them? That's great. I often wonder how accurate I am in my perceptions of my fellow hugglers. But, like I said last night, I believe that we attract people to us who are at least somewhat like us. I really think I would l would not be disappointed to meet any of you. I would hope you'd feel the same about me. :)
But, in the meantime, this thread is great fun! And more than that. We can come here to vent. To say we're sick or a family member is ill. To say we're happy or sad about an event in our real life. To just be cranky or incredibly silly. And there's always someone to listen and to share. That is awesome!
I actually had a dream once about meeting up with some of the people on this thread. It was really funny now that I think about it.


Well-Known Member
Oh, by the way, in case any of you were interested in reading my trip report, I am currently working on it.

(Although Dan, it looks like you've already started it! :D )

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