Temporary Huggles


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Original Poster
Regina, you'd pretty much have to pry me away from here!!

BTW- My mom's stress test went well. She has to go for some further, rather minor, tests. Nothing major, and doesn't need to be done immeditley. Everything is looking good for now. :wave:



Well-Known Member
Fantasmic!329 said:
Regina, you'd pretty much have to pry me away from here!!

BTW- My mom's stress test went well. She has to go for some further, rather minor, tests. Nothing major, and doesn't need to be done immeditley. Everything is looking good for now. :wave:




Active Member
*Turns Nibs into a puppy*




Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
Try catching up on like 5 days worth of conversation...I think I read through 30 pages, at least.

Nibs, I just read back over a few pages just to catch up on today's shenanigans. I don't know how you could take 30 pages of the foolishness we put up here, all in one sitting. But, it is nice foolishness. :)

Welcome back to Huggles! :wave:


Active Member
Original Poster
Mary, Heather enlightened us a few pages back. (Already been buried, though.) You may want to do a Member Search, and then find the post directly from her Profile. :wave:

*huggles* all


Well-Known Member
Fantasmic!329 said:
#2 for me too! Then I realized how accepting everyone was, and what do you know? Now I spend more time *huggling* then I do anywhere else on WDWMagic!! :lol:

When I first happened upon the "huggles" thread I thought, "Oh no, no chat room nonsense for me." I've never done anything like that and I wasn't about to start! Then, I don't know why, I just started reading the posts once in awhile. Everyone just seemed so nice! Before I knew it, I was a part of the fun! And I've been loving every huggly minute of it! You guys are the best! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Fantasmic!329 said:
Do you guys need to like Upo as a nickname for Dot? Nope.

And Dot, Wilt's name is BJ. ;)


Can't say I'm a big fan of the nickname either. :p
I think Wilt (or BJ ) was probably just kidding around. I doubt that it will stick.



Well-Known Member
Fantasmic!329 said:
Mary, Heather enlightened us a few pages back. (Already been buried, though.) You may want to do a Member Search, and then find the post directly from her Profile. :wave:

*huggles* all

I did, Freddy. I just meant "Good luck with the rekindled romance" or words to that effect.

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