Temporary Huggles


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
What grade do you teach? Can the student see the screen? Because if the kid can't tell that this isn't a normal teachers' website...

I teach 6th and 7th...I had a kid yesterday ask if this was a pro-board or something :lookaroun

The nice thing is for the most part when you have them work together, they're so into what they're doing, they don't pay attention to you :lol:


Active Member
Original Poster
I'm helping one of my former teacher's (and the mother of the child I babysit) plan a trip to WDW!! :D My favorite topic!! I even have homework that I have to do for her trip. :lookaroun Not that it's fun or anything. :lookaroun



New Member
Quick *huggles*

I have to eat dinner, then it's off for a night out on the happenin' town of Melbourne!

Talk to y'all later.


Well-Known Member
Get the popcorn, 'cause here comes a story.

As some of you may know, my grandparents aren't doing so well. They both have been diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer's. Well, my grandpa went in for carotid artery surgery two days ago. During procedure, the docs found some scar tissue from a past heart attack. Turns out he had one on December 15th, and everyone else (including at this house) thought he just had the 24-hour flu. He was fine the next day (thank God).

Anyways, he's still in the hospital (ICU) for the next few days. Now, about my grandma: To be quite honest, she can be a real b____. At the moment, she's basically looking for sympathy because "her husband's in the hospital".

Now, though, I feel a little more sympathetic.

My grandparents live in a retirement community, and it is the best "old age home" I've ever seen. The nurse in there are very qualified, and deliver medications to the rooms as per the doctor's orders (doc is on site, BTW).

This morning, Grandma was feeling "sick as a dog". She started blaming the nurses for making her ill... meanwhile, for example, she puts down her Halls on the arm of a hospital chair, picks it up again and pops it back in her mouth. She's pretty unsanitary anyways, so we figured it was just the flu. Grandma called the nurses and asked/shouted what medications they gave her. She wouldn't have remembered anyway, and she doesn't write stuff down as it is.

So, the nurses directly called my mom (bless her heart for putting up with this her entire life). She actually had been given the right medication, but from the wrong list. An older, non-updated list was what the nurses were going by, and in doing so, nixed her blood pressure meds.

We've just gotten word that she's currently in the ER at the same hospital my grandpa's in. Mom called and told us this. She had to leave, so the house is just waiting for the latest word on my grandma's condition.


Please, pray for my grandparents' health, and especially my mom, for taking care of them nonstop for the past 2 years. These have been the most trying times for her, and I just ask you to help her get through this.


Well-Known Member
Huggles Danny! You are a most precious child for caring so much about your Mom's welfare during these difficult times. She is not only a good child to her parents, but she has also raised a caring son. As someone who has been, and to some extent still is, in her shoes, I can only sympathize. Of course you are all in my prayers. :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Fantasmic!329 said:
Your family will be in my prayers, Danny.

Uponastar said:
Huggles Danny! You are a most precious child for caring so much about your Mom's welfare during these difficult times. She is not only a good child to her parents, but she has also raised a caring son. As someone who has been, and to some extent still is, in her shoes, I can only sympathize. Of course you are all in my prayers.

Thanks, guys. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Huggles! Just heard that tomorrow morning's low in Orlando will be 34 degrees!!! :eek:
Hope Nibs packed her longjohns! Guess she'll switch from ice cream to hot chocolate!

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