Temporary Huggles


Well-Known Member
Um...I don't have too much planned. I'm more of a go by the seat of her pants kind of girl...I have the basics planned though.

I do know that on Thursday, we are going MGM b/c that's my fiance's favorite park...so I figured we'd go there first. We might also hit AK just to see if Everest would be open...but I doubt it. Neither one of us really liked AK all that much, so we definitely won't be spending much time at that park on any of the days. Then that night we might go to DTD.

Friday, I have us planned to go to Magic Kingdom. We are having lunch at Tony's Town Square and then that night we might hit up the EMH's at Epcot.

Saturday, I have planned that we are going to 'Ohana's for breakfast, then we are going to Epcot to ride everything that we didn't get to during EMH. Then if we have time, head back to MK, since that is my favorite park.

Sunday, we leave, but since our flight isn't until late, I thought we might be able to go back to DTD to get the final shopping done.

We could also squeeze another trip to AK to see if Everest is testing sometime during the trip...any day except Sunday because we only have a 3 day PH.

Of course all of this is subject to change with me. If I see that I need to change my plans I will. I could never be one of those rigid planners who plans everything weeks before the vacation and not stray from them one bit. (No offense if any of you do that, it's just so not my cup of tea.)
Like the last time I went, we originally were going to AK on like Tuesday, but I saw the crowds for AK and decided our day would be better spent at Epcot. That ended up working extremely well for us.

So there is a method for my madness!

I am a little disappointed because while we are there, a cold front is supposed to sweep through, making it a little chillier...but anything will be better than it is here in MO. On Thursday, it's supposed to be 72 and then Friday it's supposed to dip to 62. I'm hoping the front gets stalled, but with my luck, it won't.

Edit: Ooh! 62 will feel wonderful compared to the 38 it's going to be that same day at home!


New Member
nibblesandbits said:
Um...I don't have too much planned. I'm more of a go by the seat of her pants kind of girl...I have the basics planned though.

I do know that on Thursday, we are going MGM b/c that's my fiance's favorite park...so I figured we'd go there first. We might also hit AK just to see if Everest would be open...but I doubt it. Neither one of us really liked AK all that much, so we definitely won't be spending much time at that park on any of the days. Then that night we might go to DTD.

Friday, I have us planned to go to Magic Kingdom. We are having lunch at Tony's Town Square and then that night we might hit up the EMH's at Epcot.

Saturday, I have planned that we are going to 'Ohana's for breakfast, then we are going to Epcot to ride everything that we didn't get to during EMH. Then if we have time, head back to MK, since that is my favorite park.

Sunday, we leave, but since our flight isn't until late, I thought we might be able to go back to DTD to get the final shopping done.

We could also squeeze another trip to AK to see if Everest is testing sometime during the trip...any day except Sunday because we only have a 3 day PH.

Of course all of this is subject to change with me. If I see that I need to change my plans I will. I could never be one of those rigid planners who plans everything weeks before the vacation and not stray from them one bit. (No offense if any of you do that, it's just so not my cup of tea.)
Like the last time I went, we originally were going to AK on like Tuesday, but I saw the crowds for AK and decided our day would be better spent at Epcot. That ended up working extremely well for us.

So there is a method for my madness!

I am a little disappointed because while we are there, a cold front is supposed to sweep through, making it a little chillier...but anything will be better than it is here in MO. On Thursday, it's supposed to be 72 and then Friday it's supposed to dip to 62. I'm hoping the front gets stalled, but with my luck, it won't.

Edit: Ooh! 62 will feel wonderful compared to the 38 it's going to be that same day at home!

Sounds like you're gonna have a blast, nibbs.


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
Huggles to all. I'm back home and broadbanding :wave:

So, what I miss over the last week or so?
Welcome back Joe! :wave:

And....you missed some very interesting conversations...let's just leave it at that... :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
Sounds like you're gonna have a blast, nibbs.
I think so...

the non-planning thing gets evened out by the fact that since I'm such a huge Disney fan (derh), I know what are the must dos, what rides you MUST get fastpasses for, what restaurants to eat in, just everything that a novice has no clue about. So I don't worry about it.

Although watch, even with all the knowledge I have, everything under the sun will go wrong with this trip! :lol: I'm hoping it doesn't, but a girl has to think pesimistically! :D


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
ooh...I got spoken french too! hehehe!

How was your first day of subbing?
I've been subbing for 2 years or so :lol: but yeah this was my first time where I have a guaranteed subbing job for like 3 months for one teacher...

Anyhoo...it went fine. Had a kid think I knew one word until I spouted off phrases and he realized I knew more than Bonjour :D


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
I've been subbing for 2 years or so :lol: but yeah this was my first time where I have a guaranteed subbing job for like 3 months for one teacher...

Anyhoo...it went fine. Had a kid think I knew one word until I spouted off phrases and he realized I knew more than Bonjour :D
Oh...I had a feeling it wasn't your first day subbing in general...:lol: But it will be nice having a solid job for three months!

Way to blow away a kid! (stupid, think they are smarter than everyone kids...just kidding)

So do you think that it won't be that hard to do for three months, or do you think it's going to be a challenge?


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
Oh...I had a feeling it wasn't your first day subbing in general...:lol: But it will be nice having a solid job for three months!

Way to blow away a kid! (stupid, think they are smarter than everyone kids...just kidding)

So do you think that it won't be that hard to do for three months, or do you think it's going to be a challenge?
It might be a challenge since I'm really brushing up on the language after I dunno how many years. But it's nothing to stress over because the teacher left me with things to do and lesson plans..and the other French teacher there is going to help out.

What I don't like is that this is for half a day so I only get paid for half the day ($33.50) times however many days outta the week I work. Oh well, for the time being it's good enough for me and at least I don't have to worry about whether I'll get called to sub.

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