Teen Decapitated at Six Flags over GA...


Well-Known Member
wow That is just unreal. Why couldn't they have just gone through the entrance? Ridiculous.

Six Flags over Georgia is a very hilly park and the roller coasters are not close together at all. From the front entrance to the back of the park, it's a pretty good hike. There is a back entrance, most likely where they were closest to, but it is still a good hike to the Bat Man ride, up and down hills and whatnot. They must have thought they would take a short cut over the fence. It was a huge mistake, and you are right, ridiculous indeed.

They were just talking about it on the news here and the family has hired a team to investigate what happened.


Well-Known Member
Six Flags over Georgia is a very hilly park and the roller coasters are not close together at all. From the front entrance to the back of the park, it's a pretty good hike. There is a back entrance, most likely where they were closest to, but it is still a good hike to the Bat Man ride, up and down hills and whatnot. They must have thought they would take a short cut over the fence. It was a huge mistake, and you are right, ridiculous indeed.

They were just talking about it on the news here and the family has hired a team to investigate what happened.

I hope they are only doing it for their own curiosity and peace of mind in knowing all the facts of what happened, or what he may have been thinking to do something so foolish. I hope they aren't trying to find some angle here to blame Six Flags and haul them into court and get rich quick off of their son's stupidity. Being as devoutly Christian as the article makes them out to be, I would think that such would not be the case, but you just never know anymore.


Well-Known Member
^That is going to be a very hard argument to win.

You mean it would be very hard for them to argue that Six Flags is liable, and win that argument?

If that's what you mean, then sadly, I must disagree. I've heard of cases, such as a burglar trying to break into a school at night via the skylight (or maybe he was climbing around on the roof at night and didn't see the skylight, I can't remember for sure but it ultimately makes no difference), falling through the skylight and breaking bones, and then suing the school for damages...and some idiot judge agreeing with the burglar and awarding damages.

We live in a day and age where someone can trespass on my property and then blame me when he gets hurt, or when his son drowns in my pool when I'm away on vacation, and win damages in a so called court of law. We live in a day and age when a burglar can complain to the courts that he is entitled to break into a building without getting hurt in the process, and some halfwit judge will agree with him.

Given these legal precdents, it would not surprise me one bit if this family could find some clown wearing a black robe to blame Six Flags for their son's stupidity and award them money for it. I just hope that this isn't yet another of many families who try to cash in on a family tragedy in order to strike it rich. :shrug::(


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but that story just sounds so fake. It may be the truth but it seems so unrealistic. Is it even possible to scale the perimeter fences of the park? It may just be me but I am thinking that is a cover up story. Sorry.

To get to the front entrance of SFOG you walk pass a lot of perimeter fence.

This is an assumption on my part, but I suspect his church group told the kids they had to go back in the front entrance as a group. These 2 kids probably laid back from the rest and decided that instead of walking all the way to the front gate, the they would hop over the perimeter fence. Once they hopped the first fence they were probably in the back stage area by Batman: The Ride. They decided to hop the fence in front of them that surrounded the coaster. We know what happened from there.

Like I said that is an assumption, but I think it is a safe one.


New Member
My prayers go out to the family.

I don't see how the family could file a lawsuit and win. It seems more plausible that a park goer on the actual ride when the child was struck could sue for emotional distress and win before the family of the victim would win a case again Six Flags.

If I had been on that ride and witnessed someone being decapitated, it probably would have haunted me forever.


Active Member
This is such a terrible story to read, I feel so sorry for the kid's parents.
I know as a teenager I did some really stupid stuff, maybe even things that could have killed me. As a parent myself I often worry that my own kids will try to pull some stunt and won't be as lucky as I was. The pain his family must feel I can only imagine how it feels. I won't judge anyone, it's just too terrible.


New Member
The comments may be inappropriate, to you, but lets keep it in perspective. Gallows humour is nothing new and lets just be greatful that no one else suffered as the result of this youths actions.
My perspective is that someone tragically died in an accident. Yes, he wasn't being smart, but my goodness, have respect for life and don't be so nonchalant and careless with your comments about human life. :shrug:
Don't ever hang out with cops, firefighters, paramedics or ED nurses and physicians...you may pass out from the shock.;)
Ummm... I "hang out" with the later three every weekday... and talking frankly about accidents and medical issues is one thing, but to be so disrespectful... that's another. Sure there are some jerks out there in those professions who talk like that, but I wouldn't generalize the people in that profession to say such disrespectful comments.


Well-Known Member
I can't help but wonder why they had to report that this teenager was decapitated.

Couldn't they just report that he was tragically killed ?

This report gives me a gruesome mental picture that could have been avoided by simpy changing a few words.

If It were MY child this would really upset me. It's bad enough to have my son killed but I don't see a need to tell everyone the gruesome details of his death.


Well-Known Member
What happened was terrible and I am so sorry for the family.:(

I don't however understand the mention of a lawsuit at all. Just because a fence is only 6 foot tall or whatever does not mean it is okay to climb it. The warnings are clearly there for a reason.
As Sbkline pointed out though there have been some really crazy suits. (like the pool thing where if someone scales your fence and drowns or a burglar getting hurt) Again... very sad but the park is not to blame.


Active Member
^We shouldn't have to have barbed wire on it in the first place but if it has had to come to this then it may be necessary.

There are a ton of things in modern day society that we should not have to have, but have become somewhat necessary. If it comes down to the point of barbed wire being put in place, it may make the next person think twice as opposed to a warning sign. For all we know, the boy could have had dislexia, or a reading disability. To most of us, it may seem like common sense not to cross one, but two fences, but some people have mental disabilities.

I feel bad for what happened to the boy, but being that there were two fences in place, I do not feel that the park is to blame. I feel that the adult chaperones should be held accountable for not monitoring the whole group of kids that they were responsible for.


Well-Known Member
^His Myspace would suggest he had no mental disability whatsoever. (I'd link to it, but it's rather vulgar... found it from another site's discussion.)


Active Member
This is such a terrible story to read, I feel so sorry for the kid's parents.
I know as a teenager I did some really stupid stuff, maybe even things that could have killed me. As a parent myself I often worry that my own kids will try to pull some stunt and won't be as lucky as I was. The pain his family must feel I can only imagine how it feels. I won't judge anyone, it's just too terrible.

I know what you mean. I look back now and think it is only by the grace of God that Something very bad didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
The company's liability will be dependant on whether or not amusement rides fall under the legal doctrine of strict liability. This means essentially it doesn't matter who caused the accident, only that it happened and that the responsibility falls on the owner. It generally applies to anything that is inherently dangerous. Since the ride was operating normally, a judge could find that strict liability is warranted. In other words, the fault of the accident does not rest with Six Flags, however, the liability does. Fault and liability are two different things.


As far as I know, no amusement park ride accidents have ever been prosecuted (civil suited) under strict laibility doctrine. So as far as this particular case is concerned, Six Flags should be in the clear.

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