Any why is that? And it's not just the safety of the ride, its the whole experience. Big Thunder is still safe if the rocks stop moving, and the goats and possums are gone, and the geyser stops working. But all those separate it from a run of the mill coaster. And in the case of any cutbacks, outward appearances are usually the last to go. When people go bankrupt, many people still keep their lavish cars and houses til the bitter end so they still look rich. Plenty of stores and restaurants slap on a fresh coat of paint to hide all sorts of issues. So when anything stops caring about its outward appearance, its public face, then what are they hiding inside that you cannot see? If someone in your family suddenly stopped shaving, started wearing old thread worn clothes, would you be concerned that something was wrong with them either mentally or physically? Or think of it this way, you are in a new town, and want dinner. Knowing nothing about the restaurants in front of you, You have two choices. One that is a bit grubby with trash by the door, the sign that says "Town Diner" is only lit up to say "Tow D ne ", and the windows that need to be washed. And the one right next door that is sparkling clean, sign says "Good Eats" that you could read it from the other end of the block and has no visible garbage anywhere? Pretty much guarantee that you would try the one that says "Good Eats". The same exact thing applies here. If they don't care enough to make a good first impression on the outside, what else do they not care about?