TDO light maintenance becoming a joke!


Think for yourselfer
Reading some of these responses is shocking. How on earth can anyone be defending TDO here? It is unforgivably bad show to have the lighting situation in the shambles that it is in.

I noticed the same type of problems at the Boardwalk when I was there in early November. Lights out everywhere. It just looks bad.

The attitude that this is ok, and who cares? burned out light bulbs won't ruin my vacation is really the driving force behind TDO's shocking lack of maintenance.

I wish more people cared about the product they are dumping thousands of dollars into. Oh well. There is always WWoHP.
Reading some of these responses is shocking. How on earth can anyone be defending TDO here? It is unforgivably bad show to have the lighting situation in the shambles that it is in.

I noticed the same type of problems at the Boardwalk when I was there in early November. Lights out everywhere. It just looks bad.

The attitude that this is ok, and who cares? burned out light bulbs won't ruin my vacation is really the driving force behind TDO's shocking lack of maintenance.

I wish more people cared about the product they are dumping thousands of dollars into. Oh well. There is always WWoHP.

who is makeing you "dump thousands of dollars" into Disney anyway?? I'm pretty sure its the peoples decision where they want to spend their money. To an average person a dumb light bulb wont be the end all, be all to their vacation! If you really wanna vent buy a diary....
I have always believed that the true fans are the ones willing to criticize. If you don't care enough to admit that there's a problem, then you don't care enough to be a fan.

It's what, to me, drives the difference between a fan and a fanboy. A fanboy looks and says, "Ooh Disney logo. Must be great." A fan says, "This is not worthy of the Disney name. Fix it."

Honestly i believe fans are people who are willing to stand behind what it is they like such as sports teams or in this case Disney, ive been to disney several times and i never let lights ruin my vacation, i focus on what i like because if you pick apart things to much your not going to see the good stuff. Maybe my views are different but i believe Disney is the best at what they do, and who are you to criticize my fanship?

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I understand that GF should have better upkeep, but as far as ToT goes, I think the lack of upkeep just adds to the run-down haunted feel of it. As long as the elevator goes up and drops as it should, I'm happy.
So, should the sign go completely out, that would be even better because its more realistic? Believe it or not, it actually takes a lot of work to keep Tower of Terror looking "idealistically abandoned."


Well-Known Member
I have always believed that the true fans are the ones willing to criticize. If you don't care enough to admit that there's a problem, then you don't care enough to be a fan.

It's what, to me, drives the difference between a fan and a fanboy. A fanboy looks and says, "Ooh Disney logo. Must be great." A fan says, "This is not worthy of the Disney name. Fix it."
That's why I belittle my wife at every opportunity in public.

I don't think she is living up to her potential. I tell her she should try harder to live up to the Jakeman name.

I insult her because I care.


Well-Known Member
That's why I belittle my wife at every opportunity in public.

I don't think she is living up to her potential. I tell her she should try harder to live up to the Jakeman name.

I insult her because I care.

I think i'd feel pretty comfortable offering criticism to a spouse who charged me $100 per day to be married to her (and extra to dine with her, and to do activities with her, or certain other nightly activities). Not that marriage doesn't cost money, but just demanding payment upfront to enjoy her company would probably dull my feelings towards her as a person to begin with. Certainly wouldn't be what a marriage is INTENDED to be (not that certain bad marriages aren't like that though).

Suffice to say, a corporation is not something you actually love in an unconditional manner, unlike a wife or husband. It is not a person as c-one says...:brick:


Well-Known Member
That's why I belittle my wife at every opportunity in public.

I don't think she is living up to her potential. I tell her she should try harder to live up to the Jakeman name.

I insult her because I care.

I don't care what the Supreme Court says, CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE


That's why I belittle my wife at every opportunity in public.

I don't think she is living up to her potential. I tell her she should try harder to live up to the Jakeman name.

I insult her because I care.
That's just silly, putting it in those words.:rolleyes:

But...say you had a kid who went through elementary school making all As and was obviously one of the best and brightest in his class.
Then, upon reaching high school, that same kid started skipping class, bringing home Ds and not putting forth the effort to do as well as you know he could. Just doing enough to get by.

You would (probably) not let that go unchallenged. You would do whatever you could to turn the kid around and make him live up to his potential, including criticism and punishment. Especially if you were paying top dollar to send said kid to a good school.

There...that's a better analogy.:D


Well-Known Member
Well Put, Lee! I totally agree that people need to open their eyes and take a closer look instead of just saying, "Wow! Disney does everything better than anyone else!"


Le Meh
Premium Member
That's just silly, putting it in those words.:rolleyes:

But...say you had a kid who went through elementary school making all As and was obviously one of the best and brightest in his class.
Then, upon reaching high school, that same kid started skipping class, bringing home Ds and not putting forth the effort to do as well as you know he could. Just doing enough to get by.

You would (probably) not let that go unchallenged. You would do whatever you could to turn the kid around and make him live up to his potential, including criticism and punishment. Especially if you were paying top dollar to send said kid to a good school.

There...that's a better analogy.:D

True, but would you come to a message board and post every time your child failed to dot an I or cross a T?:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Well, no...of course not.:rolleyes:
I would simply take the kid aside and talk to him. In the case of TDO, this is the equivalent.
This isn't though.

This is the equivalent of talking to the other parents about your kid.

You aren't addressing the problem with your kid one on one. You're just hoping that your kid talks to his friend's parents.

I'll agree with some of the other posters though. Disney doesn't listen to it's fans anymore, on either side.

The ones who are so "concerned" have done a good job of marginalizing themselves by not understanding how to pick battles. On the flip side, there is a large contingent who are happy with anything that Disney craps out.

The extremes at either end have negated any meaningful discourse between the fan base and Disney.


Well-Known Member
That's just silly, putting it in those words.:rolleyes:

But...say you had a kid who went through elementary school making all As and was obviously one of the best and brightest in his class.
Then, upon reaching high school, that same kid started skipping class, bringing home Ds and not putting forth the effort to do as well as you know he could. Just doing enough to get by.

You would (probably) not let that go unchallenged. You would do whatever you could to turn the kid around and make him live up to his potential, including criticism and punishment. Especially if you were paying top dollar to send said kid to a good school.

There...that's a better analogy.:D

That's actually a great analogy that I haven't heard anyone use. ... But it's much easier to be called a 'hater' and told to go to UNI so the lines will be shorter for the rest of us ... or some such blather.

There are things you can defend. Sure, a lightbulb is going to go out, paint is going to chip or peel or be destroyed by guests usage. Sometimes, an effect is going to fail.

But the wholesale Walmart approach. The idea that you can have your flagship resort look so ... well, ghetto in its ability to keep up appearance (all the while frantically adding units for more rubes with money) isn't defendable beyond the 'it doesn't bother me' ... 'I am so happy to be there, I don't care' etc crowd. Frankly, that's an ignorant viewpoint. Those folks are entitled to have it, but it doesn't change things. They kind of know that too, which is why they sometimes attack like those walkers on 'The Walking Dead' :eek: because it is NOT right. It is NOT acceptable. And it is the polar opposite of how Disney advertises its product and what level of service/upkeep they tell folks they will get. ... Who cares so long as Britanny gets to meet Cindy ... and the DVC sales dude gives Bobby a roll of Mickey stickers (that the brat then sticks on every surface he can find, while you blissfully ignore the kid).


But again, I'm just a fellow hater. :rolleyes::drevil::king:

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