Tan lines or it didn't happen - a (patchy) Mexican Riviera Cruise aboard the Wonder.

Hey my lovelies!

I have a teaser post for you all – it’s a busy week for me with school (three midterms, yucky). Be aware that I’d so much rather recap the trip instead!

Long story short, WONDERful time on our Mexican Riviera cruise. Despite a pesky flu bug and some windy days, the Wonder suited us perfectly. Lauren and I definitely converted Rachael – she’ll be back. The magic is contagious.

We had some awesome servers (Desmond and Monika) and Glen, our stateroom host, was a total lifesaver – not to mention trooper.. our room looked like a bomb shelter. The cast was UNREAL – performers and character interactions.. including a special surprise on the last day that you definitely want to stay tuned for. Lauren and I almost had to be sedated.

The one let down? I miss Captain Henry!

Just a little taste:


Adventures away!


Sun, please.


Prepare for 1800 pictures from formal night..






Do you want a Mexican boyfriend? Bodyguard?


So much love for this background.


The finale you’ll never believe!

Keep an eye out early next week!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
PSSSHHH don't let the boys tease you - they like talking about Disney and Disney food too. The fiance was all like "are you seriously taking pictures of my food?" "Um...is Disney coke different than Pittsburgh coke so you've gotta take a picture?" (The answer to both is YES.)

But a few months later, we were at his rents for dinner and he was telling his Dad about the trip and was like "Oh I'll just pull up Jess's TR online and show you!" all proud and such like he did it.


Yeah, okay, I see this - because I was updating in the morning and Andrew decided he just wanted to chill and listen to some tunes and read a book before supper (he wasn't feeling well) so I was like - aiight, I'm going to get my computer and work on my TR.

Then I got really close to his face and said "If you tell your parents what I'm doing, I'll either shoot you or cut off an appendage while you sleep, am I understood?". Which probably wasn't nice, but his parents don't really get my Disney-ness so I didn't want to freak them out that like 100 people are online creeping pictures of me and my friends and reading about a trip.


But while I was writing it he was all interested, asking where I post it (since, yanno, it's not a blog) and asking how I take notes. And then he wanted to read my notes. It was all very strange - I told him I'd send him the link when I finished.

Boys :shrug:


Active Member
Loving the report so far. So sorry you was sick. At least you had someone to take care of you! I can't wait to take my first cruise! I have a feeling its going to be addictive. LOL

Oh and what is this pinterest page? I have an account but I have no idea how you follow people who are not facebook friends.


Active Member
NO BUENO on the being sick lovey! :( That's really not cool at all... but the zip lining the girls did? I freaking LOVE zip lining. It's sooo bloody fun! :lol:

You look adorable in your bed, regardless of the sicky sick. <3


Well-Known Member
I'm in New Brunswick for school now - I go to Mount Allison University, outside Moncton. I'm from NS, though - Cape Breton for life!

Occasionally we'll get a snowstorm, but the temperature this winter has been very unreliable - -20 one day, 0 the next, 4 the next. You never know what you're going to get, and you LAWAYS have to check the weather network before leaving the house, lest you be wearing the wrong kind of jacket.

Hey so cool NS is beautiful,I went there when my boyfriend was goint to St Fx,That was a long time ago LOL


Well-Known Member
Loving your trip report this time especially because we will be going on our first cruise in 45 days! We are sailing on the Magic to Key West, Nassau and Castaway Cay. Its great to see pics of the Wonder since it is the sister ship of the Magic. We can't wait! So sorry you had the flu while on vacation. That is the worst! The zip-lining sounds awesome. My hubbie and I would love to do that one day.


Active Member
So sorry you were sick for PV. Guess you'll just have to take another cruise someday! My kids talked me into ziplining last time in Mexico. I didn't mention it when I wrote to you because I tried to block the memory from my mind. I do not do heights! Glad they had a good time.


Well-Known Member
Aww, that's lame that you were sick with the flu. :( Nothing worse than being ill on vacation.

Heh, when I first read about the girls taking a cab to the beach then going zip lining at the suggestion of a stranger, I was like "Say wha-?! Oh I hope they're safe." Guess that was my older sister/mom-like instincts kicking in. :lol:

I never get tired of seeing pictures of Animators Palate. *le sigh*

Can't wait for the next installment!


Well-Known Member
Can I join this shopping trip? Because again your dresses are all pretty!!!!! Wish I went more places to get dressed up for.

Stinky for being sick while on the Wonder! But I agree with Courtney still lookin adorable all curled up in bed resting. Even though you looked like you wanted to beat whoever took the picture to a pulp :lol:

And boys ya just can't get em sometimes. Maybe you should take A over to Disney so he can understand :) Need to take mine down as well, hasn't been since he was little!

Can't wait for more!!! :D Hope you did well on all your exams and such!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Loving the report so far. So sorry you was sick. At least you had someone to take care of you! I can't wait to take my first cruise! I have a feeling its going to be addictive. LOL

Oh and what is this pinterest page? I have an account but I have no idea how you follow people who are not facebook friends.

Glen was a lifesaver that first night, and the phone call home didn't hurt either!

Cruising is definitely addictive - if you like it, then you get the bug! It's killing me that the family left today for WDW and I have no trip planned - I just want to go price things (which I did last night..).

My Pinterest account is kbmacdowell - I think you can search it somehow!

NO BUENO on the being sick lovey! :( That's really not cool at all... but the zip lining the girls did? I freaking LOVE zip lining. It's sooo bloody fun! :lol:

You look adorable in your bed, regardless of the sicky sick. <3

OMG I'm just adorbs when I'm sick, definitely. Hahaha.

They had a great time - I wish I'd at least gotten pictures! You can do zip lining here in Moncton, but it's not through a JUNGLE. Bummed I missed out, but I didn't bring a ton of cash with me so it would have seriously cut in on my shopping (which wasn't extensive anyway) - that's how I try to legitimize it, anyway..

Hey so cool NS is beautiful,I went there when my boyfriend was goint to St Fx,That was a long time ago LOL

NS is amazing - St. FX? That's where Rachael goes! It's about 45 minutes from home, I live right over the Causeway in Cape Breton.

Loving your trip report this time especially because we will be going on our first cruise in 45 days! We are sailing on the Magic to Key West, Nassau and Castaway Cay. Its great to see pics of the Wonder since it is the sister ship of the Magic. We can't wait! So sorry you had the flu while on vacation. That is the worst! The zip-lining sounds awesome. My hubbie and I would love to do that one day.

Ouuu, 45 days until you cruise (44 now!) that's super exciting! Is it your first one? I've never been on the Magic, but my parents have - it's very close to the same thing, so this really should give you a feel of activities and the ship in general! You're going to have an amazing time - Castaway Cay is beyond gorgeous. TR when you get back, please!

So sorry you were sick for PV. Guess you'll just have to take another cruise someday! My kids talked me into ziplining last time in Mexico. I didn't mention it when I wrote to you because I tried to block the memory from my mind. I do not do heights! Glad they had a good time.

Hahahah right? All this intel accumulated and I didn't even make it into PV! I filled the girls in when they left, but apparently they preferred the sketchy cab driver to the top of a mountain instead of beaching!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Aww, that's lame that you were sick with the flu. :( Nothing worse than being ill on vacation.

Heh, when I first read about the girls taking a cab to the beach then going zip lining at the suggestion of a stranger, I was like "Say wha-?! Oh I hope they're safe." Guess that was my older sister/mom-like instincts kicking in. :lol:

I never get tired of seeing pictures of Animators Palate. *le sigh*

Can't wait for the next installment!

Being sick on vacay is the worst - but since I came back to 3 midterms, it was probably the better week to be sick!

RIGHT? Cannot get more questionable than that. I guess it just goes to show that there are nice people everywhere - that probably get paid for bringing business in? I'm just glad that I didn't need to explain to my mother how we got to go zip lining - she would have hurt me.

Animator's Palate is the coolest! So different than the version on the Dream, but still so amazing! Those paintbrushes are ballin'.

Should have it written today!

Can I join this shopping trip? Because again your dresses are all pretty!!!!! Wish I went more places to get dressed up for.

Stinky for being sick while on the Wonder! But I agree with Courtney still lookin adorable all curled up in bed resting. Even though you looked like you wanted to beat whoever took the picture to a pulp :lol:

And boys ya just can't get em sometimes. Maybe you should take A over to Disney so he can understand :) Need to take mine down as well, hasn't been since he was little!

Can't wait for more!!! :D Hope you did well on all your exams and such!

Yayyy shopping trip - but where will we be shopping? Orlando outlets, little meet and greet? I have zero money right now, so that's problematic, but I'm sure I could make it work..

Hahahah quality photo, hey? I'm just the cutest.

Andrew asked me to show him resorts last night - then I found that Canadian residents get 30% off right now - it was a much longer process than he anticipated, but we also looked at golf courses! He'll go with me someday - he went in grade 9 or so, which is a weird age to go for the first time. It'll happen..

Haven't gotten any marks back, wah! Waiting impatiently, it kills me.


Well-Known Member
I'm here!!!! Totally late to the party, but it looks like I didn't miss it entirely. Missing it entirely would've been a disaster, and I don't do well with disasters! First world problems, and all. :lookaroun

I find it hilarious that your twenty two year old selves were early to rise, early to bed. Don't get me wrong, that's how I like to vacation - but at 22 I was all about the late nights. :lol: And you've continually cracked me up with all the gym/sleep talk - you've got the right idea. Vacations are NOT for working out.

Rick Castle, what a gent! Can I just say, the fact that you tweeted that picture at Nathan Fillion totally made my day last week. :animwink:

And of course, I heart the mirror images... both the one you took "for" me and the sneaky one from your stateroom - fab sunburst mirror there by the way!

As always, you're rockin' some serious style. And I couldn't be prouder. :)

May I make one request? That Princess Pose Picture you spoke of? It NEEDS to be posted. Just sayin'.


Well-Known Member
I did do a cruise when I was 13 to Bermuda with my parents but that was so long ago....:lookaroun...so I am counting this as our first cruise! We are very excited. It is fast approaching but not fast enough! There will definitely be a trip report when we get back! We are driving to Fl, so hopefully there will be lots of car time to write it up and edit pics and stuff.

I am in total agreement with Holly. We need to see that Princess pose! You shouldn't have talked about it if you didn't want to post it!! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Okay, so, I was laying in bed last night thinking about how lame the Disneyland busses are (sorry) and for the LIFE of me, I have no idea why we didn't go down a day early and go to Disneyland.. we could have met and you could have made sure we saw EVERYTHING there was to see in 24 hours.

Actually legitimately annoyed with myself. Like, I can't think about it or I want to punch something.

I'm glad you're back in time for my "trip"! =) How are things with you and DL? Trips planned?
Yes, it would've been the ultimate Disneyland day! Ah well. There's always next time!

Disneyland and I are well! No trips planned right now. :( My bestie and her BF are leaving for WDW next week...it'll be his first time. Yay! I was supposed to go with them buuuuut I let them have their trip. I need to get back soon though! After your cruise TRs I definitely want to take a Disney cruise vacay!!

I remember that Lauren had the Tugboat and really enjoyed it, but I was so engrossed in my breakfast that I don’t remember what else. I had “Little Mermaid’s Morning” – something I read about on a DisBoards TR (the lack of MR cruise reports resulted in me being unloyal to WDWM – oops). Holy. Eat this. Please. I present to you the description from the menu: “two Belgian waffles stuffed with dulce de leche and rolled in sugar and cinnamon. Served with watermelon wedges.” Are you freaking kidding me? They were AMAZING.
I think I just died. My mouth is watering :slurp:

While all this was happening, I was hanging out in the room on the (unconverted) couch. Glen apparently knocked on the door, and I didn’t hear him, so he came in and we had a little chat that went something like:

Glen: Are you okay?
Kenzie: Nopeeee
G: Are you sleeping there (i.e. couch that turns into a bed)
K: Yeah, I think so.
G: Do you want me to make it…?
K: I don’t think I can move…

And then Glen pretty much picked me up and put me on the bed for 30 seconds, helped me back to the couched, and legitimately tucked me in. And asked I wanted him to call room service for me. Seriously, lifesaver. He checked on me a couple of times while the girls were at supper and..
This is kind of adorable.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm here!!!! Totally late to the party, but it looks like I didn't miss it entirely. Missing it entirely would've been a disaster, and I don't do well with disasters! First world problems, and all. :lookaroun

Right? I was wondering where you were - a little offended taht you were all over Courtney's TR and not mine. I was all - what did I do? There were mirror pictures and shout outs? Sadness. Anyway, you're here now and that's all that matters.

I find it hilarious that your twenty two year old selves were early to rise, early to bed. Don't get me wrong, that's how I like to vacation - but at 22 I was all about the late nights. :lol: And you've continually cracked me up with all the gym/sleep talk - you've got the right idea. Vacations are NOT for working out.

I know, we were pretty lame - Rach and I managed to keep 'er going for the Pirate Party though! And in all fairness, I would have been up later if I hadn't been sick/etc.. somehow there were no dance parties? It was a relaxing week, though, and dance parties/high impact can always happen at school if you so desire. So much gymming because, and I quote, it makes La less of a cranky *witch* and Rachael is doing figure modeling in April so... there was no choice. I avoid the gym, so I was happy to sleep!

Rick Castle, what a gent! Can I just say, the fact that you tweeted that picture at Nathan Fillion totally made my day last week.

Wah, I got no love back! Maybe I'll tweet it again - I just want him to love me as much as I love him..

And of course, I heart the mirror images... both the one you took "for" me and the sneaky one from your stateroom - fab sunburst mirror there by the way!

Hahah love that you noticed the sunburst mirror pic ;)

As always, you're rockin' some serious style. And I couldn't be prouder.

Thanks girl! Coming from the one that taught us all that we could still be stylish on parks days, that means a lot.

May I make one request? That Princess Pose Picture you spoke of? It NEEDS to be posted. Just sayin'.

It's not as bad as I remembered it, but it's still not great..


I did do a cruise when I was 13 to Bermuda with my parents but that was so long ago....:lookaroun...so I am counting this as our first cruise! We are very excited. It is fast approaching but not fast enough! There will definitely be a trip report when we get back! We are driving to Fl, so hopefully there will be lots of car time to write it up and edit pics and stuff.

I am in total agreement with Holly. We need to see that Princess pose! You shouldn't have talked about it if you didn't want to post it!!

Definitely count it as your first cruise - first with Disney, anyway, which obviously makes it better! It will get here so quick, and then it will be over even faster =( Hard to believe we've been back a week and a half - time flies when you're either having fun or working yoru butt off! Drive time definitely seems like convenient trip writing time.. just don't write your TR and drive, I feel that it would be worst than texting ;)

Yes, it would've been the ultimate Disneyland day! Ah well. There's always next time!

Disneyland and I are well! No trips planned right now. :( My bestie and her BF are leaving for WDW next week...it'll be his first time. Yay! I was supposed to go with them buuuuut I let them have their trip. I need to get back soon though! After your cruise TRs I definitely want to take a Disney cruise vacay!!

I think I just died. My mouth is watering :slurp:

This is kind of adorable.

Aw, you're the nicest! Bestie Jamie from previous TR or other bestie that I might know from creeping your DL pics on Faacebook because I'm the worst.. hehe =) Look into a cruise! They're tons of fun, and you'd probably be able to get a decent deal - makes a different when you're flying domestic for sure! Or Mexican Riviera would have been perfect - close!

Glen was awesome, I hope he's doing well <3

OMg how cool ,yeah I had an interesting time at St Fx that's for sure,definately not something I'll ever forget

Funny, most people DON'T remember their trips to X.. ;)

umm, Holly has a point. Post the Princess Poses, there's no such thing as being too old (trust me, I was all about them and I'm a year older!). :p

It's there - I applaud you for being able to look like a normal person and not like a wannabe princess. I hope you're happy.


Active Member
It's there - I applaud you for being able to look like a normal person and not like a wannabe princess. I hope you're happy.

Oh Kenz, you always make me happy :) And don't yell at Holly, she totally read and commented on your TR before she got to mine. :p (that's how I knew she was back on the boards reading haha)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh Kenz, you always make me happy :) And don't yell at Holly, she totally read and commented on your TR before she got to mine. :p (that's how I knew she was back on the boards reading haha)

I'm NOT yelling! Why do you make me out to be such a terrible person, C. Come onnnnn, let's be fraaaandssss.. =( =( =( =(

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