swine flu and travelling


New Member
dont want to get over hyped about this , but whats the chance of flights and holidays being cancelled due to the swine flu? im flying from uk to the usa, we have already been advised not to travel in the eu? will usa be next?only 19 days to go hope it doesnt all go wrong now....

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
Product Description
Convenient Packets - Super Sani-Cloth Germicidal Disposable Wipe contains 55% alcohol to achieve faster kill times. Cleans, disinfects and deodorizes hard non-porous surfaces. Kills a broader range of bacteria and viruses including: RSV and TB in 1 minute; HBV and HIV-1 in 2 minutes. Proven effective against MRSA.


Thats why you need to use industrial strength products, this stuff kills everything. Use it everyday at work to clean ear piercing guns, telephones, keyboards, other tools.
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Active Member
You know, it is really easy for some of you who have not been directly affected by this to make fun of people who are concerned or worried. But I take offense to the sarcastic tone some of you have towards people who are concerned.

Would you like to know why? Well, I had to keep my son home from school today because he had fever and sore throat, etc. Was I worried? Not really, I figured it was a cold.

But guess what? I just got a message that his school is closing. Why? Because of several cases of flu that were reported today....and are in the process of being confirmed (or hopefully) unconfirmed as Swine flu. Seeing how I live in Texas in a city where there have already been confirmed cases, there is a pretty good chance these are going to turn up positive for swine flu.

And you know what else? One of these students has had direct contact with my child.

So while you all sit at your computers tomorrow making sarcastic remarks in this and other threads about swine flu, I will be taking my little guy in for a flu test, and praying that it is negative....especially since his younger sister is in a high risk category for the flu.

So give it a break, will you? People have every right to be worried about this. Stop making us feel like we are stupid for doing so.
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Well-Known Member
You know, it is really easy for some of you who have not been directly affected by this to make fun of people who are concerned or worried. But I take offense to the sarcastic tone some of you have towards people who are concerned.

Would you like to know why? Well, I had to keep my son home from school today because he had fever and sore throat, etc. Was I worried? Not really, I figured it was a cold.

But guess what? I just got a message that his school is closing. Why? Because of several cases of flu that were reported today....and are in the process of being confirmed (or hopefully) unconfirmed as Swine flu. Seeing how I live in Texas in a city where there have already been confirmed cases, there is a pretty good chance these are going to turn up positive for swine flu.

And you know what else? One of these students has had direct contact with my child.

So while you all sit at your computers tomorrow making sarcastic remarks in this and other threads about swine flu, I will be taking my little guy in for a flu test, and praying that it is negative....especially since his younger sister is in a high risk category for the flu.

So give it a break, will you? People have every right to be worried about this. Stop making us feel like we are stupid for doing so.
My thoughts are with you. I hope it is just a cold. Keep us posted.
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Well-Known Member
There are now two confirmed cases in Alabama. Both in Kindergarten aged children.

Neither of the children, nor their immediate family have been to Mexico or in contact with anyone from Mexico.

All schools here are closed until further notice.:(
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New Member
Happymom: I hope your child gets better soon.

Everyone else: I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that this is as bad as it is being made out to be. There are tens of thousands of deaths every year from diseases, yet they hardly make a blip on the radar. In fact, 33% of all world deaths are from communicable diseases (14% in non third world countries).

Remember SARS? Over 8000 cases with 775 deaths (27 cases in the US, no deaths). Again, the media and world turned into a frenzy. In fact mainstream media reports fixated on the possibility of a domestic epidemic...which never happened.

So, is it possible that this flu may be the one? I don't believe it is....but hey, I'm not a doctor or a scientist. I can tell you that I will continue to follow good hygenic practice, and I will enjoy my WDW vacation next week!
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Follower of "Saget"The Cult
There are now two confirmed cases in Alabama. Both in Kindergarten aged children.

Neither of the children, nor their immediate family have been to Mexico or in contact with anyone from Mexico.

All schools here are closed until further notice.:(

North Alabama (Huntsville area)
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Well-Known Member
Happymom... it's not that you (or anyone else) shouldn't be concerned about the health of your children, and I don't make light of that.

I make light of the media stirring everyone up into a frenzy over this. This flu is serious because people have very limited (or no) natural immunity to it... so if you get exposed, chances are you will catch it. So it's going to spread rapidly affecting thousands, probably millions of people. This sounds serious and the media is making it out to be the end of the world.

BUT... it's the FLU! In general, symptoms have been reported to be fairly mild. People are recovering with the usual treatment for the flu - rest, fluids, Tylenol/Motrin, chicken soup, etc. Those who seek medical treatment are being put on Tamiflu and are feeling better at home after two doses. In rare cases (looks like about 1 in 100, but it's early to compute that yet) complications result (often from pre-existing health conditions) and hospitalization is required - but in the vast majority of cases those people recover quickly also.

Once you catch it, this is not that different from other types of flu. The difference is in the numbers - that more people are probably going to catch this versus a standard flu that some people have immunity against.

If your kids get sick, take them to the doctor sooner rather than later. Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, etc. - but go on living your life. If you have a trip coming up, go to Disneyworld!

PS. When I'm standing in line for Soarin' in 10 days I will curse myself and wonder why I wrote this calming note. Wait... forget everything I just wrote. PANIC! Run for the bunker! Get out the canned goods! :)
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Naturally Grumpy
You know, it is really easy for some of you who have not been directly affected by this to make fun of people who are concerned or worried. But I take offense to the sarcastic tone some of you have towards people who are concerned.

Would you like to know why? Well, I had to keep my son home from school today because he had fever and sore throat, etc. Was I worried? Not really, I figured it was a cold.

But guess what? I just got a message that his school is closing. Why? Because of several cases of flu that were reported today....and are in the process of being confirmed (or hopefully) unconfirmed as Swine flu. Seeing how I live in Texas in a city where there have already been confirmed cases, there is a pretty good chance these are going to turn up positive for swine flu.

And you know what else? One of these students has had direct contact with my child.

So while you all sit at your computers tomorrow making sarcastic remarks in this and other threads about swine flu, I will be taking my little guy in for a flu test, and praying that it is negative....especially since his younger sister is in a high risk category for the flu.

So give it a break, will you? People have every right to be worried about this. Stop making us feel like we are stupid for doing so.

I don't think anyone is minimizing the flu itself. If you have it, it is serious and needs careful treatment. But consider what has been said by PAX 65 and others. It is "just" the flu, possibly more easily transmissable than some, but by current information is far from overly virulent.

Do you get this concerned every flu season? The flu is a serious disease killing 10s of thousands each year, mostly due to insufficient medical care or an already weakened condition. Yesterday the lead story was the first death attributed to the flu in the US (we had to import a very sick child to make that claim).

The media has turned this into such a hysteria however. There is information overload in that we know when someone sneezes in Ontario, runs a fever in London or has the trots in Alabama. This takes it way out of perspective.
Is it appropriate for schools to close with one confirmed case, bringing in disinfectant "teams", I don't think so. Is it appropriate to cancel normal activities and hide in your house, again I don't think so.

I travel a lot for work. I will defer trips to Mexico, but otherwise, business as usual. Airports every day are a breeding ground for a wide variety of diseases, I wash my hands (with soap).

Am I saying not to be concerned for your child, absolutely not, but be more concerned with measles, chicken pox etc., they are much more serious.
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Well-Known Member
The problem with the people that are screaming about being on the verge of pandemic and with how Tigsmom is presenting it about everyone is at risk and we all need to worry because it's spreading is that they are presenting it as if it is some deadly disease and that there is no cure for it, so if you catch it, you're going to die.

You're taking it way beyond the extreme. Most of these "confirmed" cases have taken days for the bloodwork to be sent away and tested. During that time most of those people who had been "confirmed" with the swine flu have had the symptoms and since recovered. You don't NEED antiviral medications and antivirus injections to get over everything, and most of the confirmed cases thought it was standard flu and got over it like every other flu.

Most people infact WON'T die from this. People can go on living their lives like normal. If they get sick or if someone in they're family gets sick, take them to the doctor, get some medicine, and rest up.

Closing Schools and slaughtering pigs and wearing masks is all going beyond the extreme...and so is raising that helth MARSAC level or whatever the heck they call it to level 5.

And comparing this to the 1918 Flu Epedemic is also absurd since medicine, living conditions, and technology has vastly improved since then...

But anyway...keep up the paranoia so the parks are less crowded for me this weekend!
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The problem with the people that are screaming about being on the verge of pandemic and with how Tigsmom is presenting it about everyone is at risk and we all need to worry because it's spreading is that they are presenting it as if it is some deadly disease and that there is no cure for it, so if you catch it, you're going to die.

You're taking it way beyond the extreme. Most of these "confirmed" cases have taken days for the bloodwork to be sent away and tested. During that time most of those people who had been "confirmed" with the swine flu have had the symptoms and since recovered. You don't NEED antiviral medications and antivirus injections to get over everything, and most of the confirmed cases thought it was standard flu and got over it like every other flu.

Most people infact WON'T die from this. People can go on living their lives like normal. If they get sick or if someone in they're family gets sick, take them to the doctor, get some medicine, and rest up.

Closing Schools and slaughtering pigs and wearing masks is all going beyond the extreme...and so is raising that helth MARSAC level or whatever the heck they call it to level 5.

And comparing this to the 1918 Flu Epedemic is also absurd since medicine, living conditions, and technology has vastly improved since then...

But anyway...keep up the paranoia so the parks are less crowded for me this weekend!

Tigsmom has done nothing but provide a little information and remind us all to have good hygiene. She is not trying to whip anyone into hysterics. Someone asked why this is more of a concern than the regular flu, and she answered the question. End of story.
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While this flu is easily treatable if antiviral drugs like Tamiflu are administered early, what is making this flu so worrisome to the CDC is that it is primarily infecting (and killing in Mexico) young, healthy people with strong immune systems instead of very young children and the elderly. Also, remember that unlike other strains of the flu, there is currently no vaccine for this one, so absolutely everyone is at risk. While the overwhelming majority of people who catch this appear to be surviving, that doesn't mean you should not take action and simply sacrafice a few hundred lives. Instead, every action possible needs to be taken to keep the death count as low as possible. In a regular season, this mostly involves the use of vaccines, which we don't have right now.

Anyhow, to bring this back to Disney--


The Orlando Sentinel is now reporting that a High School band from SC who came to Disney to perform came back home with 16-18 members experiencing flu-like symptoms after the trip. (They stayed at Saratoga Springs, and went to DHS.) This comes after the case of the Mexican Tourist vacationing in Disney who came down with flu symptoms a few days after his arrival. His preliminary testing results for H1N1 will be coming back today, but a final result is unlikely until Friday at the earliest. But if he does test positive, and so do these band members, that is VERY BAD for Disney.
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Well-Known Member
and so is raising that helth MARSAC level or whatever the heck they call it to level 5.

The "pandemic" level issued by the WHO is simply a measure of how the virus is spreading around the globe. It will be raised to its highest level (official "pandemic" status, level 6) probably today or tomorrow to indicate that the virus is spreading person-to-person in multiple regions around the globe.

So yes, we have a global flu pandemic and thousands, probably millions of people are going to get the flu. Not surprising when you remember this is a new virus that people have very limited immunity against.

Whether it's a global pandemic or a local outbreak does not change the experience you will have if you catch it, or if a family member catches it. To date the effects have been generally mild, with symptoms similar to... THE FLU.
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New Member
You know, it is really easy for some of you who have not been directly affected by this to make fun of people who are concerned or worried. But I take offense to the sarcastic tone some of you have towards people who are concerned.

Would you like to know why? Well, I had to keep my son home from school today because he had fever and sore throat, etc. Was I worried? Not really, I figured it was a cold.

But guess what? I just got a message that his school is closing. Why? Because of several cases of flu that were reported today....and are in the process of being confirmed (or hopefully) unconfirmed as Swine flu. Seeing how I live in Texas in a city where there have already been confirmed cases, there is a pretty good chance these are going to turn up positive for swine flu.

And you know what else? One of these students has had direct contact with my child.

So while you all sit at your computers tomorrow making sarcastic remarks in this and other threads about swine flu, I will be taking my little guy in for a flu test, and praying that it is negative....especially since his younger sister is in a high risk category for the flu.

So give it a break, will you? People have every right to be worried about this. Stop making us feel like we are stupid for doing so.

I'm so sorry to hear this - your son is in my prayers.

My friend found out today that he might not be able to go home to Ft. Worth (TX) for his summer break because the school system there has been shut down because there were confirmed cases...he might have to stay in Jersey for the summer.

Maybe instead of everyone ARGUING about this, we can just be respectful of each other and the dreadful situation that people around the world are dealing with - people are sick, and that is a horrible thing.

Use common sense people - wash your hands, try to avoid mass transit when possible, and keep your hands away from your face. This is not a sensationalist sugestion, and it's what I have been hearing from the CDC reports.
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Active Member
Happymom: I hope your child gets better soon.

Everyone else: I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that this is as bad as it is being made out to be. There are tens of thousands of deaths every year from diseases, yet they hardly make a blip on the radar. In fact, 33% of all world deaths are from communicable diseases (14% in non third world countries).

Remember SARS? Over 8000 cases with 775 deaths (27 cases in the US, no deaths). Again, the media and world turned into a frenzy. In fact mainstream media reports fixated on the possibility of a domestic epidemic...which never happened.

So, is it possible that this flu may be the one? I don't believe it is....but hey, I'm not a doctor or a scientist. I can tell you that I will continue to follow good hygenic practice, and I will enjoy my WDW vacation next week!
Post of the year in my book! We will be there next week too... not worrying - and enjoying ourselves.

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