Survivor: Cambodia- Second Chance


Premium Member
Joe is an example of a player that should be an ANCHOR of a strong alliance.. and people could look to turn on him late.

The flaw with the current thinking is they aren't playing to be in a position of power or control.. they just think they can scramble week to week to align the floating pieces. That's like playing musical chairs... you aren't always going to be near the open chair. When that happens, you won't have any structure around you to save you. The free flow scramble will get harder and harder as the # of players gets to a reasonable number.

The best games have always been when people have accomplices they are true to.. within a larger alliance they form to act as a unit.. then adjust when the game demands.

The way the strong players can drop like flies this season is showing just how flawed this game strategy is -- you'll never be safe. And in survivor it's better for longevity to be safe, then the aggressor.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yeah! :D What a nice start to a holiday weekend!

But doing the math...there has to be another two hour episode somewhere else. Because there's four wednesdays left of the season. There's 10 people at the start of this next one, there should be 8 in the following one, and then assuming there are 5 people in the finale, they need to go from 8-5 somehow in two wednesdays...


Well-Known Member
Yeah! :D What a nice start to a holiday weekend!

But doing the math...there has to be another two hour episode somewhere else. Because there's four wednesdays left of the season. There's 10 people at the start of this next one, there should be 8 in the following one, and then assuming there are 5 people in the finale, they need to go from 8-5 somehow in two wednesdays...
Maybe a med evac? Or maybe they'll go with a larger finale cast. Obviously they have a plan.


Well-Known Member
Wow. What a fantastic episode! But before I start on gameplay, have they gone away from showing the intro in a couple episodes? It just seems so choppy, and they cut in and out of commercial very oddly. Seems different from seasons past.

Onto the first half, I love that reward challenge. The weather looked miserable, much like in the early seasons. For the immunity challenge, I knew Joe and Keith would choose to participate. But what a perk they got, especially Joe. Not surprised it was Ciera. She was becoming a powerful strategic player.

For the second half, I HATE that reward challenge! It's so boring, but great move by Fishbach to trick Abi on that one answer. And what luck Wentworth had on getting the idol. As for the immunity challenge, another one I dislike. But happy Spencer beat out Joe! I was surprised Fishbach ended up splitting the votes. Too much confidence in a season where there have not been real alliances. Can't believe he went out with his advantage in play! Spencer definitely made the right move. Fishbach was a huge strategic threat, and his true trust was in Jeremy and Tasha and nobody else. Bad move on his part by taking them on the reward challenge.

Looking forward to next week... seems like a med evac situation, which would explain the extra person for the time left in the season. By clues in the preview, here's who I think it might be...

I think it's Joe. It was definitely a man's hand, and he had big fingers. The first person in mind was Joe, next up would be Keith. The skin was too tan to be Spencer from what I remember.

Always tough to see someone leave because of a med evac (assuming that's the case), especially this far into the season where almost everybody has a chance. The only two I can't see winning at this point are Kimmi and Abi. Everyone else has played a relatively strong game.

Once again, great episode to go with a great season!


Well-Known Member
Wow last night was an incredible 2hour episode.

The rain, the white rocks, Joe's a beast, Survivor folklore, Fishbach being pompous, great tribals, huge blindsides, and Joe was saved!! I always liked that feet challenge too. Great work to the entire Survivor crew!!


Premium Member
great great episode... I wouldn't have bet Jeremy would have used an idol on fishback like that.. that was awesome.

I never understand why people stop improving the shelter after the first few days. Are they out of rope and nails? Why not make that part of the rewards?

The whole 'we will rebuild your shelter' award was clearly the production trying to save their season from falling apart due to player weakness. They've forced people to give up more just to get more rice.. They kept harping on how Joe didn't volunteer... uh.. duh. I'm still disappointed joe hasn't used the challenges strength as the core of a alliance... tell people you'll carry them, you take them on rewards, etc... you know.. that whole 'alliance' thing?? Thank god they've finally snapped out of that thought of how they've redefined 'this game' with the shift every vote theory.

I think Stephen should have taken Jeremy with his first pick on reward... that wouldn't have cost him anything with the rest of the tribe (duh.. the guy just played an idol for you) and would have prevented slighting Jeremy.


Well-Known Member
great great episode... I wouldn't have bet Jeremy would have used an idol on fishback like that.. that was awesome.

I never understand why people stop improving the shelter after the first few days. Are they out of rope and nails? Why not make that part of the rewards?

The whole 'we will rebuild your shelter' award was clearly the production trying to save their season from falling apart due to player weakness. They've forced people to give up more just to get more rice.. They kept harping on how Joe didn't volunteer... uh.. duh. I'm still disappointed joe hasn't used the challenges strength as the core of a alliance... tell people you'll carry them, you take them on rewards, etc... you know.. that whole 'alliance' thing?? Thank god they've finally snapped out of that thought of how they've redefined 'this game' with the shift every vote theory.

I think Stephen should have taken Jeremy with his first pick on reward... that wouldn't have cost him anything with the rest of the tribe (duh.. the guy just played an idol for you) and would have prevented slighting Jeremy.
Agree with you completely, flynnibus. I have often wondered why they don't just fix the shelter. They almost always have access to palm fronds and minimally could keep layering that.

I'm putting the gazillions of bug bites as reason #592 that I won't ever be on the show. The Amazing Race, on the other hand, I would do in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
New power rankings! Not taking a potential med-evac into account.

1. Kimmi - She's a non-threat both physically and strategically. She's an easy "coattail" player.
2. Keith - He's really laying under the radar. No strategic threat, but he has done well in nearly every challenge.
3. Abi - She's the one everyone wants to take to the end, but will her sudden changes of mind get her there?
4. Jeremy - He's the biggest threat to win the game right now, and with an idol, I think he's safe another week.
5. Tasha - She's really been disappointing from a strategic viewpoint this season. She's not showing the wits she did in Cagayan, as she's trying to ride the alliance that never was.
6. Kelley Wentworth - She has an idol now, and she's not afraid to use it if she is even in the slightest amount of trouble. However, with the amount of blindsides, that's not easy to sense.
7. Spencer - With Fishbach out, that leaves Spencer as the clear cut biggest strategic threat in the game. That's often perceived scarier than it actually is, and he should be on most people's radars soon.
8. Joe - Once again, if Joe loses immunity he's the obvious target. If he does, it would be easier to take out a strong player like Jeremy or Spencer instead, but that's a running a huge risk of Joe winning out.


Well-Known Member
From what I'm seeing at Ponderosa, Savage seems to be very bitter. He warmed up to Kass, and it seems like him and Ciera are on the right track, but I think he's going to be a very bitter jury member.


Premium Member
From what I'm seeing at Ponderosa, Savage seems to be very bitter. He warmed up to Kass, and it seems like him and Ciera are on the right track, but I think he's going to be a very bitter jury member.

He's a lot better in his later videos.. in the video where he arrives.. wow.. cold.. but the others he's doing better. Ciera is her own ball of wax.. I've been saying that since day one. I think savage will love his jury role..


Well-Known Member
I think Kass is really enjoying Ponderosa and her jury spot. Much different from the last time she was voted off. That was the biggest cold shoulder I've seen at Ponderosa.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
New power rankings! Not taking a potential med-evac into account.

1. Kimmi - She's a non-threat both physically and strategically. She's an easy "coattail" player.
2. Keith - He's really laying under the radar. No strategic threat, but he has done well in nearly every challenge.
3. Abi - She's the one everyone wants to take to the end, but will her sudden changes of mind get her there?
4. Jeremy - He's the biggest threat to win the game right now, and with an idol, I think he's safe another week.
5. Tasha - She's really been disappointing from a strategic viewpoint this season. She's not showing the wits she did in Cagayan, as she's trying to ride the alliance that never was.
6. Kelley Wentworth - She has an idol now, and she's not afraid to use it if she is even in the slightest amount of trouble. However, with the amount of blindsides, that's not easy to sense.
7. Spencer - With Fishbach out, that leaves Spencer as the clear cut biggest strategic threat in the game. That's often perceived scarier than it actually is, and he should be on most people's radars soon.
8. Joe - Once again, if Joe loses immunity he's the obvious target. If he does, it would be easier to take out a strong player like Jeremy or Spencer instead, but that's a running a huge risk of Joe winning out.
I think I'll try making some power rankings today! :D :P...

1. Keith- I agree with your reasons, I really don't see any reason for people to target him since he's not a threat. Plus, there's a solid chance he could win immunity anyways.
2. Kimmi- Also under the radar like you said. The main reason I put Kimmi behind Keith in mine is that I could see people coming up with a reason to target her as she is someone that could make waves..Plus, if the fall out from last night's vote means anything it is that she's on the bottom. Still, I don't she's being targeted.
3. Spencer- This might be a bit of a surprise putting Spencer at number 3, but despite him being a threat, I really don't think he's in a bad position at all. The thing is, he should have been gone already. Not because I want him to be or that I don't like him or anything, but because he simply is a huge threat with a huge reputation. But since the merge, there hasn't been a single time where he's been in danger (that I recall at least). His transformation to having the feels from SpencerBot has worked I guess :P because people like him, like working with him, and he's able to convince people of things.
4. Kelley- Kelley has worked her way out of the bottom. She has an idol which is always helpful and she has quite a few people she can and will work with (Abi, Joe, Keith, etc.)
5. Abi- Abi is one of the most interesting goats we've ever seen on this show...I mean, unless she emerges as a stellar game player really soon, there's really no chance of her winning this game. That said, I don't know that because of that people are going to be willing to take her under their wing for the home stretch. She is a bit crazy :P Her emotional game play and flips out of the blue make her unpredictable and uncontrollable. I don't think it's too unlikely they decide to kill the Brazilian dragon.
6. Jeremy- Jeremy honestly had a horrible night last Wednesday...He not only lost an idol of his, which also sent it back into circulation for someone (Kelley) to find, but he also lost his greatest ally in the game in Fishbach. He's left in a pretty bad position where he's on the bottom after last Tribal's vote (unless that voting bloc thing is still a thing), and I'm sure people realize he's a threat, but he does have the fact that he has an idol going for him.
7. Tasha- As I said above, unless the whole idea of a voting bloc and the ever changing alliances is actually still a real thing, Tasha was on the bottom after last Tribal. And the thing about her is that she's definitely perceived by everyone as a big strategic threat, which would make her a target, but I really don't know that she's brought that all to the table this season for her to fight back.
8. Joe- I hate putting Joe down here, but it's really not unlikely he goes. Granted, he has a great chance of winning immunity, but if he doesn't he is going to have trouble staying alive once again.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
But before I start on gameplay, have they gone away from showing the intro in a couple episodes? It just seems so choppy, and they cut in and out of commercial very oddly. Seems different from seasons past.
I believe that hour one of last episode was the first this season where they just cut to the logo rather than having the intro song (well, the shortened version of it at least). They've done that in the past before, I remember a few times during World Apart them doing that. For hour two I'm pretty sure that they cut the intro from it because since they were stacking the two episodes next to each other they really didn't need another intro. It'll probably be there in like the DVD or when it goes to Hulu+/Netflix or things like that. But I agree that it looked a bit choppy the way they cut it out in hour two.


Well-Known Member
I think I'll try making some power rankings today! :D :p...

1. Keith- I agree with your reasons, I really don't see any reason for people to target him since he's not a threat. Plus, there's a solid chance he could win immunity anyways.
2. Kimmi- Also under the radar like you said. The main reason I put Kimmi behind Keith in mine is that I could see people coming up with a reason to target her as she is someone that could make waves..Plus, if the fall out from last night's vote means anything it is that she's on the bottom. Still, I don't she's being targeted.
3. Spencer- This might be a bit of a surprise putting Spencer at number 3, but despite him being a threat, I really don't think he's in a bad position at all. The thing is, he should have been gone already. Not because I want him to be or that I don't like him or anything, but because he simply is a huge threat with a huge reputation. But since the merge, there hasn't been a single time where he's been in danger (that I recall at least). His transformation to having the feels from SpencerBot has worked I guess :p because people like him, like working with him, and he's able to convince people of things.
4. Kelley- Kelley has worked her way out of the bottom. She has an idol which is always helpful and she has quite a few people she can and will work with (Abi, Joe, Keith, etc.)
5. Abi- Abi is one of the most interesting goats we've ever seen on this show...I mean, unless she emerges as a stellar game player really soon, there's really no chance of her winning this game. That said, I don't know that because of that people are going to be willing to take her under their wing for the home stretch. She is a bit crazy :p Her emotional game play and flips out of the blue make her unpredictable and uncontrollable. I don't think it's too unlikely they decide to kill the Brazilian dragon.
6. Jeremy- Jeremy honestly had a horrible night last Wednesday...He not only lost an idol of his, which also sent it back into circulation for someone (Kelley) to find, but he also lost his greatest ally in the game in Fishbach. He's left in a pretty bad position where he's on the bottom after last Tribal's vote (unless that voting bloc thing is still a thing), and I'm sure people realize he's a threat, but he does have the fact that he has an idol going for him.
7. Tasha- As I said above, unless the whole idea of a voting bloc and the ever changing alliances is actually still a real thing, Tasha was on the bottom after last Tribal. And the thing about her is that she's definitely perceived by everyone as a big strategic threat, which would make her a target, but I really don't know that she's brought that all to the table this season for her to fight back.
8. Joe- I hate putting Joe down here, but it's really not unlikely he goes. Granted, he has a great chance of winning immunity, but if he doesn't he is going to have trouble staying alive once again.
I really should have my own Survivor talk show or something. I can talk about it for hours on end, and I never get tired hearing other people's viewpoints.

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