Surprise Mission: Space Fast Passes


Well-Known Member
christyj said:
Like I said, as a nurse I LOOK for these things. ( why I am not sure) Trust me you are not missing anything, It is not fun to watch,
I've seen a few spills....not fun. Just never at M:S of all places. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
corrected for you. Thank me later.

And if you don't see the difference between the statements that Saratoga Springs Resort is gorgeous and has a great pool, and the statement that Mission:Space is a terrible attraction that you would be remiss in riding; than you may need more schooling before participating in grown-up conversation
Enderikari said:
And if you don't see the difference between the statements that Saratoga Springs Resort is gorgeous and has a great pool, and the statement that Mission:Space is a terrible attraction that you would be remiss in riding; than you may need more schooling before participating in grown-up conversation

You know your a very argumentative person. Hasnt anyone told you thats not good in that big "grown up" world of yours?


New Member
Enderikari said:
And if you don't see the difference between the statements that Saratoga Springs Resort is gorgeous and has a great pool, and the statement that Mission:Space is a terrible attraction that you would be remiss in riding; than you may need more schooling before participating in grown-up conversation
Well, here's the dilemma; he had a point while having no point at all. He pointed out that what you said about Saratoga Springs is your opinion. To which, I reply, "....Umm. Yes.... And?"


Well-Known Member
christyj said:
It looks beautiful. I cant wait. Just hoping for no hurricaines!!

Shoot, even if there are Hurricanes, its pretty fun to be in a Disney Resort, we provide entertainment, food, and fun and games... During the three hurricanes a few years ago, characters braved the high winds and showed up at a lot of the resorts. Even PUSH made it to the Contemporary


Well-Known Member
Enderikari said:
And if you don't see the difference between the statements that Saratoga Springs Resort is gorgeous and has a great pool, and the statement that Mission:Space is a terrible attraction that you would be remiss in riding; than you may need more schooling before participating in grown-up conversation

Actually, time to be fair here...

You saying that SS is gorgeous and has a great pool is kinda the same thing as saying that M:S is a terrible ride. This is all really petty to tell you the truth. SS may not be gorgeous to everybody...just like M:S may not be terrible to everybody.

Can we stop this now?


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Well-Known Member
Speaking of the subject at hand...(or at least the one that was at hand on the first page of this thread) many attractions have had "Surprise" FastPasses?

I know that I've got one for Honey, I Shrunk the Audience, and Body Wars...but that's it...which others?


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
Actually, time to be fair here...

You saying that SS is gorgeous and has a great pool is kinda the same thing as saying that M:S is a terrible ride. This is all really petty to tell you the truth. SS may not be gorgeous to everybody...just like M:S may not be terrible to everybody.

Can we stop this now?
I see your point... but Enderikari didn't say anything like "M:S is a horrible attraction and they should fire everyone involved." He merely stated the resort was nice. I see where the statements can be compared, but if you add on top of the comparison, the history of ghostbusters posting, there's a BIG difference.

The problem here is not what people say... it's how they say it. Unfortunately, it seems every thread that ghostbuster participates in turns into a free-for-all because of his incendiary posts.


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
Speaking of the subject at hand...(or at least the one that was at hand on the first page of this thread) many attractions have had "Surprise" FastPasses?

I know that I've got one for Honey, I Shrunk the Audience, and Body Wars...but that's it...which others?

I've never gotten one...Do they give them out only certain times of year, when they expect certain crowd numbers?


Active Member
So, did you guys hear about the Surprise FastPasses for M:S? :lookaroun

Just wondering, I've never had a Surprise FP, how exactly do they work? Say I got a FP for TT, I'm assuming I get one for M:S too, but how do the time windows work out?

*goes back into hiding*


Well-Known Member
objr said:
I've never gotten one...Do they give them out only certain times of year, when they expect certain crowd numbers?
I've received one for HISTA in December before at Test Track. It does appear that only the machines at Test Track issues these 'surprise' passes?


Well-Known Member
objr said:
I've never gotten one...Do they give them out only certain times of year, when they expect certain crowd numbers?

I'm really not sure...I seem to only get them when I get one for Test Track. (I'm pretty sure they give them out when an attraction isn't really "pulling its weight" during certain weeks and they'd rather give out FP's to entice people to visit the attraction rather than run the attraction with nobody on it...but, then again...why have FP's running if they're not needed...)

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Well, here are just some of my humble opinions on Mission: Space taking views from both sides of the arguement.

The good things about Mission Space:

The technology for the ride is astounding. The centrifuge is so well designed that the G forces and simulation effects are perfect. The sound, seat vibrations, and over all feel of the ride just create a real immersive experience.

The exterior to the ride is beautiful. The design is just so elegant and well designed that it really creates a look that makes you want to ride.

The bad:

The qeue is very lackluster IMO. They could've done so much more. The gravity weel thing is cool, but other than that, its just boring. Its not very immersive, and there's not a whole lot to look at other than a couple of space ship models here and there.

The stroy doesn't do too much for me. I was so dissapointed the learn that the story was that it was just a training simulation rather than a real trip into space. It just took a whole lot of the fun out of the ride. Its like riding space mountain with the story meant to say that its only a simulation. It doesn't create a sense of adventure. It's like they're saying "Sorry guys, everythings fake. But we hope you enjoy it anyway."

The ending is awful. It just leaves you there hanging without a proper closing. You almost fall over a cliff, you're pulled to safety, and poof! They come on and say "welcome to mars!" Its just not right. Its like star wars ending immediately after luke blows up the death star.

Well, there you go. I'll go hide in my corner now.:lookaroun
imagineer boy said:
Well, here are just some of my humble opinions on Mission: Space taking views from both sides of the arguement.

The good things about Mission Space:

The technology for the ride is astounding. The centrifuge is so well designed that the G forces and simulation effects are perfect. The sound, seat vibrations, and over all feel of the ride just create a real immersive experience.

The exterior to the ride is beautiful. The design is just so elegant and well designed that it really creates a look that makes you want to ride.

The bad:

The qeue is very lackluster IMO. They could've done so much more. The gravity weel thing is cool, but other than that, its just boring. Its not very immersive, and there's not a whole lot to look at other than a couple of space ship models here and there.

The stroy doesn't do too much for me. I was so dissapointed the learn that the story was that it was just a training simulation rather than a real trip into space. It just took a whole lot of the fun out of the ride. Its like riding space mountain with the story meant to say that its only a simulation. It doesn't create a sense of adventure. It's like they're saying "Sorry guys, everythings fake. But we hope you enjoy it anyway."

The ending is awful. It just leaves you there hanging without a proper closing. You almost fall over a cliff, you're pulled to safety, and poof! They come on and say "welcome to mars!" Its just not right. Its like star wars ending immediately after luke blows up the death star.

Well, there you go. I'll go hide in my corner now.:lookaroun

ah man your like 15 minutes too late :wave:


Well-Known Member
DisneyBunny said:
So, did you guys hear about the Surprise FastPasses for M:S? :lookaroun

Just wondering, I've never had a Surprise FP, how exactly do they work? Say I got a FP for TT, I'm assuming I get one for M:S too, but how do the time windows work out?

*goes back into hiding*

*gives you a carrot*

Yes, two FP's come out of the machine...the times are completely different though. The "Surprise" FP is for whatever time slot they are currently giving away at the attraction it is for (just like a regular FP without needing to be at the attraction to get have 2 FP's at the same time)


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I've only been given a 'Surprise FastPass' at Test Track, and that was for HISTA. And even that's been rather random. I haven't heard or seen another SFP from any other FP machine I've used (and I've used most of them).

One last thought - why does Ghostbuster626 have Thrawn's old avatar? Not that I really care, but....

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