Surprise Mission: Space Fast Passes


New Member
Ghostbuster, I believe I speak for a lot of us on these boards when I say "Thank God you have no control in what Disney does in its theme parks." You are far too radical with your opinions to be successful at managing those parks. You are entitled to your opinion, but to come out and say that anyone involved with designing of Mission:Space should be fired is insane. The ride DOES fit in with the EPCOT idea of learning. It does just that, it simulates space travel, which correct me if I am wrong but 99.9% of the people on this earth will never experience that first hand. As previously said, the ride also is a capacity hog, which is always a big part of the concept of rides. Now, when you put those two things together it makes for a good fit in EPCOT. Like others have said, I think a reason for the drop in attendance at that ride is the bad rep it has received because of the death of the boy last year. Which we all know was proven that the boy had a heart condition that was not known at the time. Bottomline Ghostbuster, you have no idea how to run a park of that size, nor do anyone of us for that matter. So think before you speak!


Well-Known Member
has anyone read the offical guide to WDW's page on M:S? No wonder people are scared to even says at the end that "We'll wait for you at the exit."! It even says that you shouldn't try and do your job and focus on not getting sick. And that's from the offical guide to WDW! :dazzle: The only problem I have with M:S is the story. I would've had us doing something more important than riding on a simulator in the future.
wannab@dis said:
Fighting the good fight for years? :lol: I'm sorry, but you literally crack me up. You really have a huge opinion of yourself, don't you?

[attempting to control laughter]
Sometimes you need to step back and understand that the improvements that YOU seek are not for everyone, but for your own benefit.
[/attempting to control laughter]


You dont have to control the laughter some of the things I wrote were intended to be funny.


Well-Known Member
imagineersrock said:
:lol: Thank you, I needed that.

So just to clarify--- All the attractions you don't have problems with are in your opinion "re-rideable" then... because if they were not you'd have a problem with them, right?

Just figured I'd ask seeing as though your definition of something that is re-rideable as having certain qualities such as "story, heart, and lots of details."

You say you have no problem with attractions such as Dumbo, TTA, and Soarin' even though according to your very definition ("story, heart, and lots of details.") these 3 attractions are not re-rideable.

Dumbo is re-rideable but Magic Carpets, and the Astro Orbiter aren't.

And...isn't there a Dumbo clone in DinoRAMA? ;)


Active Member
christyj said:
I think everyone here is being very harsh. Everyone has an opinion, get over it!!:kiss:
Is that your opinion, a fact, or a rumor? Please tell us so we will know whether to bash you or not, you newbie! :D :lol: :kiss: :p :hammer:
Enderikari said:
But, looking at your previous list, you also list Haunted Mansion and Big Thunder Mountain as being on your list of favorite attractions... Those have convoluted storylines as well, or no storyline at all in some cases. To me, Mission Space's story is not all that hard to figure out, loads easier than Big Thunder.

I have a feeling that, much like everything else, you don't quite understand whats changing in the WDC and what's staying the same. Yeah, parks are getting upgrades to various attractions, but this was a plan of motion set well before the Pixar acquisition, even before Iger. And the people who have "seized control" will never think like you do, for the plain and simple fact that they think AT ALL.

The only one who doesnt think here is you. You are nothing more than a mindless Eisner drone. Too bad he isnt in charge anymore though isnt it? :D


Well-Known Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
The only one who doesnt think here is you. You are nothing more than a mindless Eisner drone. Too bad he isnt in charge anymore though isnt it? :D
I think we're all getting off topic here, and we're not focusing on the real issue here.........Expedition Everest is teh awesome. :p


Well-Known Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
The only one who doesnt think here is you. You are nothing more than a mindless Eisner drone. Too bad he isnt in charge anymore though isnt it? :D

You may want to step back and try and think of what Eisner brought us.

I'm not saying that he didn't "overstay" his welcome...but you'll never hear me say that he wasn't needed to keep WDW alive.

Soarin' of your re-rideable rides...was brought to you in part by the Eisner regime. Tower of Terror...heck...ALL of Animal Kingdom and MGM.


Well-Known Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
The only one who doesnt think here is you. You are nothing more than a mindless Eisner drone. Too bad he isnt in charge anymore though isnt it? :D

Wow, talk about your modus operendi.. Ignoring all facts, all basis of history and everything else that both I and anybody else on these boards have said, and try and attack me as a person.

Don't you get it, you lost... And this ad hominem attack is the last resort of a desperate child. Enjoy being lonely the rest of your life.


New Member
You may bash me if you like. I am a 33 year old professional (just thought I would get the age thing out of the way) who usually enjoys visiting these boards. I do not however enjoy thye trashing of one persons opinion. Cant this disscussion be positive????


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
You may want to step back and try and think of what Eisner brought us.

I'm not saying that he didn't "overstay" his welcome...but you'll never hear me say that he wasn't needed to keep WDW alive.

Soarin' of your re-rideable rides...was brought to you in part by the Eisner regime. Tower of Terror...heck...ALL of Animal Kingdom and MGM.
Good post... but it is full of logic and facts. I'm sure it will cause his eyes to glaze over. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:
Is that your opinion, a fact, or a rumor? Please tell us so we will know whether to bash you or not, you newbie! :D :lol: :kiss: :p :hammer:
christyj said:
You may bash me if you like. I am a 33 year old professional (just thought I would get the age thing out of the way) who usually enjoys visiting these boards. I do not however enjoy thye trashing of one persons opinion. Cant this disscussion be positive????
If you are refering to above post, you missed his sarcasm and the joke. :D


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Ghostbuster626 said:
This is not surprising at all. Mission Space is a poorly made attraction with little to no re-rideability.

Ghostbuster626 said:
Uh how is my opinion Uninformed??? Ive been on the ride many times and I know plenty about it.

Star Tours > Mission: Space

Do you actually pay attention to what you say from post to post? Or do you just "wing it" based on your mood of the moment?


Well-Known Member
christyj said:
You may bash me if you like. I am a 33 year old professional (just thought I would get the age thing out of the way) who usually enjoys visiting these boards. I do not however enjoy thye trashing of one persons opinion. Cant this disscussion be positive????

Christy, you're right...nobody should bash anybody for their opinions but there are some people on these forums that try to prove their opinions are "gospel" when there is no way to prove or disprove otherwise. If people don't like Mission:Space, that's completely ok and that person probably wouldn't be alone in that thinking...but to say that Mission:Space is a bad ride is just's an opinion, but, at the same time, is trying to say that everybody thinks that Mission:Space is a bad ride when you can't really do that.

Another thing that bugs me...and it's completely MY opinion and it's saying that Eisner was bad for WDW...He was towards the end...but WDW may have closed it's doors years ago if it had not been for Eisner.

So, yes...this discussion can be long as people realize their opinions...are just that...OPINIONS...and that their OPINION has no more bearing than anybody else's.
MontyMon said:
Do you actually pay attention to what you say from post to post? Or do you just "wing it" based on your mood of the moment?

I have ended up going on the ride multiple times for various reasons not because im a fan of the attraction. It doesnt mean the ride has re-rideability.
Enderikari said:
Wow, talk about your modus operendi.. Ignoring all facts, all basis of history and everything else that both I and anybody else on these boards have said, and try and attack me as a person.

Don't you get it, you lost... And this ad hominem attack is the last resort of a desperate child. Enjoy being lonely the rest of your life.

Lets get something clear. I attacked you directly because you said that I dont think "at all" you insulted me first.

Secondly how can I "lose" if all I was doing was stating my opinion hmm?


New Member
Thank you! I guess after reading the entire discussion I never really felt he thought that his opinion was "gospel". My husband, 11 year old son and 6 year old son love MS and I do not. But I never trash the ride to them I just spend a lot of time sitting outside the gift shop watching people throw up and sit with there heads between there legs. As an ER and ICU nurse I feel bad for them. But on the positive side no one in myfamily has ever gotten sick from the ride.:sohappy:

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