Stitch's Great Escape TEST RUN!


Original Poster
Beastluvgrl99 said:
I saw the pics of stitch and I most say.....(grules) looks amazing and sooooooo frickin life like hehehehehe! I first thought this was taking over Snow White but I'm happy it isnt but I wonder so many people in the Animatroic industrie say this is Disney most soffisticated (sry for bad spelling) animtronic looks visually through stills but can anyone whos been on the test tell me it's true?
Animatronically, Stitch is awesome. His moves are very lifelike, and he just plain looks awesome when you see him in person! I would have taken some pictures, but cameras are not allowed in the previews.


Well-Known Member
kodakcastmember said:
Thanks to all you guys who stuck up for a "lowly cast member who can't be trusted because he is new here" and his story. It's those of you that took the time to read and saw merit in my report that will keep me returning to the boards! Thank You!

KodakCastMember (KCM for short if you want . . . a bit easier than typing the whole thing out)

haha, I remember when I frist posted here, I was saying that space was haveing some of its queue redone and someone comes along like "what is your source"

It seems "me" is not a good answer when you are new.


Active Member
pepsistar said:
AIMSTER Just wanted to ask you if you knew that you can use the $$ you paid for the Play Four Pass towards your seasonal/annual pass? This really helps with the cost! The only drawback is that your anniversary (sp?) date will be the date you first used your play four pass-- Still it sure helps! That is what we did. You need to check on the last date that you can do it is though-- I think it is the last day you can use your Play Four ?
Yes I know. And according to what is says on the pass, I got until the end of December to apply the amount from Play 4 Days towards an annual pass if I want. If I can afford it, then I just might. All depends on the budget. I'm moving within the next 2-4 months so I need to save up as much as I can for moving expenses and all that.


Well-Known Member
kodakcastmember said:
Thanks to all you guys who stuck up for a "lowly cast member who can't be trusted because he is new here" and his story. It's those of you that took the time to read and saw merit in my report that will keep me returning to the boards! Thank You!

KodakCastMember (KCM for short if you want . . . a bit easier than typing the whole thing out)

Hang in there. Things can sometimes get a little rough for a newbie around here. Thanks for your post. I was at Disney Oct 9-16 and at MK on Oct 10 & 14, so I missed any opportunity to see SGE previews on the 11th. :brick: But, I'll be back for the grand opening on Nov 16. See ya real soon :wave:
Quick update for anyone who has read this far along in the thread! The test audiences are over for SGE. The other night (Friday 10/15) they ran it for the families of WDI and had a party. This week there will be press and WDI is tweaking/toning down dark periods/ etc. Rumor has it that SATURDAY 10/23 will be the soft opening like M:S had and will continue to run throughout the days hopefully more often than M:S as less things can go wrong. SO keep your eyes peeled


Well-Known Member
DispatchInhibit said:
Rumor has it that SATURDAY 10/23 will be the soft opening like M:S had and will continue to run throughout the days hopefully more often than M:S as less things can go wrong. SO keep your eyes peeled
It's late, and I needed a disney fix before bed (going in three days!!), and true or not, this just made my night. Thanks!



New Member
Why is it only October??

To everyone who is going in the next couple of weeks - please don't break it! We have to wait until December before we can experience it

Does SGE empty out into a shop like some of the other 'newer' rides or do we get to escape the hard sell?



Premium Member
matrtj said:
Does SGE empty out into a shop like some of the other 'newer' rides or do we get to escape the hard sell?

The right chamber exits through Merchant of Venus, just like AE did. The left chamber will exit through Mickey's Star Traders.


New Member
Stitch's Great Escape

My sister and I were visiting Magic Kingdom on the 13th and got to see Stitch's Great Escape as part of a test group. Without spoiling anything, it was amazing. We were just walking by the area a few minutes before 5pm and they were letting people in. There were cast members all over the place, judging audience reaction. They were also checking kids out for determining height requirements. I don't know if the soft openings will follow the same schedule as when we were there but it wouldn't hurt to hang around at 5pm and see what happens. Also, they made it very clear that they would be kicking anybody out if they even saw a camera and thought you were going to take a picture. Hope this helps.


New Member
Im going to be going there the weekend of the 29 of October and I would love (LOVE) to ride it. I was just wondering if anyone knows how I could ride it. Are there certain times to do it, or do you just wait by where they pull guests and hope it comes around soon?

Mission: SPACE

New Member
By October 29 you will most likely be able to get on SGE if you're checking periodically throughout the day. My managers are telling me that it should be doing soft openings before that date.


Well-Known Member
When this attraction opens, someone better take lots of pictures!

I'll miss AE, but at least our Tomorrowland isn't the ghost town DL's is. Of course, our Golden Horseshoe is pretty much a ghost saloon. Maybe that's where the 999 Happy Haunts vacation... :lookaroun


tirian said:
When this attraction opens, someone better take lots of pictures!

I'll miss AE, but at least our Tomorrowland isn't the ghost town DL's is. Of course, our Golden Horseshoe is pretty much a ghost saloon. Maybe that's where the 999 Happy Haunts vacation... :lookaroun
I was at DL over the summer for the first time.....and man was Tomorrowland depressing :cry: . Can not wait to get back to MK and smell that chilli dog breath hehe


Well-Known Member
tirian said:
When this attraction opens, someone better take lots of pictures!

Probally won't happen, if they were still strict about pictures the days before AE closed, it will be even worse now that it is a new ride..


New Member
s25843 said:
Probally won't happen, if they were still strict about pictures the days before AE closed, it will be even worse now that it is a new ride..
Methinks a certain member of the Rob persuasion will look upon this as a new quest :lol:


New Member
I am going to be down in WDW next weekend (October 28-30) and would really love to ride SGE. Just wondering if any Tommorowland CMs (or anybody for that matter) could give me the downlow on how to do that. I know that they're running random guest previews, so do I just have to wait there for them, or do they do them at certain times?


New Member
disney1 said:
I am going to be down in WDW next weekend (October 28-30) and would really love to ride SGE. Just wondering if any Tommorowland CMs (or anybody for that matter) could give me the downlow on how to do that. I know that they're running random guest previews, so do I just have to wait there for them, or do they do them at certain times?

It's random for a reason... :p (j/k)

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