Stitch's Great Escape TEST RUN!


Original Poster
I think DonnieDarko and Djali are right on the money. Experience the attraction a few times and you may see things you didn't see the first time through that actually help make the attraction what it is. Whether you feel that it was worthy of replacing AE or not, if you actually make an effort to see the attraction for what it is, the creativity involved, you may actually see that it is a great attraction, whether it caters to your specific interests or not. When I went in, I told myself that I can't compare it to AE, because it's not meant to be like AE, and I think we all should keep that in mind.


Well-Known Member
CTXRover said:
One thing that could be affecting people's opinions is that, given pics I've seen, it still has the basic look of AE and uses most of the same effects, but in a different way. When you come to expect one thing its always difficult to accept something else right away, especially considering how similar SGE is to AE in format, yet drastically different enough to be its own show.

Bingo! Great post CTXRover

And thanks for the review Donnie and Djali.


New Member
I got the opportunity to experience the new "Stitch's Great Escape" attraction on Saturday at the Magic Kingdom. As I understand it, Disney opened the attraction around 1pm and closed it at 3pm. I was fortunate enough to get there after work around 215pm and jumped right in line.
My review of the attraction is as follows:(without continuing to put in spoilers...although I have read them prior to experiencing it myself) This attraction was full of character and well themed. The Stitch animatronic was amazingly advanced and every part of his body seemed to move, including his ears moving up and back at times. As stated earlier by another member, they have added smell to this attraction. All Stitch fans will love to experience this replacement and see the level 3 transport to earth in person AKA experiment 626.
I don't recall any moments during this attraction where I was startled or scared...All surprises in Stitch Experience were not a "frightening" scary but rather a "comedic" scary.
Where Alien Encounter was a "dark attraction", Stitch is the exact same concept but with kids in mind so you don't get the heart-pounding fright as before but a similar experience that is "cute" so kids can experience it as well.
Bottom line...I personally liked Alien Encounter better however, Stitch Experience is also a great attraction that I WILL do again. This is also a good move for Disney to take one of the most popular Disney character in years and get it a spot in the MK. This attraction will drive toward children and keep the queue line busy. Great move for Disney and GREAT ATTRACTION.


finally made SGE

After missing SGE on 10/26 because of the cannon repairs we added a hop to MK on Friday shortly after 1 pm to our plans. As we approached we saw the lines at SGE and let out a woop! only to find out they had just closed testing. A guy guarding the entry wearing a dark blue Disney shirt said they run for a couple hours, then close to evaluate and adjust. Un-deterred we returned from Epcot at about 3:30 (just as the Red Sox reps led a parade) to find that testing was on again. We saw the show and enjoyed it very much. My 14 year old son liked it a lot. I will try to get more comments from him to send along.

The cannons a really cool, and Stitch is a great animatronic. Try for an upper row and don't be the first in. You will want to sit on the entry side to see the most of a front view of Stitch.
I tried to record the whole show, but doubt the video came out. I haven't been able to review my clips, but should at leats have audio.

Thanks all here at wdwmagic for helping us adjust our plans to see SGE :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :kiss:


Naturally Grumpy


(and Djali). Terrific job on the post. I look forward to giving it equal patience before judging. One question for you...and pardon my denseness, but what is:
His announcement of “Meega Na La Kreesta” early in the show is intentionally hilariously over the top
I don't get that line. Explain please. :confused:


New Member
ClemsonTigger said:
I don't get that line. Explain please. :confused:
“Meega Na La Kreesta” is a line Stitch speaks at the start of the movie "Lilo and Stitch" when is brought before the court. Whilst no direct translation comes up, the reaction of those in the court shows that it is a very uncouth phrase - to put it mildly.


New Member
barnum42 said:
“Meega Na La Kreesta” is a line Stitch speaks at the start of the movie "Lilo and Stitch" when is brought before the court. Whilst no direct translation comes up, the reaction of those in the court shows that it is a very uncouth phrase - to put it mildly.

Indeed you can tell that most of the stuff stitch say in the alien languages is Not so disney friendly. As, one of his coments was an insult about Jumba's mother! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I saw it twice. Don't need to see it 10 times to know I don't particularly like it, that it wasn't very well done, and the script was laughable (and not in a good way).

If you like it, that's great - but this post seems way too "He doth protest too much...", like you are trying to convince yourself that you liked it. If you did, that's awesome, and I'm sure the six-year olds who just wanna see Stitch will agree with you. But to anyone that is looking for a magical, immersive Disney experience I'd reccomend the Tiki Room before I would SGE.



Active Member
I give up trying to defend this thing. If you all want to continue to jump on the anti-SGE bandwagon, that's your right and I'm not going to interfere. However I do not apprechiate your implication that I enjoy the attraction on the level of a six year old. Darko and I put a lot of time and effort into posting what I think is still the best-considered post on the attraction I've seen yet. And that post still does hold true to our feeling and thoughts on the attraction.

For what its' worth, yes, the end is really senseless. But personally I was more jarred by the end of Philharmagic the first time I saw it. In fact, really the only thing that doesn't make that ending seem totally incongruous at Philly is the "Donald's Butt" gag, which has been done before anyway.

As far as being an immersive expirence, I do believe it does that. It does it in a way we're not used to seeing from a Disney attraction, which tend to be summaries or self-standing extensions of the movies they represent. SGE dovetails into the movie in a rather bizzare way by showing us what we were weren't shown to begin with. It actually goes a long way towards explaining Gantu's motivation in Lilo and Stitch. And (I was just thinking about this the other day) it is now kind of hard for me to consider Lilo and Stitch without thinking of SGE as part of the same unit.

At the same time it plays off what we saw in the movie, so there's a self reflexive / inter-extension dynamic going on here that's pretty frustrating to peg. It knows what it is while pretending that it doesn't, but that you know it too.

I think the ending was done pretty quickly. Original schematics from the Star Traders refurbishment showed a Stitch-shaped hole in the wall near the TTA, which leads me to assume that originally he was supposed to burst through the wall and go outside, where he would then be brought back inside and teleported away or something. As it currently stands he takes all the trouble to teleport himself to a place he already is, just 100 feet away. IMO, this is where the attraction's internal logic really crumbles. But then again, we can buy that we've been transported to the Caribbean in Adventureland, but it's difficult to accept that we can't be on another planet inside SGE. Funny how that breaks down. I believe that SGE does a great job of making you forget where you are, much moreso than Philharmagic ever was supposed to.

The sign at the end is clearly intended to give you a similar 'big bang' as you leave. I think that sign is hilarious, and it does it for me.

I think people resent this attraction because it's there, it's new, lots of other people resent it too and they decided a long time ago that it could never measure up to whatever expectations they have about it. I like it, you can dislike it, and that's your right. And that's my last word about it. It's just not worth my time and energy to debate a theme park attraction that's not going anywhere anyway with a bunch of people who aren't going to budge on it.

On to more interesting topics...


Well-Known Member
Djali999 said:
I give up trying to defend this thing. If you all want to continue to jump on the anti-SGE bandwagon, that's your right and I'm not going to interfere. However I do not apprechiate your implication that I enjoy the attraction on the level of a six year old. Darko and I put a lot of time and effort into posting what I think is still the best-considered post on the attraction I've seen yet. And that post still does hold true to our feeling and thoughts on the attraction.


I think people resent this attraction because it's there, it's new, lots of other people resent it too and they decided a long time ago that it could never measure up to whatever expectations they have about it. I like it, you can dislike it, and that's your right. And that's my last word about it. It's just not worth my time and energy to debate a theme park attraction that's not going anywhere anyway with a bunch of people who aren't going to budge on it.

On to more interesting topics...
First, I never said you enjoyed it like a six year old. I simply said it's great you like it, and tons of six year olds are going to agree. That's the audience that I believe this ride is intended for. Many rides can make me feel like a six year old myself - and this certainly wasn't one of them. And of course you consider your opinion the "best considered", since it is of course based on your opinion. Though lengthy, it doesn't make yours any more valid than anyone elses.

What I don't get is why you can't understand that there are valid reasons some people like myself did not enjoy the attraction. I had no expectations beyond a Disney experience, as I never saw AE (only videos). (My board name is my initials, btw, it's a concidence that it's also the name of that attraction.) I didn't feel like I got that, except for the few brief moments Stitch the AA was visible.

You are acting like there is a right and wrong here, like one side just isn't "seeing the light", or it's your mission to make this attraction loved. Like it's some political ideal. Why do you care? You liked it - I am honestly so happy for you. Many people did not, and of course everyone should see it to make up their own minds. But don't assume that everyone that can see what they believe are some major flaws is crazy or somehow biased beyond personal likes and dislikes.

It's a cute little thing. I'm glad I saw it (twice). Some day when I am in the MK and there is no line I might experience it again. But as far as great Disney attractions, in my eyes it doesn't even begin to rate. I think a lot of people see the possibility, and the missed opportunities in it, and of course a site like this is going to be full of commentary and monday-morning quarterbacking about it. In this case, however, overwhelmingly it has been negative, and I think there is a good reason for that : to most people, the attraction is sub-par.

Just think of it this way - less people in line when you want to see it again. That's why I'm glad so many people think Snow White is the odd-man-out in Fantasyland - so often there are tons of people on line for Pooh, and tons for Pan, and Snow White is empty. ;) If everyone thought it was as magical as I do I wouldn't get to ride it nearly as much.



New Member
It seems that this particular thread has been a battleground. Yes, there are going to be people who love Stitch. Some for the AA some for the simple fact that it's just Stitch.
On the other hand there are going to be people who are going to hate it. Some because they feel Stitch is poorly planned other because of a loyality to AE.
No one is saying the other is wrong. We are all intitled to our opinions. And I am sure if you started a thread about your least favorite ride and wrote down how much it sucked, you would have about 50 people jumping down your throat telling you that it just wasn't the case.
The beautiful thing about our country is we are all aloud to have opinions.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that some people are comparing this to Philermagic.

Philermagic is a 3d/4d Movie. Stitch has NONE of that technology in it. The show concepts are completely different. Philermagic takes us thru some of the greatest moments in Disney's animation history and does so wonderfully. You cannot honestly tell me that you didn't smile or laugh or walk away amazed at that movie.

I really don't see how Stitch can be compared to Philermagic. Except to say that it's no Philermagic.


New Member
Thelazer said:
I can't believe that some people are comparing this to Philermagic.

Philermagic is a 3d/4d Movie. Stitch has NONE of that technology in it. The show concepts are completely different. Philermagic takes us thru some of the greatest moments in Disney's animation history and does so wonderfully. You cannot honestly tell me that you didn't smile or laugh or walk away amazed at that movie.

I really don't see how Stitch can be compared to Philermagic. Except to say that it's no Philermagic.

Personally, I respect the technolog of SGE MUCH more than Philharmagic.

Philharmagic was a nice 3d show. However, it is simply a movie. I liked it, but I can get a similar experience by going to Muppets or Bugs Life or HISTA.

SGE at least goes beyond such a format--AMAZING amatronics always impress me more than film.


New Member
Number one- Most six year olds aren't gonna like Stitch because quite frankly it scares the pants off of them

Number two- Philly and Stitch are both new attractions with advanced technology that don't make much story sense. They also share air blasts, darkness, superior lighting effects, and smells

Oh and AEfx, where do you get off saying Snow is the odd man out. On an off day yes, on a normal park attendance day the line is normally full and up to about 20 to 30 minutes (Esspecially with the new unload procedure)

When Philly opened I went on it 32 times in one day, and guess what I had to so for the next month? I had to defend the attraction to everyone. Tell them it was special. That it wasn't just another 3D film. So maybe Philly and Stitch have more incommon than you think

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