Stitch's Great Escape TEST RUN!


New Member
I'm just amazed at how personally people are taking the attraction's very existence, or how on earth someone could or could not enjoy it.

It's not life or death folks - it's a single attraction amongst many at Disney World. Not really worth letting tempers fray over.

If you enjoy it - great.

If you don't enjoy it - no worries, there are plenty of other attractions there to keep you occupied.



Premium Member
barnum42 said:
It's not life or death folks - it's a single attraction amongst many at Disney World. Not really worth letting tempers fray over.

Quoted for truth.

The show is what it is, folks. It may not be as good as it could have been, but at the end of the day it's just an attraction at Disney World.


New Member
I am truly excited to see SGE.

I've now seens negative reviews and one that warns that this ride is appreciated with repetition. I will take these thoughts with me when I ride it for the first time in a few weeks.

Something about me:

I probably am going to like it, for two reasons. 1) I am an enourmous Stitch fan. I am 19 almost 20, and no signs of this letting up yet. I wear Stitch pins everywhere I go. And I don't live anywhere near anything Disney.

2) I love things the most that take time to appreciate. My music being key. I enjoy music (Genesis mostly) that takes several listens to get into. I have that kind of patience, and it is my firm belief that something that takes time to appreciate is something more fulfilling in the end. Instant hits also tend to wear off faster, imo.

Can't wait to see it. :)




Well-Known Member
I'm so glad that you're finally going to get to see SGE! I remember how badly you wanted to see it open early when you went during the summer.

I, too, am looking forward to, hopefully, seeing SGE on my upcoming vacation. But, it's no guaruntee because I'm gonna miss the grand opening by a day and will hope for a soft opening.


Well-Known Member
DonnieDarko said:
Oh and AEfx, where do you get off saying Snow is the odd man out. On an off day yes, on a normal park attendance day the line is normally full and up to about 20 to 30 minutes (Esspecially with the new unload procedure)
LOL, you really need to chill out man. :) You've made like seven posts and they have all been attacking people.

As you could plainly see by my avatar, Snow White holds a special place in my heart, and I was not insulting it in the absoulte least. Asking me where I "get off" saying something about it that wasn't insulting it simply making a call about it's popularity compared to it's neighbors is really silly.

My simple point is this : four dark rides in Fantasyland - Snow White, Pooh, Pan, and Small World. As I pointed out (and everyone knows) Small World is closed for the time being. That leaves three rides. Pooh is new(er), and therefore has more of a crowd, and Peter Pan is right up there with Dumbo as a notoriously long line and smaller capacity (only 2 people per vehicle). During some of the MNSSHP's where you could walk on to the mountains, Pan had a 30-40 minute wait.

In this scenario, Snow White is the "odd man out", as in it is not a new ride like Pooh, it is not a super-classic "gotta ride" to families with children like Pan is (especially since Snow White is much more scary to children), and it's not closed like Small World. So it usually is easier to get on than the other rides. I enjoy this because as a super-fan of this ride it means I get to ride more times, much like I am suggesting you will with your beloved Stitch.




New Member
Djali999 said:
I give up trying to defend this thing. If you all want to continue to jump on the anti-SGE bandwagon, that's your right and I'm not going to interfere. However I do not apprechiate your implication that I enjoy the attraction on the level of a six year old. Darko and I put a lot of time and effort into posting what I think is still the best-considered post on the attraction I've seen yet. And that post still does hold true to our feeling and thoughts on the attraction.

For what its' worth, yes, the end is really senseless. But personally I was more jarred by the end of Philharmagic the first time I saw it. In fact, really the only thing that doesn't make that ending seem totally incongruous at Philly is the "Donald's Butt" gag, which has been done before anyway.

As far as being an immersive expirence, I do believe it does that. It does it in a way we're not used to seeing from a Disney attraction, which tend to be summaries or self-standing extensions of the movies they represent. SGE dovetails into the movie in a rather bizzare way by showing us what we were weren't shown to begin with. It actually goes a long way towards explaining Gantu's motivation in Lilo and Stitch. And (I was just thinking about this the other day) it is now kind of hard for me to consider Lilo and Stitch without thinking of SGE as part of the same unit.

At the same time it plays off what we saw in the movie, so there's a self reflexive / inter-extension dynamic going on here that's pretty frustrating to peg. It knows what it is while pretending that it doesn't, but that you know it too.

I think the ending was done pretty quickly. Original schematics from the Star Traders refurbishment showed a Stitch-shaped hole in the wall near the TTA, which leads me to assume that originally he was supposed to burst through the wall and go outside, where he would then be brought back inside and teleported away or something. As it currently stands he takes all the trouble to teleport himself to a place he already is, just 100 feet away. IMO, this is where the attraction's internal logic really crumbles. But then again, we can buy that we've been transported to the Caribbean in Adventureland, but it's difficult to accept that we can't be on another planet inside SGE. Funny how that breaks down. I believe that SGE does a great job of making you forget where you are, much moreso than Philharmagic ever was supposed to.

The sign at the end is clearly intended to give you a similar 'big bang' as you leave. I think that sign is hilarious, and it does it for me.

I think people resent this attraction because it's there, it's new, lots of other people resent it too and they decided a long time ago that it could never measure up to whatever expectations they have about it. I like it, you can dislike it, and that's your right. And that's my last word about it. It's just not worth my time and energy to debate a theme park attraction that's not going anywhere anyway with a bunch of people who aren't going to budge on it.

On to more interesting topics...
I haven't personaly been on Stitch but I totally agree with you! You can like or you don't have to like! just don't make people feel bad about liking it! :sohappy: ok peace out!


New Member
Oh wow! I know I am new here and all that but honesty you guys have got to take a chill pill about this whole liking it not liking it thing!
I mean come on I love disney alot and so does everyone here but lets not try to make sides of the situation! as I said before with agree with Djali999, Like it don't like just dont make people feel bad for there feelings on it! This is Disney for crying out loud a place of peace and happiness not somekind of FAN WAR! just calm down! If know my views might not be what you guys are thinking what is happening with this discussion on this forum just lets have PEACE! thats all!
I'm Off Like a Dirty Shirt!
see ya peace :cool:


Well-Known Member
+++Number one- Most six year olds aren't gonna like Stitch because quite +++frankly it scares the pants off of them.

I agree with you on that.

+++Number two- Philly and Stitch are both new attractions with advanced +++technology that don't make much story sense. They also share air blasts, +++darkness, superior lighting effects, and smells

The 3D technology has been around for quite a long time now. 3D audio has been used only once before in a major show at Disneyland. I don't count the "sound stations" at MGM as a major show. However, Philly is based on classic Disney movies. I think it's too early to call "stitch" a classic.


Well-Known Member
I went and saw SGE on Friday during the Passholder preview. I had never been to AE, so I didn't have any notions going in of what it used to be. I went in and enjoyed the preshow areas then walked into the main show room. I liked it for the most part, but couldn't help feeling that there is potential room to improve it. There were two things I did have a problem with plotwise, though. The first was 626 calling himself "Stitch" since he wasn't named Stitch until he met Lilo. The second was having him teleport to Florida at the end since his first arrival on Earth was Hawaii in the movie and if he had landed in Florida he would have moved on and followed his programming, destroying any major city he could find, starting with Orlando. Instead of landing him on Earth and having him jumping around on the Astro Orbiter(in bright daytime, when some people will eventually ride this at night) they could have tracked him going to a Transit Center and had him steal a ship that looked just like the Astro Orbiter ships or something along those lines. Just a thought. Overall, it was alot of fun, and with a little work could become a great attraction.


New Member
Number_6 said:
I went and saw SGE on Friday during the Passholder preview. I had never been to AE, so I didn't have any notions going in of what it used to be. I went in and enjoyed the preshow areas then walked into the main show room. I liked it for the most part, but couldn't help feeling that there is potential room to improve it. There were two things I did have a problem with plotwise, though. The first was 626 calling himself "Stitch" since he wasn't named Stitch until he met Lilo. The second was having him teleport to Florida at the end since his first arrival on Earth was Hawaii in the movie and if he had landed in Florida he would have moved on and followed his programming, destroying any major city he could find, starting with Orlando. Instead of landing him on Earth and having him jumping around on the Astro Orbiter(in bright daytime, when some people will eventually ride this at night) they could have tracked him going to a Transit Center and had him steal a ship that looked just like the Astro Orbiter ships or something along those lines. Just a thought. Overall, it was alot of fun, and with a little work could become a great attraction.

Your point is a valid one. But I disagree. It depends on how you see Stitch. But first thing's first.

About landing in Florida: They had to come up with a story that involves a Florida audience to a degree. Now, they could very well have made all of this take place in Hawaii, but I think they had a larger base of creative material to use in the Florida setting rather than in Hawaii, since I'm sure they wanted to keep the storyline unique while still connecting it with the character of Stitch that most of us have come to love (a few don't.)

The idea is to make the attraction part of the WDW experience, and connecting it with the park itself (stitch's "escape") just makes it a bit more special I think.

Likewise I bet if we'd gotten SGE in DL instead of...sigh...Redd Rockets, that the storyline there would have stitch landing in none other than Disneyland/DCA. It connects it to the park experience and I fully understand their reasoning for doing this.

Second, about Stitch's destructive tendencies:

Stitch was designed to annoy. Jumba brags, but the fact is that Stitch's form of destruction really isn't on the mass chaos scale that some people think. This is even confirmed in many of Jumba's lines in the first movie...none of those things that he said Stitch would do in a big city were anything resembling the "godzilla" type chaos that Stitch inflicted on the model city. My opinion: The city was his own size. Easy for him to playfully destroy. But, I think he was more amused by it than anything. Programming or not, Stitch always had a conscience. This is evident throughout the whole movie. Stitch, being super-computer-smart as Jumba says...probably could have hit and killed at least ONE of those other aliens pursuing him when he stole the "red one."

That little alien guy that Stitch spit on, I seriously doubt got killed. Like most cartoons he probably got out of the way just in time. But we never did see him again, he was no longer necessary to the plot line.

Stitch could have easily taken out that frog, he could have killed those dogs, he could have done much worse. He didn't. If you look at Stitch as more than a collection of drawings, and more as a genuine character with a heart and soul, you see that all along Stitch was good. He problem was that his playful destruction was all that he knew, he didn't know real love, didn't fit in with others, and generally didn't think about it. When he met Lilo, he began to notice that missing part of his life. And then we get to the Lost scene, where we see Stitch's true heart come out, in full force.

you don't know what that does to a person like me who can identify with the idea of Stitch on very many personal levels, and I won't share them here. Let's just say Stitch was a very powerful metaphor that reflected on myself, and the way I see the character is very deep. I saw his heart.

Yeah, it's just a cartoon. But if you think of Stitch in much broader and deeper terms than that, if you see his soul that came out through Chris Sanders, you find Stitch was never a bad guy at all. Never a villain at all. Lilo unlocked his heart. Before that, he still had a concience, but didn't know unconditional love. If you want to go even deeper you could say that some of his destructive tendencies could have been not only programming but also his way of forgetting the missing pieces of his life.

Had Stitch landed in Orlando, I bet we would have seen some chaos and destruction. But nothing deadly. More like, severe annoyance and inconveniences generated by the blue guy. He was, after all, just designed to annoy.




Well-Known Member
Very well stated StitchFan712. It's good to see someone not get all upset when someone doesn't like "their" attraction. You explained yourself well and you tried to see the other person's perspective. And I actually agree with all your points about the attraction. It's no secret I cannot stand the film "Lilo and Stitch" and I really don't like the Stitch character either, but I can still appreciate your comments toward the end. Good job.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
Very well stated StitchFan712. It's good to see someone not get all upset when someone doesn't like "their" attraction. You explained yourself well and you tried to see the other person's perspective. And I actually agree with all your points about the attraction. It's no secret I cannot stand the film "Lilo and Stitch" and I really don't like the Stitch character either, but I can still appreciate your comments toward the end. Good job.

I want to comend you. Your passion for AE is well known as is you distaste for stitch. It's good to see that there are people who are still willing to listen to the opinions of otheres. Good for you!


Well-Known Member
Jekyll said:
I want to comend you. Your passion for AE is well known as is you distaste for stitch. It's good to see that there are people who are still willing to listen to the opinions of otheres. Good for you!



New Member
awww stitch pictures r soooo beautiful.....awww.......beautiful........(tear tear) :cool: ^-^ HAPPPY ANIMATRONIC PICS!!!!!
One day I will create the Life Size animatronic of the Beast and it will make ur eyes pop out MUHAHAHA!!!
Just kiddin but that be me dream to do that!


I went on 1 1/2 times yesterday..... :eek: ;) :lol:

First off, about the lines....I waited 20 minutes for the first show (when we went into the first pre-show the wait time was 45 minutes but I highly doubt that it was that long) and I walked right in for my second showing of the day (there was not a soul in the queue).

I say 1/2 because I never got to experience it fully for a second time (the only reason I was going on a second time was because I wanted to get a better video). After the second pre-show ended, they wouldn't let us into the main chamber for some odd reason, so we had to sit there and watch the second pre-show for a second time before we could go in. Once we are in, the show started as normal. However, while the show is playing, the entrance doors into the chamber are sitting WIDE OPEN and a CM was trying to seat a few guests. Then, as the glass tube was about to go up, the ride seemed to go into an E-Stop as the television screens went black, the "analysis modules" went up, and the theater lights came on. The CMs then ushered everyone out of the chamber, telling us to come back at another time. :confused:

Anyways, I didn't find it as bad as I had first made it out to be, but I still think it is the worst attraction ever (and it has the worst ending to an attraction). :p :)


New Member
NemoRocks78 said:
but I still think it is the worst attraction ever that's saying a lot! It ain't even open yet and it's the worst attraction in history!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks78 said:
I went on 1 1/2 times yesterday..... :eek: ;) :lol:

First off, about the lines....I waited 20 minutes for the first show (when we went into the first pre-show the wait time was 45 minutes but I highly doubt that it was that long) and I walked right in for my second showing of the day (there was not a soul in the queue).

I say 1/2 because I never got to experience it fully for a second time (the only reason I was going on a second time was because I wanted to get a better video). After the second pre-show ended, they wouldn't let us into the main chamber for some odd reason, so we had to sit there and watch the second pre-show for a second time before we could go in. Once we are in, the show started as normal. However, while the show is playing, the entrance doors into the chamber are sitting WIDE OPEN and a CM was trying to seat a few guests. Then, as the glass tube was about to go up, the ride seemed to go into an E-Stop as the television screens went black, the "analysis modules" went up, and the theater lights came on. The CMs then ushered everyone out of the chamber, telling us to come back at another time. :confused:

Anyways, I didn't find it as bad as I had first made it out to be, but I still think it is the worst attraction ever (and it has the worst ending to an attraction). :p :)
We went on Saturday and walked right in. There was a problem though. They need to do better counting or I don't know what happened because about 10 people (including my parents) could not see the show for lack of space and were kept in a holding room until the next show. My parents didn't really care for the attraction so they just left. I loved the attraction. The chili dog was nasty but I loved it!!

EDIT: I forgot to say that my family was very lucky. After we got off, the place was packed! And it stayed that way until the park closed.


Well-Known Member
Saw SGE! Good but not great...

Just got back from WDW, got to ride this last Monday. They were testing the Fastpass in the early morning so we even got one of those...what was funny is, they closed the Fastpass station soon after we got our passes and when we came back they didn't remeber they'd been given out--the cast members told us we were mistaken, we didn't have Stitch fastpasses! Easy enough to clear that up.

Like others have said, it's a bit odd for Stitch to be called Stitch in a story that takes place before the film. I didn't have a problem with him not being too destructive--like StitchFan says, he was never really that bad.

Overall, though, I think the attraction is not as good in this form as it was as Alien Encounter. I'm a big Lilo & Stitch fan, so I really wanted to like this, and I did, but it's just not as effective in my opinion. AE's set-up show (pre-pre-show?) was really well done, an effective send-up of corporate "industrials" with some subtle humor. And SIR in the pre-show was a memorable character. The new pre-show stuff gets the job done, but isn't really as funny or interesting in itself.

It occurred to me as the show unfolded that there are a lot of recent Disney attractions that have the basic plotline of offering you one kind of show, a safe experience, then...whammo! Something happens and that's where the thrills start. It's a good story device but I think it detracts from repeat experiences.

Anyway, when we left SGE they were handing out response cards to all the families with children, which I expect will be used to tweak the experience, although I don't see how they could tame it down any more without making it something else entirely...


Ah, and I did forget to mention in my last post that there were MANY crying children walking out of that chamber....had a few sitting behind me. Looks like this whole "toning down" thing isn't working effectively....

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