Start Dieting for WDW trip PART II


Well-Known Member
First of all, I'd like to thank those supporters last year and would like anybody who wants to join me to keep updates too.

Last year I started at 193 I believe and planned on losing 15 pounds. I actually lost 23 for my trip and gained NONE of it back on the trip. I've been around 170-180 for the past 6-7 months. I've gone up another 10 to 190 this last months. We've had a family tragedy and we have been getting lots of food from family and friends. Thanks to all of them, but it's time to get back to work!

Today -- 162 days out (hey that's a whole baseball season) I am at 190. My goal is to get back to the college days at 150. So that's 40 pounds in 5.5 months. That still breaks down to less than 2 pounds a week. Anything more than a goal if 2 pounds a week can be dangerous.

I started today with an apple for breakfast and trail mix for lunch. Dinners will have to be moderated and NO MORE DESSERT OR OVERNIGHT SNACKING. I'm sure since the first 10 went on fairly quick they may come off in the first month -- but then the real grind starts.

If anybody else wants to join me, I'll do updates Wednesdays and post them for everybody. Just IM me. I am very serious about this and it's time to hit the treadmill. Dieting without exercise is easy, but to make a healthy heart, you need to make your full body healthy, not just your waistline. I'm starting with a Mile run tonight and will try to build up to 3 miles by the end of the month as well. What happened to those days when I could do a 10K effortlessly? Oh, and tonight is pasta night at Olive Garden. To-Go boxes are our friends.

Jimbo - Day 1 - 190

PS, sorry about slacking off last year and not updating after the trip, will do better this year.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It was a hold steady week for me. My exercise has taken a break -- I just can't will myself do do it for the past 10 days or so. Time to get my act together TONIGHT! Sorry again about the late post, but we got another few updates, so it can't be so bad.


18 weeks - 32 (40) lbs

25 weeks - 31.9-51.9 (40-60) lbs

summer - 27.6 (30) lbs

24 weeks - 23.7 (30) lbs

3 weeks - 3-7 (10-14) lbs

32 weeks - 30 lbs

12 weeks - 17-27 lbs

33 weeks - 20-25 lbs

22 weeks - 72-82 lbs

33 weeks - -3.8 lbs

23 weeks - 40 lbs

2 weeks - 8-13 (10-15) lbs

2 weeks - 6-8 (10-12) lbs

18 weeks - 23.3 (30) lbs

32 weeks - 72 lbs

29 weeks - 30-40 lbs

14 weeks - 7-17 (23-33) lbs

Arkansas Goofy
29 weeks - 45 lbs

6 weeks - 20 lbs

9 weeks - 20 lbs

19 weeks - 30-40 lbs

19 weeks - 17.9 (19.7) lbs

parker kim
19 weeks - 20-25 lbs

Buzz Lightyear
22 weeks - 24.5 (35) lbs

26 weeks - 37 lbs

31 weeks - 14-19 (15-20) lbs

19 weeks - 13 (20) lbs

28 weeks - 60 lbs

16 weeks - 27.8 lbs

17 weeks - 30 lbs

50 weeks - Lots

4 weeks - 7 lbs

9 weeks - 14 lbs

20 weeks - 10-12 lbs
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Well-Known Member
Yay! I finally lost another pound! Now I'm down 2! I know it's not a huge deal, but I'm at the point where every pound is very hard to lose! I just started exercising more and eating less- I know it's a new concept! :lol:
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New Member
Just to update-down 1.8 pounds this week, total of 8.8 for WDW magic challenge. Down 25.2 for WW! Got my magnet and 25 pound keychain marker!! Way to go everyone!
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Well-Known Member
Well I know I had a good week..Eating and exercising wise, pants are fitting little bit looser, but to see how much I lost...The freaking battery is dead on the scale....shows all 000000's now I know I had a good week but that's a bit much....will check in next week..... Oh by the way what is everyone doing...Plan wise in losing weight?? Me,doing the exercising thing (Turbo jam or Taebo , weight's) And trying to stay away from the :fork: bread (White Stuff) also following Weight Watchers.... Lots and lots of water!!!!!!
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New Member
Well, I started with both exercise and diet in early January. We joined a gym, so I have access to all kinds of stuff and will do different machines for cardio kind of work (treadmill, etc.). Then, I try to throw in some weight training (although I've been too lazy lately...). Before my kids complicated my schedule with sports, I was also trying to do 1 weight training class a week.

For diet, I'm doing Atkins. So far, I'm down from 237 to 191. Goal is about 170. When I get down there, I plan to look into other diet possibilities (that would allow more carbs). I think the important thing is to realize that you can't go back to eating the way you WERE eating (unless you want to end up where you started). In any case, Atkins is working well for me--and I don't have to feel hungry (which is a good thing for me).

I can definitely tell a difference when I exercise. It can be kind of discouraging when you look at the exercise machine and it tells you that you've burned 200 calories after you've worked your tail off, but I think (or is that *hope*?) that it increases your metabolism so that the effect of the exercise lasts for a longer time and causes you to burn more than just what the machine says...
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New Member
...I need to get back on track..

oh boy...maybe this is the 2nd motivation i need

I started LA weight loss in Jan...I lost a little over 10pounds by april 1....

but my husband & I went away to Punta Cana..I birthday..then EASTER...and creepd on some pounds...

NOW we leave to DISNEY May 22....aww...I need to get back on track...
I will visit LA weight loss today..I promise!!...they've been calling...b/c I dont want to see how many pounds I've creeped on...

Let's see...

Any tips help!
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New Member
I have been dieting since 4/24 and as of today I am down 8 pounds ! I am very excited ! I haven't started excercising yet but plan to this week ! Still have about 50 weeks til next WDW trip !! Can't wait !!
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Monday morning weigh in time!!! It's been 2 weeks since my last post, since I didn't lose any last week. But this week, I dropped 4.5 pounds. I feel like I did more physical work this past week, so I think that is what helped me.

Anyway, good luck to everyone else. Keep up the good work!!! :wave:
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New Member
Ok I am joining this! We have 5 adults going and we all need to lose more than 25 lbs! :cry: The good news is we arent going til Nov 16th so we still have time! DH and I are trying South Beach and I have to exercise or nothing will happen! He can lay on the couch and just eat the plan and loose! I went to dr's appt and looked on the weight chart. I cheated and gave myself an extra inch in height and I still need to loose 30 lbs to not be overweight! DH needs to loose 50+ for starters! My DF and her DH need to loose probably 40+ each and her DCousin needs to loose at least 40 also! So here's to hard work, strong will power(even harder) and no bread!!

Hang in there y'all you're doing great! Have a jell-o and a smile! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Ok I am joining this! We have 5 adults going and we all need to lose more than 25 lbs! :cry: The good news is we arent going til Nov 16th so we still have time! DH and I are trying South Beach and I have to exercise or nothing will happen! He can lay on the couch and just eat the plan and loose! I went to dr's appt and looked on the weight chart. I cheated and gave myself an extra inch in height and I still need to loose 30 lbs to not be overweight! DH needs to loose 50+ for starters! My DF and her DH need to loose probably 40+ each and her DCousin needs to loose at least 40 also! So here's to hard work, strong will power(even harder) and no bread!!

Hang in there y'all you're doing great! Have a jell-o and a smile! :wave:

But only for two weeks! :sohappy:

I did TSBD and I lost weight, until I stopped the diet. :lookaroun It a good diet and if you keep it as your lifestyle, which it is designed to grow into, you will be successful. Good luck!!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
First of all, I think I've decided to push the update day back to Friday's. It's too hard to recover from the weekend for a weigh in on Wednesday anyways. Plus I have extra time a work Fridays to update. I hit 1/4 of my goal this week, then decided that I didn't have to work as hard. For some reason the doughnuts I have eaten the past 3 days have put those 2 pounds back on that I lost *STUPID*. So I sit even for the 2nd week in a row. Better luck next time. Now it's off to Taco Bell (shhhhh).

17 weeks - 32 (40) lbs

24 weeks - 31.9-51.9 (40-60) lbs

summer - 27.6 (30) lbs

23 weeks - 23.7 (30) lbs

2 weeks - 1.2-5.2 (10-14) lbs

31 weeks - 30 lbs

11 weeks - 17-27 lbs

32 weeks - 20-25 lbs

21 weeks - 72-82 lbs

32 weeks - -3.8 lbs

22 weeks - 40 lbs

1 weeks - 8-13 (10-15) lbs

1 weeks - 6-8 (10-12) lbs

17 weeks - 21 (30) lbs

31 weeks - 72 lbs

28 weeks - 30-40 lbs

13 weeks - 7-17 (23-33) lbs

Arkansas Goofy
28 weeks - 45 lbs

5 weeks - 20 lbs

8 weeks - 20 lbs

18 weeks - 30-40 lbs

18 weeks - 17.9 (19.7) lbs

parker kim
18 weeks - 20-25 lbs

Buzz Lightyear
21 weeks - 20 (35) lbs

25 weeks - 37 lbs

30 weeks - 13-18 (15-20) lbs

18 weeks - 13 (20) lbs

27 weeks - 60 lbs

15 weeks - 27.8 lbs

16 weeks - 30 lbs

50 weeks - <8> (Lots)

4 weeks - 7 lbs

9 weeks - 14 lbs

20 weeks - 10-12 lbs

27 weeks - 30 lbs
DH - 50 lbs
DF - 40 lbs
DFH - 40 lbs
DFC - 30 lbs

2 weeks - some lbs

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Morning everyone!!:wave: Just wanted to report to Jimbo, 4.5 more lbs. gone! I hope everyone else is doing well. Not many posts this last week, so I wanted to encourage everyone not to give up. Keep working to your goal, it's never to late. Have a great week!!!
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New Member
Hi Everyone! I have been back from my trip for a week and a half now. It was an amazing time and I want to go back! I am still continuing my weightloss and since I have been back I have lost another 7.4 lbs for a total of 19.6! I was so excited considering I ate with abandon while I was there. I will check in periodically and let you all know how I am doing. Good luck to you all!

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Active Member
Thought i'd better update as I keep forgetting after weigh in .... lost 2lbs this week so now only have 9lbs to go (lost 10lbs total so far yey!) in just under 6 weeks - can it be done!!!! not sure - had a couple of weeks non-moving, but at least I didn't put any on.....
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New Member
Hey, you guys.
Well, I'm sitting at 16 weeks and 18 pounds to go.

I am starting to reconsider the 18 pounds, as I expect to gain some muscle mass since I am also working out. Still, it's not a bad goal and I definitely still have some fat to lose. Since my start in Jan, I've gone from jeans with a 40 waist to being comfortable in jeans with a 34 waist (and I can get into 33s with some effort). I'm really expecting that I'll be able to get into 33s easily even if I don't make it down to 170. It would be nice to get into 32s comfortably, but we'll see...

Man, it's crazy to think that I've now basically lost my DD7.... to clarify, I have lost about 50lbs and she weighs about 50lbs. When you put it in those kinds of terms, you think "How did I carry all that around?"

Of course, the answer is that I struggled. I didn't realize it because it got added on slowly--like the frog in boiling water.

For you guys out there with a bunch to lose, DO IT. It is great to get into smaller clothes, have people tell you you look better, be able to breathe at night, etc..

Hey, one more note about my progress (in case it can encourage someone else). In early Jan, I did an assessment at my gym where they check your cardio fitness, body fat, strength, weight... Just did that again and saw significant improvement. That's expected when I know that I've lost about 50lbs., but I also got to see an increase in my cardio fitness, which the scale does not tell you (but my body HAS told me). Anyway, if you have any way to measure these kinds of things, I'd encourage you to do it so that you can track some progress. If you DON'T, then I'd still give the encouragement that all those hours on the treadmill CAN make a difference--even if you don't feel like it...

Also, a tip for anyone who get really bored on a cardio machine (treadmill, etc.): I LOVE my Creative Zen player and I can download shows to my Zen and I've got something to take my mind off of the work that I'm doing...
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