Start Dieting for WDW trip PART II


Well-Known Member
First of all, I'd like to thank those supporters last year and would like anybody who wants to join me to keep updates too.

Last year I started at 193 I believe and planned on losing 15 pounds. I actually lost 23 for my trip and gained NONE of it back on the trip. I've been around 170-180 for the past 6-7 months. I've gone up another 10 to 190 this last months. We've had a family tragedy and we have been getting lots of food from family and friends. Thanks to all of them, but it's time to get back to work!

Today -- 162 days out (hey that's a whole baseball season) I am at 190. My goal is to get back to the college days at 150. So that's 40 pounds in 5.5 months. That still breaks down to less than 2 pounds a week. Anything more than a goal if 2 pounds a week can be dangerous.

I started today with an apple for breakfast and trail mix for lunch. Dinners will have to be moderated and NO MORE DESSERT OR OVERNIGHT SNACKING. I'm sure since the first 10 went on fairly quick they may come off in the first month -- but then the real grind starts.

If anybody else wants to join me, I'll do updates Wednesdays and post them for everybody. Just IM me. I am very serious about this and it's time to hit the treadmill. Dieting without exercise is easy, but to make a healthy heart, you need to make your full body healthy, not just your waistline. I'm starting with a Mile run tonight and will try to build up to 3 miles by the end of the month as well. What happened to those days when I could do a 10K effortlessly? Oh, and tonight is pasta night at Olive Garden. To-Go boxes are our friends.

Jimbo - Day 1 - 190

PS, sorry about slacking off last year and not updating after the trip, will do better this year.


New Member
Congrats to everyone! Even if you have a gain every now and again that is OK too! Your body is just getting used to the idea of weight loss.

I am down another 0.8 lbs for a total of 12.2 lbs. I leave for the World on Saturday so that is my last offical weigh in. :sohappy:

I have a long way to go in my weight loss journey even after this trip so I will be hanging around!

Best of luck to you all while I am gone!
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Congrats to everyone! Even if you have a gain every now and again that is OK too! Your body is just getting used to the idea of weight loss.

I am down another 0.8 lbs for a total of 12.2 lbs. I leave for the World on Saturday so that is my last offical weigh in. :sohappy:

I have a long way to go in my weight loss journey even after this trip so I will be hanging around!

Best of luck to you all while I am gone!

I'm so jealous. I hope you have fun next week. Ride ToT one time for me!!!
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New Member
Ok Jimbo, you can count me in now! I have gone 2 WEEKS without ANY fast food or eating out in general. I've only been eating some healthy food, protein shakes, lean meat, etc! I've done 30 minutes of cardio every day except 1 day a week.

I've got 20 weeks to go and 10 pounds to lose! I feel great, and I feel like I am even performing better in my karate class now (I've been taking it since Jan).
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New Member
YUCK... I was stomach sick this morning (I guess I spoke too soon about feeling great) so now I feel horrible to work out. Anyone know a way to revitalize???? I have a karate final skill exam at 2pm est!! eek..
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New Member
I had my WW weigh-in last night and I am down 23 pounds since Feb 7 (11 weeks). 16 pounds to goal! I'd like to lose another 5 pounds before vacation, 24 days away. We will see, I'll lose it eventually! Congrats to everyone's hard work-you all deserve a treat! ETA- since starting the challenge on April 5, I am down 7 pounds, just to make it easier on you, Jimbo!
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New Member
Wow, this is getting hard.... any tips for not going crazy to eat out? I try to snack on some raw almonds or fruit during the day so I don't binge eat for dinner, but it still seems like I want to go crazy when I get home. This is exam week for me, so it's tough.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry about the late update -- I took the kid to work yesterday.
NovaPhil finishes at his goal! We moved our trip up a week -- so time to work harder.

19 weeks - 32 (40) lbs

26 weeks - 36.7-56.7 (40-60) lbs

summer - 29.2 (30) lbs

xxx - 25.7 (30) lbs

4 weeks - 3-7 (10-14) lbs

33 weeks - 30 lbs


13 weeks - 17-27 lbs

34 weeks - 20-25 lbs

23 weeks - 72-82 lbs

34 weeks - -3.8 lbs

24 weeks - 40 lbs

3 weeks - 8-13 (10-15) lbs

3 weeks - 6-8 (10-12) lbs

19 weeks - 23.3 (30) lbs

33 weeks - 72 lbs

30 weeks - 30-40 lbs

15 weeks - 7-17 (23-33) lbs

Arkansas Goofy
30 weeks - 45 lbs

7 weeks - 20 lbs

10 weeks - 20 lbs

20 weeks - 30-40 lbs

20 weeks - 17.9 (19.7) lbs

parker kim
20 weeks - 20-25 lbs

Buzz Lightyear
23 weeks - 24.5 (35) lbs

27 weeks - 37 lbs

32 weeks - 15-20

21 weeks - 20 lbs

29 weeks - 60 lbs

17 weeks - 27.8 lbs

18 weeks - 30 lbs

51 weeks - Lots
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Well-Known Member
Well count me in!!! 20 weeks to go and I'd like to lose a good 10- 12 lbs.....Just came back from Myrtle Beach (so not disney) and well still have not gone back to eating "good, Healthy and Boring"...but Monday I will that and the dreadful exercising!!!!!!
But count me in!!!!!
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Active Member
I'd like to join in if I may?

Trip is in 9weeks time and I would like to lose 14lbs by then - i've been at it for 3 weeks and lost 4lbs so far so by the law of averages and if I stick at it (minus the McDonalds I was 'forced' to have last night) it is well within my reach.
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New Member
I never knew this thread was here, and I thought I was the only one slimming down for Disney World!

I'm a man, almost 34, and 6'1", and have been heavy all my adult life. I finally decided to take charge of the situtation shortly after my birthday last June, when I weighed 310 pounds. By Thanksgiving, I'd reduced this to 230.

I was able to start losing again after the holidays, and after determining that I had to shake my diet up since my body had become accustomed to what I was doing before and my weight loss had slowed to almost nothing. Try as I might, but between January 2 and January 31 I couldn't lose an ounce.

Since the end of January, when I went on an extremely carb-restricted diet (20g of carbs or less a day), I've lost a further 28 pounds, making me 202 and well within reach of my goal of 195 or less by the time May 30 comes around.

I think the moral of the story is, if your weight loss begins to slow even though you're doing everything right, try a different method. Our bodies occasionally discovered "floors" that are difficult to break through without trying a different approach, like I did circa 230.

I would also like to note that the more one loses, the more comfortable attraction seating (and airplane seating) becomes!

WDW '78, '05, and Gay Days '07
DL '04 & '06
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New Member
I did math wrong. I have 15 lbs to go not 20 lbs. Anyways already lost 67 lbs in total.

Weigh in 168, 13 more to go. 19 weeks to go.:sohappy:

I hope I can stick with this. When I start to get close to my current goal weight I tend to plateau.
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New Member
well I'm down 58 pounds and my goal of 60-70 is now 2-12 pounds away and we don't leave until mid August. It's looking like I will hit my goal in plently of time so my next challange will be keeping the weight off !
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