Start Dieting for WDW trip PART II


Well-Known Member
First of all, I'd like to thank those supporters last year and would like anybody who wants to join me to keep updates too.

Last year I started at 193 I believe and planned on losing 15 pounds. I actually lost 23 for my trip and gained NONE of it back on the trip. I've been around 170-180 for the past 6-7 months. I've gone up another 10 to 190 this last months. We've had a family tragedy and we have been getting lots of food from family and friends. Thanks to all of them, but it's time to get back to work!

Today -- 162 days out (hey that's a whole baseball season) I am at 190. My goal is to get back to the college days at 150. So that's 40 pounds in 5.5 months. That still breaks down to less than 2 pounds a week. Anything more than a goal if 2 pounds a week can be dangerous.

I started today with an apple for breakfast and trail mix for lunch. Dinners will have to be moderated and NO MORE DESSERT OR OVERNIGHT SNACKING. I'm sure since the first 10 went on fairly quick they may come off in the first month -- but then the real grind starts.

If anybody else wants to join me, I'll do updates Wednesdays and post them for everybody. Just IM me. I am very serious about this and it's time to hit the treadmill. Dieting without exercise is easy, but to make a healthy heart, you need to make your full body healthy, not just your waistline. I'm starting with a Mile run tonight and will try to build up to 3 miles by the end of the month as well. What happened to those days when I could do a 10K effortlessly? Oh, and tonight is pasta night at Olive Garden. To-Go boxes are our friends.

Jimbo - Day 1 - 190

PS, sorry about slacking off last year and not updating after the trip, will do better this year.


New Member
If you have access to a gym, use the eliptical machines instead of teh treadmills. Elipticals practically eliminate the impact on your joints and (I think) are more enjoyable. Also, gyms with Tvs are god-send; you would be suprised how fast the time flies when you are watching an hour and half of Scrubs!

thanks for the advice tink! i do go to the gym and love the eliptical. i feel like i dont get as much as of an intense workout as running, so i try to incorporate both:hammer:
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New Member
I DID IT!!! I lost 3.2 pounds this past week which takes my grand total to 11.4! I still have 11 days before I leave so I hope to be closer to my high end goal of 15 lbs but I have definitely met me goal of 10 lbs before my trip!!!
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Well-Known Member
Congrats to all of you on your efforts and successes!

I leave tomorrow for my 1st WDW trip in 2007. I have lost 43 lbs since Jan. 2 :sohappy:

After this trip, I want to lost about another 30 lbs before my trip at the end of August.
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Down 1.8 on Tuesday from last week at Weight Watchers - total now 17.9. Want to lose a total of 40 before September - great to read all the threads here - really motivating!

Keep up the good work guys! We can do it!!:sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just 1 lb for me this week, but my exercise has gone way up. That will pay off in the end...right:veryconfu Most importantly I have cut my soda to 1 in the morning -- 1 in the afternoon and 1 at night. None at meals.


Everybody seems to be making pace. Great job. Even if it isn't much progress, you are doing great by trying. Sometimes it takes 3-4 weeks just to lose a pound or 2. It's all about lifestyle change. Your body will adjust. It can be really easy to lose the first few, then hit a wall for a few weeks. But once your body re-adjusts you'll keep going. Remember, the lower you get the harder it is too.

Tip for the week -- Soup can be very filling, but also filled with lots of sodium. If you are drinking lots of sodas and having high sodium foods (low cal/fat foods often have lots) be careful. I also started getting the fresh fruit strips for a snack in the afternoons. They are really good and are equal to 1 serving of fruit. Plus they usually have only 70-100 calories.

Great luck next week. We should have more goals met in the next few weeks also. If you fall off the wagon -- try to do it just once a week, and be careful to counterbalance it the next day. If I MUST have the Oreos at night, I'll eat 2/3 of the apple the next morning. But don't starve yourselves -- nobody needs to go to the hospital. Eat -- just eat healthy and in moderation.

21 weeks - 34 (40) lbs

27 weeks - 36.7-56.7 (40-60) lbs

summer - 30 lbs

xxx - 25.5 (30) lbs

5 weeks - 10-14 lbs

34 weeks - 30 lbs

2 weeks - :sohappy: -3.6 (10-15) lbs

14 weeks - 17-27 lbs

35 weeks - 20-25 lbs

24 weeks - 72-82 lbs

35 weeks - -3.8 lbs

25 weeks - 40 lbs

4 weeks - 8-13 (10-15) lbs

4 weeks - 6-8 (10-12) lbs

20 weeks - 27 (30) lbs

34 weeks - 72 lbs

31 weeks - 30-40 lbs

16 weeks - 23-33 lbs

Arkansas Goofy
31 weeks - 45 lbs

8 weeks - 20 lbs

11 weeks - 20 lbs

21 weeks - 30-40 lbs

21 weeks - 17.9 (19.7) lbs

parker kim
21 weeks - 20-25 lbs

Buzz Lightyear
24 weeks - 35 lbs

28 weeks - 37 lbs

33 weeks - 15-20

21 weeks - 20 lbs

30 weeks - 60 lbs

18 weeks - 30 lbs

19 weeks - 30 lbs
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New Member
20 weeks - 27 (30) lbs

is now
20 weeks - 26 (30) lbs

Got set back by a trip to Don Pablos... was going to be good there, but--making a long story short--they gave us a free dip sampler and I had to have some chips and dip (that's corn chips). So, needless to say, I got set back a little. The good news is that I am still a pound less than last week (bad news is that it would probably be TWO pounds... oh well... I knew what would happen when I started eating the chips... and I DID enjoy it...).

Anyhoo, it's back on the wagon now, and I'm shooting for at least two pounds by this time next week... gotta be a good boy...
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks gettingsmaller. Lock and load.

21 weeks - 34 (40) lbs

27 weeks - 36.7-56.7 (40-60) lbs

summer - 30 lbs

xxx - 25.5 (30) lbs

5 weeks - 10-14 lbs

34 weeks - 30 lbs

2 weeks - -3.6 (10-15) lbs

14 weeks - 17-27 lbs

35 weeks - 20-25 lbs

24 weeks - 72-82 lbs

35 weeks - -3.8 lbs

25 weeks - 40 lbs

4 weeks - 8-13 (10-15) lbs

4 weeks - 6-8 (10-12) lbs

20 weeks - 26 (30) lbs

34 weeks - 72 lbs

31 weeks - 30-40 lbs

16 weeks - 23-33 lbs

Arkansas Goofy
31 weeks - 45 lbs

8 weeks - 20 lbs

11 weeks - 20 lbs

21 weeks - 30-40 lbs

21 weeks - 17.9 (19.7) lbs

parker kim
21 weeks - 20-25 lbs

Buzz Lightyear
24 weeks - 35 lbs

28 weeks - 37 lbs

33 weeks - 15-20

21 weeks - 20 lbs

30 weeks - 60 lbs

18 weeks - 30 lbs

19 weeks - 30 lbs
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Just came in for my Monday morning weigh-in after my first week of dieting. And I must say, I have felt great this week. Absolutely no fast food, eating smaller portions and healthier food. I have cut out most of my soft drinks. The hardiest thing to do without is my sweet tea (it's a southern thang.) I have also been doing some light exercise. Anyway, drum roll please ............. I have lost 10.5 lbs. :sohappy:

I know the first week is usually the easiest and you drop the most so I don't expect to lose that much this week, but it sure does give me some great motivation. This thread also gives me some great motivation so everyone else keep it up out there. See you next Monday morning!!!:wave:
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New Member
As of this morning I'm down 53 pounds. My goal of 60-70 is only 17-27 pounds away with 16 weeks to go. The first 3 months of my diet was strickly dieting and I seemed to get to a point where I wasn't losing any weight and it was frustrating. I have now added in a couple 15 minute walks and a daily bike ride and things have picked up and I'm losing about 2-3 pounds a week again. My thoughts are stay focused and keep you goals in mind. I wish everyone a lot of luck and I'll keep you posted on my losses along the way.
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New Member
Hi all. I weighed myself today and was surprised to see that I was down to 333 lbs. I was shocked because I felt that I ate more this past week due to the death of my nephew. Our family tends to eat during times such as a death in the family. Plus we had the whole family over just about everyday since it happened.

I'm so very grateful for this thread. The encouragement and support is wonderful and I check in often even if I don't update.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The list updates tomorrow, and I'm currently up for the week??? OOPS. I also kinda let go the last 2 nights staying up late watching hockey. Time to re-focus.
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The list updates tomorrow, and I'm currently up for the week??? OOPS. I also kinda let go the last 2 nights staying up late watching hockey. Time to re-focus.

Hey Jimbo, who are ya pullin' for. Now that my beloved Predators lost in the first round,:cry: I'm trying to decide who I want to pull for. I love play-off time in hockey!!!
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New Member
Bummer about the gain, Jimbo.
abug'saunt, sorry to hear about your loss. :(
mcgoo29, congrats. Exercise is good for you in more ways than one! I try to make it to the gym 3-4 times a week. Unfortunately, it's been more like 1-2 lately because all 3 kids are in sports and it's hard to do practices, games, AND find time to work out... I DO think that I lose faster when I work out, though...

I weighed last night - 193.3
So, with 19.85 weeks left, I've got 23.3 pounds to lose... man, it will be sweet when I get to fewer pounds than weeks...
of course, the sweetest will be 0 pounds/0 weeks :sohappy:

For me, this started in January with about 67 pounds to lose. So, for anyone just starting or with some far-off goals, I encourage you to keep at it. It feels good to get into those smaller clothes, fit into smaller spaces, have your kids say you are 'skinny' (as if). Those things will come if you keep at it.
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New Member
Bad week for me here :cry:

25.7 weeks to go
Last week weight: 215.5
This week's weight: 216.5 (darn my husband and his thinking he is treating me)

Goal: to lose 30 pounds or be 180 pounds by vacation time.

I think I finally got through to my husband about the diet last week after he brought home a pizza and donuts...then the next day a rootbeer float...He is gone this week so hopefully things will get better on the weight.
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