SPOILERS: She-Hulk Series on D+

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Ok, this episode one of the best of season. Having Matt show up for court as opposing council to Jen was great and right out of the comics. And having Dare Devil talk about the semantics of goons versus henchmen was brilliant dialog, in fact Matt's whole dialog during the episode was awesome.

Give this episode an A, whereas the rest of the season so far is a solid B/B+.


Well-Known Member
Oh, Charlie C., how I've missed you, your charm, your fighting in hallways! 😍

But a big ol' HELL NO on CGI'ing him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, please no for his show.

Anyway... another episode where for a few minutes they actually focused on a super hero legal issue and it kept my attention. Plus I do really enjoy the MCU Edna Mode. :D

And then of course immediately back to Jen and men. :facepalm:

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
The big suit reveal was so disappointing, looked like she was going to a school gym class.. Daredevils suit on the other hand was amazing.

I’m still enjoying the series but it’s pretty sad the two best episodes have been the ones that shared the spotlight with Hulk and Daredevil.

I think the writers have done the character a disservice because it feels they’ve made her story about dating, clothes, and guys and the “superheroing” has been left to the guys.

I’m fairly conservative and I’m positive my character would have been more female empowering than this, and it’s a woman actually writing the series.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
I think the writers have done the character a disservice because it feels they’ve made her story about dating, clothes, and guys and the “superheroing” has been left to the guys.
Well to be honest, most of She-Hulk comics, especially the more recent ones, have been this way with just a bit more "superheroing". So if anything its actually a tad more comics accurate than other MCU offerings.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Well to be honest, most of She-Hulk comics, especially the more recent ones, have been this way with just a bit more "superheroing". So if anything its actually a tad more comics accurate than other MCU offerings.

Probably makes sense if it’s meant to appeal more to a female audience than guys like me looking for action all the time.


Well-Known Member
Is the Daredevil show like this episode? May make me go and watch that once I have time
To be more explicit and less snarky lol - Daredevil is arguably the greatest Marvel/MCU-adjacent series (although I also have a big love for the much lighter Agent Carter with its kick@ss protagonist and fun period setting - that is a fantastic female hero Marvel show worth checking out if you haven't).

Daredevil is dark and violent and brutal and just... awesome... in the jaw-dropping sense. Luke Cage and Punisher are very close behind in my estimation and there are moments when I love Luke Cage as much as Daredevil. But Daredevil is brilliant - for Charlie C and for Vincent D'Onofrio even moreso playing yet another tortured soul. He's perfection.

But it's a dark, dark show. And it can be hard to watch for the level of bloody violence, so I get that it's really not for everyone. But damn it's brilliant.

And nothing like... this... (other than Charlie's charm coming through in this episode as always).

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Probably makes sense if it’s meant to appeal more to a female audience than guys like me looking for action all the time.
This is why I love comic stories and Marvel and the MCU in general, it doesn't have to be action all the time. Because quite honestly there is only so many times you can have "Hulk Smash" before it gets repetitive and boring. You can tell all kinds of stories from all different points of view, such as science and tech stories to environmental and social commentary stories, and still throw in a bit of action for good measure. It makes the stories more interesting, more well rounded, and makes them more grounded and relatable to the average audience.

Just look at DC and the mess its in as a prime example why having action all the time doesn't work long term. Gotta build things out before going into the action, and that means telling more stories that may have the action as a secondary rather than the primary story driver.

That is just my two cents anyways.


Well-Known Member

She Hulk!!! Where are you She Hulk??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well-Known Member
I still maintain making this more of a law show would have accomplished similar results without being as cringy as it is for me. New case every week. Half the season revolving around dating and Tinder is just way too much for me.

I tend to agree. When the show is about Jen doing law stuff or even superhero adjacent stuff, it's actually pretty cool. I don't mind some bits of a non-She Hulk personal life but it's too much IMHO. I absolutely loved this episode and then they tacked on the epilogue and got kinda bored like I I just wanted it to end.

The stuff I enjoy in this series I really love, top tier D+ Marvel. But there's also a good bit of eye rolling scenes that take away from the awesomeness.


Well-Known Member
And as pointed out in the other unrelated thread you put this in, you're looking at the wrong chart.

View attachment 671487

She-Hulk is not lost and doing just fine at number 5, rising from the previous week in which it was number 6.

What's the second one, the one with the fudged numbers by Disney? Because everywhere else says it's doing horrible. Perhaps you have the wrong numbers.

The fans reviewing it hate it too.

35% on Rotten Tomatoes
5.0 out of 10 on IMDB
3.3 out of 10 on Metacritic
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Disney Irish

Premium Member
What's the second one, the one with the fudged numbers by Disney? Because everywhere else says it's doing horrible.
Not sure what you mean "second one". And these aren't numbers from Disney.

The chart I posted is the chart direct from Nielsen, it shows JUST the Original content category, Nielsen breaks out the numbers into 4 different categories, Original, Movie, Acquired, and Overall.

The chart you posted is the numbers for all streaming content categories all lumped together whether that be an original show, a movie, or acquired content.

Its all on full display here -

To tell how a piece of content is doing against its peers and if its making the top ten in its category you look at the specific category. And She-Hulk is in the top ten, currently number five, for all Original streamed content for the week of September 5-11th 2022.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Original Poster
What's the second one, the one with the fudged numbers by Disney?
Hey, nice way to make up stuff yourself!

Your "critiques" are clearly in bad faith since you invent conspiracies that are easily disproven simply by reading the caption to the picture you posted on the website it came from. These aren't Disney's numbers.

I'm not saying this to convince you, because, you've made a judgement and will continue to spam the thread with it continuing to make stuff up like this.

I say it for the sake of those reading your posts.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you mean "second one". And these aren't numbers from Disney.

The chart I posted is the chart direct from Nielsen, it shows JUST the Original content category, Nielsen breaks out the numbers into 4 different categories, Original, Movie, Acquired, and Overall.

The chart you posted is the numbers for all streaming content categories all lumped together whether that be an original show, a movie, or acquired content.

Its all on full display here -

To tell how a piece of content is doing against its peers and if its making the top ten in its category you look at the specific category. And She-Hulk is in the top ten, currently number five, for all Original streamed content for the week of September 5-11th 2022.

I was talking about your chart.

So you are taking out everything that isn't an "Original Content Television Show." I think that's pretty cheap to do with the rating system. That's actually making She-Hulk look like it's doing better than it actually is. For Gods sake "Reruns" are beating it in the ratings.

What's next? Listing it under only shows with Giant Green Female Superheroes, who are also Lawyers???

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