Disney Irish
Premium Member
The attempt to restate the post into something entirely differnet shows you have no retort.
I've stated several times its my personal opinion, I don't have to have a retort.
Do I think there enough of a convention business to drive sales to Splitsville, maybe maybe not, we'll see. But again my person feeling is that there isn't enough of a tourist/convention market at this point for this place to be successful.
DLR has been a locals park, that hasn't changed for a long time. Until that demographic changes to be a majority tourist/convention goers I don't see it working long term. And I don't see it changing in a large scale way to tip the scale to being more tourist/conversation goers for at least 5 years or more. They would have to completely do away with APs for that scale to tip in any meaningful way.
As I've said previously, I very well could be wrong and the place will be successful. And I truly hope it is successful because I don't like to see any business fail. But I just think, again in my personal opinion, it was the wrong location for this type of business. And as I mentioned before, I really would like too see the rest of DTD not being used for the new hotel to be reused for park expansion.