Splash Mountain falling apart (literally?)


Well-Known Member
Is anyone really surprised by this? This WDW mo of letting things fall apart until they have no choice to fix it. Look at the current state of Peter Pan's Flight. HM was falling apart until they did the massive refurb. And as awesome as it was even that is starting show signs of wear and tear esp the scrims in the graveyard.


Is anyone really surprised by this? This WDW mo of letting things fall apart until they have no choice to fix it. Look at the current state of Peter Pan's Flight. HM was falling apart until they did the massive refurb. And as awesome as it was even that is starting show signs of wear and tear esp the scrims in the graveyard.

The scrims in the graveyard scene do look VERY bad I agree. I'm surprised renaissance Holmes hasn't fixed them yet.

Marc Gil

Well-Known Member
I went on the Haunted Mansion in late October. Has anyone noticed that the "pop-up ghouls" pop-out slower? Some don't even pop-out anymore! I also went Labor Day weekend in September, and they didn't even pop-out at all. Was this just a one-day thing?


Well-Known Member
I went on the Haunted Mansion in late October. Has anyone noticed that the "pop-up ghouls" pop-out slower? Some don't even pop-out anymore! I also went Labor Day weekend in September, and they didn't even pop-out at all. Was this just a one-day thing?

Nope. I went on the Mansion on Oct. 18 (Same day the Splash rock fell) and only one of the pop-ups were working and it was very slow.
The rest of the Mansion looked and sounded fantastic, though.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
I've had this feeling the pop-up ghosts were gradually being phased out or toned down. They used to be pretty creepy in the attic scene, but those are gone.

I agree that the graveyard scene could use some work. You can barely see the ghosts. Wasn't there a ghostly bicycle in there that went around?

Marc Gil

Well-Known Member
I've had this feeling the pop-up ghosts were gradually being phased out or toned down. They used to be pretty creepy in the attic scene, but those are gone.

I agree that the graveyard scene could use some work. You can barely see the ghosts. Wasn't there a ghostly bicycle in there that went around?
Yes actually. They were working the last time I went.


Yes actually. They were working the last time I went.

The bike ghosts have been working for the past few months, but as always the popping ghosts are hit or miss. I'm ok without the popping ghosts. There is so much going on in the graveyard scene it doesn't really matter anyway. I'd much rather have Holmes and crew fix the scrim since it's VERY noticeable.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Ghost bikes were relit a few months ago. First and last pop ups were working, not the others, and the scrims are in really bad shape.


Well-Known Member
This comment at least gives me some hope. So we're possibly nearing a point where WDW starts cleaning its act up? I agree it can't come soon enough if that's what's going to happen. I very much hope this happens before anyone actually ends up getting seriously hurt or even killed (like what happened with DL).

I think at least people have begun to realize that WDW has reached a tipping point. It's something I had a feeling would happen sooner or later. Maintenance cuts always escalate when they start to rear their ugly head, and they appear to have finally been slashed to the point that the cuts pose a very real danger to the health and lives of park guests. It's no longer just cutbacks like lightbulbs and chipped paint, nor even broken animatronics and other show issues. We're now witnessing a truly unacceptable lack of guest safety maintenance. And it's continuing to escalate as time goes on. It took people getting hurt and dying at Disneyland before they cleaned their act up on that coast (and they seem to have learned their lesson there at least thus far). Do WDW guests have to pay such a prce before anything is done on the east? I would hope not, but it has become an unfortunate possibility unless better leadership happens right now.

There's really no excuse anyone can try to give Disney here either. The fact that someone even attempted to turn this very serious discussion into a Disney vs Universal ride debate shows how completely immature and ignorant certain people are. I've always been a diehard Disney fan, but you would never see me defend any corporation for deliberately putting guests in danger. Continually putting customers in harms way to make more money is simply evil. It's an absolute sign that you're failing as a business when your greed literally endangers the health and lives of park guests.

I am now convinced more than ever that what WDW1974 and myself have been saying for some time now is true. The Splash Mountain refurb is not going to cut it. Big Thunder went down for 5 months and still managed to open with a considerable amount of its broken show elements still broken. While I'd love Disney to prove me wrong, I will be absolutely shocked if the Splash refurb actually manages to fix the majority of the broken show elements. Though i'd wager that most of the budget will be going to fixing inherent structural damage of the mountain's infrastructure. Splash is a far more complicated ride than Big Thunder is and it's receiving far less time for its refurb. It'll be quite interesting to see just how much ends up being fixed. And yes I will eagerly admit to being wrong here if the mountain opens with the overwhelming majority of all of its issues fixed. I do not enjoy constantly seeing Disney fail to amount to their own standards they once took pride in (especially in regards to guest safety).

I'm not trying to be dramatic here either, I find putting guests in actual danger is no laughing matter and shouldn't be taken lightly.

You should hear Burbank's 'answer' to the fact they tend to build stuff that could fall on guests ... It' just so MAGICally perfect. And, yes, it is a reason why the Yeti may never get fixed, even though they have a solution all ready.


Well-Known Member
I will say the Leads and Coordinators are embarassed by this (not to mention the non-working effects). But as Parentsof4 said, they don't control the budget. This is a high-up corporate issue, not a Disney issue in general.

Except leads and coordinators need to be contacting top folks in Burbank (yeah, likely means putting jobs on the line ... but you could have whistle-blower lawsuits, I'd think) and talking about how many of these aren't just show quality issues, but safety issues as well.

I often wonder if people are going to have to die at WDW (other than monorail pilots, kids biking next to buses and people who have undiagnosed pre-existing conditions and ride MS or ToT etc) before Disney wakes up.


Well-Known Member
My mother was talking to a guy yesterday who was originally from So. Cal (now here in ATL) and he said that he recently went to WDW and it was "a dump." He couldn't believe the disaster zone that it is and he has no plans to go back and been telling everyone about how awful it is now. What was interesting is that he's pretty well connected with friends in the company in So. Cal from Imagineering to DL and he can't believe at this point that they are even run by the same company.

A friend is in town for IAAPA this week. Had drinks with others in the industry and the way WDW was being run was referred to as 'going rogue' ... WDW simply doesn't operate like ANY of the other Disney resorts and hasn't dating back to the late 90s. They do it their way.

And it really is so MAGICal, ain't it?


Well-Known Member
I personally would not mind if they closed Splash for good. If Splash is in the shape many of us think it is in then this might not be that far fetched. TDO might be thinking about tearing Splash down and expanding frontierland a bit to the back and use the land better. During peak times you can't even walk around that area.

Are you serious? Have you lost your mind?

Too much Starbucks? Not enough?

Because that is utter insanity. And, rest assured, no one at WDW is thinking about closing one of the MK's most popular and signature attractions.


Well-Known Member
Yep, Splash is in pathetic shape. Problem is TDO won't put it down for the 12 month refurb it needs because you'll have fanboys crying about it ruining their vacation.

You have no idea ... EPCOT's FW has gotten to a point where for many folks it's SSE, Soarin and TT ... and you wouldn't believe how guest satisfaction scores have been since TT has closed.

And what types of pressures are being exerted on WDI to get it up and running ...ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious? Have you lost your mind?

Too much Starbucks? Not enough?

Because that is utter insanity. And, rest assured, no one at WDW is thinking about closing one of the MK's most popular and signature attractions.
I was pretty much kidding 74 relax. Just getting the boys fired up with a little conspiracy.


Well-Known Member
File this away with all the other reports about Splash Mountain, when will WDW wake up?

How anyone can come here and defend TDO with reports like this surfacing confounds the heck out of me.

Mental illness and addiction. Really (and I full well expect this post to disappear, although I don't understand why) that is it. People that are in love with a BRAND. Brainwashed like cult members ... besides, Lou Mongello and the apparently not single anymore WannabeLou tell us that WDW HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER!


Well-Known Member
...and in my mind how can anyone throw their hard earned dollars into DVC and commit to 30-40 years of increasing mediocrity? Although I do not think it is quite as epidemic as some here there is definitely a declining trend. We were seriously on the edge of making the leap into DVC but took some good hard looks around the parks on our last two trips and decided that the ROI for our dollar just was not there.

You should write a letter saying that to the head of DVC (is it still Dijuan Rivers?) and CC to Meg and Tom Staggs.
You will get a response ... and likely not the Joan Martin treatment.


Well-Known Member
Mental illness and addiction. Really (and I full well expect this post to disappear, although I don't understand why) that is it. People that are in love with a BRAND. Brainwashed like cult members ... besides, Lou Mongello and the apparently not single anymore WannabeLou tell us that WDW HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER!

Ya, but I want to know how much TDO pays Lou to keep brainwashing his audience. In his article from celebrations he referred to the 7DMT as an E-Ticket!!!

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