I can't speak for the attractions. However, in the early 1980s I went to WDW with my brother and friends. The running joke was the almost frighteningly polite CMs. On more than one occasion we mentioned the "Stepford Wives", even calling the CMs the "Disney Wives". (You have to see the original movie to understand the reference.)
We saw a small child throw a wrapper on the ground and thought it would be interesting to watch how long it took a CM to pick it up. We discretely stood to the side to monitor the offending article. We expected to wait a while. Wouldn't you know it, the paper was gone in 37 seconds! (Yes, we timed it.)
On another occasion, we were at central hub at MK and noticed a bench with chipped paint on one arm. We joked about it for the rest of the day. We even took a photo. Wouldn't you know it, we came back the next day and the chip was fixed to the point that we couldn't see where the chip had been! That really freaked us out.
This was the standard of quality we used to expect from WDW.