Spirited WDW Observations, News and Provocative Comments


Active Member
Still, the atmopshere at night is amazing and I just can't help but think they're costing themselves money in merchandise, food and booze by rushing people in and out of there. I don't have the schedule in front of me, but I believe they push closings up to 10 for one whole week at Christmas (midnight on NYE, which is also a good two hours too early!)

Oh, and I never said a word about Joe Rohde going anywhere. ... But I also didn't say he wasn't, either.

I agree with the first part. People need to eat and they often also eat snack foods, and they buy merch- mostly at night too (marketing FTW :lol:). After all, they don't make as much money from park tickets as they do merch/food,

You said he was being looked at by another company in another thread. :lol: I still don't think he's going anywhere though.

Studios Fan

Active Member
Studios SHOULD AND DID stay open later in December in past years, but now closes early for the same reason they don't show Fantasmic nightly. As Martin said, it's all $$$.

Still, the atmopshere at night is amazing and I just can't help but think they're costing themselves money in merchandise, food and booze by rushing people in and out of there. I don't have the schedule in front of me, but I believe they push closings up to 10 for one whole week at Christmas (midnight on NYE, which is also a good two hours too early!)

I agree. The thing about Studios that always get me is that it seems like it could easily rival Epcot as the second most popular park if they would show it some love and expand the park. Why they won't build Monster's which would help with crowds next door at TSMM is beyond me. I would love to see the park get a major Fantasyland-size expansion with Pixar / Marvel (just buy out Universal, they could use the money ;)) but I realize it will probably never happen.


Active Member
I agree. The thing about Studios that always get me is that it seems like it could easily rival Epcot as the second most popular park if they would show it some love and expand the park. Why they won't build Monster's which would help with crowds next door at TSMM is beyond me. I would love to see the park get a major Fantasyland-size expansion with Pixar / Marvel (just buy out Universal, they could use the money ;)) but I realize it will probably never happen.

Buy out Universal? Why?


Active Member
SeaWorld has completely transformed over the past couple of years into an absolutely fantastic place to visit, and Manta is definitely the best coaster in Orlando, and one of the best overall experiences in the area, as well. I remember when it was all asphault and cheap carnival games, and now it looks like a harbor. Changes like that definitely don't go unnoticed. Plus, @Shamu on twitter is hilarious, and completely worth the follow.

Also, I'm really glad about the park's new owners. Blackstone has done some great things to Universal and I'm excited to see what they'll bring to SW and BG.


Well-Known Member
Just so everyone knows, DHS Osbourne Lights run to 9pm (when the park is open til 8).

This is different from the typical "shops stay open 1 hour after closing" as no CMs will start "clearing" that part of the park until after 9pm.:wave:


New Member
If more people are in the parks buying things and half the attractions (the shows) are closed around 6 then why is money the issue. Shouldn't they be making money from later hours?

Disney feels the cost of having the workers there, the air conditioning units going, rides operating, etc. is something they'd rather not pay for anymore than they have to.


Active Member
Good stuff! Thanks!

Regarding the hours at the studios....I am only one person from one family, but I often don't shop or dine as much at the studios only because there is never enough time to get everything in. We generally go in value season, and the hours make it tough. It's just very hard to imagine that you aren't passing up mine and other's money by closing early. Those Studios days are when I find restaurants off property to eat dinner at because we had a short day anyway. (we stay on property)


Well-Known Member
So they get rid of Spidey and Disney makes some watered down version?

That's an act of terrorism.

Very true. Kinda sad that in this day and age, we talk of Disney butchering a ride made by Universal, isn't it?

(no offense to Uni fans, just pointing out how Disney was once the head of the pack)


We were at WDW over Thanksgiving and each night DHS closed at 8 pm. Our family felt ripped off. When there are lines for 120 minutes for TSM, 110 minutes for RnR and 90 minutes for ToT, closing at 8 pm is just wrong. There is not enough capacity during busy times. To celebrate our displeasure, we refused to eat any table service meals at DHS -- not enough time when they close so early.


Well-Known Member
Also, word that Small World will be undergoing another large scale rehab in 2010 (no word on characters, was told this is needed work and to redo the queue yet again).
Oyy. I've enjoyed seeing the pictures of the DL rehab with characters but I really like how WDW has remained classic. I'm hoping they keep it as it is.


Premium Member
Very true. Kinda sad that in this day and age, we talk of Disney butchering a ride made by Universal, isn't it?

(no offense to Uni fans, just pointing out how Disney was once the head of the pack)

Understandable, part of why some of us are Uni fans is because we know that it promotes good competition for Disney to improve its act...which hopefully we're starting to see more of


Active Member
Very true. Kinda sad that in this day and age, we talk of Disney butchering a ride made by Universal, isn't it?

(no offense to Uni fans, just pointing out how Disney was once the head of the pack)
It's not sad, it's actually exprected. Universal had something to prove, so they set out to do it and succeeded. In a few months we will see them succeed again with TWWoHP. SeaWorld is staring to show its stuff too. Disney just needs to get its drive back, and they need to do it quickly.


Active Member
It's not sad, it's actually exprected. Universal had something to prove, so they set out to do it and succeeded. In a few months we will see them succeed again with TWWoHP. SeaWorld is staring to show its stuff too. Disney just needs to get its drive back, and they need to do it quickly.

With a company like Disney to be known for its excellent staff of Imagineers to simply buy out the competition and theme park rights ,which would no-doubt end The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman, is just wrong. If Walt or even someone high up in the company who thinks like Walt thought then they might know this is not the way the theme park side of Disney should be run. It's just a low blow to the people who spent years perfecting the ride system and fans of the ride. It's VERY sad.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
''Holy horse ____*t, that's Tom!''

(A Spiritual Holiday Journey Through The Discounted Timeshare Kingdom of the World continues ... in the Magic Kingdom)

OK, I'll admit it, for the umpteenth time. I am not happy with the first FLA park. I find more fault with it than any other Disney park because it was the first I ever visited (and is second only to EPCOT for the sheer amount of time spent at) and because it has been so Walmarted over the past dozen or so years. I easily place it fourth on the list of MK parks world-wide and, in many ways, fifth behind HKDL even in some crucial categories.

I said it. So now, I'll also state that the most magical individual day of trip happened here. I'll also state that some things are showing slow signs of improvement (but only over the past few years, not if we compare MK of 2009 to MK of 1979 or 1989 or even 1999).

Got all that?


If I went chronologically in talking about my MK visits, then things may sound worse because after arrival on 12/7, I spent about three hours at the park that night (8 p.m. close with EMH until 11). The tree was missing as were the decorations that are draped across Main Street due to parade taping the weekend before. So, the park didn't look good at all. It also had that dirty 'open all day and we can't keep up' look. ... So, let's not even talk about that night.

Let's move on to what I term a near perfect day. A day of 63 degree gloom with some rain. A day with so few folks that it brought back happy memories of the good, old days of the 1970s, 80s and early 90s when off-season days actually existed ... and of more recent days in Anaheim with similarly small crowds. It also brought back memories of less happy days after 9/11 in late 2001 and into 2002 where days like this were not uncommon.

No crowds. No strollers and ECVs clogging walkways. No waits. Everything was either a walk on, or would have been if not for unneeded Fastpass that made typical rides like the Mountains and Pan and Pooh have standby waits listed in the 20-45 minute range when they would have had slight waits if they just shut the machines down.

You know it's a good day when at 1 p.m. you can have a boat to yourself on Pirates without even trying. And, hey, wouldn't you know it but the sound was improved over recent visits. Of course, there was no fog working and no cloud projections working on the flip side.

Some people like the crowds and the energy they bring, but I'm not one unless it's say ... NYE or July 4th. I'd rather the dirty, huddled masses take their turkey legs, lanyards and ECVs elsewhere.

Three straight days I was at MK, one (Thursday, the near perfect day ... just myself and my Dad on his B-Day, fitting since he started my Disney obsession way back in -- if you don't know when by now, you're totally lost and not on that island where miracles happen!) from practically opening to closing. The others for parts.

Ah, but what of the horse ____*t you ask? Simple. It's been years since I have actually seen the horse-drawn streetcars operating on Main Street ... as well as the omnibus. They both were ... at least on Friday (12/11) in the morning. And they add so much to what has become a giant Disney mall. So, seeing Tom out taking guests up and down Main Street brought a smile to my face.

Seeing how green the grass was and how beautiful the Hub looked did as well. Of course, the cynical Spirit in me couldn't help but think that things looked so perfect not because of a rainy (yeah, Al Gore is right about global warming) fall, but because the Disney Parks Christmas Parade and Synergy Commercial had just been filmed.

Things that I enjoyed? The usuals ... Liberty Square had my three favorite MK experiences of the visit ... HoP, Mansion and lunch at LTT! ... Also, riding the WDW RR in the rain for three loops around the park (btw,, you can see the stakes for construction in Mickey's About To Disappear Toontown Faire from said RR)

I also thought there was more entertainment than I had seen in recent memory. But (yeah, I am a fair and balanced Spirit and that means pointing out what isn't working) it really bothered me that some entertainment isn't deemed worthy of being placed on the weekly schedules you pick up when entering. They make sure they let you know of every opportunity to visit with some teen dressed as a foamhead. But the threesome that performed Christmas music with a country twist on the steps of the CBJ weren't listed anywhere (and guys, giving them some mics and a sound system, might help draw crowds since they were terrific, yet I couldn't even tell you what they're called) ... the same for the Captain Jack show near the PoC entrance. ... These things ADD value ... and texture ... and QUALITY to a MK visit, yet it's like Phil Holmes and Co don't want you to know they exist.

I'll also say that I really enjoy the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It (sounds like a film the boys in Glendale have accidentally rented in hotels 875 times!) street party. Normally, I'm not into that type of 'entertainment' ... but it is just very well done with catchy music, colorful costumes and enthusiastic performers. Of course, that doesn't mean I want to see it at MK in two years if you catch my drift.

Saw the 2001 Snowglobe Parade in its latest incarnation. Did nothing for me. It still sucks. And it sucks even more that it is tossed out when the Christmas Parade should be running. Funny how the final float (you know the recycled huge princess barge) is the only one with any Christmas decorations on it because it has to be used in the Christmas Party parades too.

The only truly 'new' thing at MK was the Princess Tiana Riverboat Jubilee and I enjoyed it for what it is. Haven't seen the film yet, but I love the music and that's basically what the show is. It would be nice to have performers and not simply folks who lip synch, but this IS O-town. I can't help but think this show works much better in Anaheim because of NOS. The film is based on early 1900s New Orleans and sticking it in a Colonial America land is a bit of a stretch. Of course, it will be gone in 2-3 weeks and it is fun for what it is, so I'm not complaining.

I'll reserve that for Space Mountain ... and the fanbois who think Disney did them a great favor with this alleged 'redo' ... or the same fanbois who have been bashing Disney over the freaking PeopleMover narration.

Space Mountain didn't disappoint me at all. But, sadly, that's because I knew what a half-arsed redo we were getting. So, it was exactly what I expected. Clean queue with new oddly placed door. Much improved load area, like the colors. And ... pretty much the exact same ride experience just darker (which is an improvement, but I place my bar significantly higher). The first tunnel has new effects. There are new projections in the dome. They have the image catcher. Etc ... you all know what has and hasn't been done. Before this trip I had been on Space once in the last five years. An attraction that was once a must do had become a must skip. Now? I probably will go on it a bit more often, but I won't go out of my way.

This was a huge missed opportunity. And before the DoM chime in, just think of it this way: 15 years from now you'll likely be stuck with this same attraction. And it will be the worst of SIX Space Mountains in the world by a large margin. And could they not have painted the damn thing? Seriously.

And TTA?

It's clean. Love the lights. Have no problem with the narration at all. It's the same attraction it's always been. Just cleaner.

And while on the subject of cleanliness, MK was very clean (as were all Disney parks and Sea World) with one exception. MK was a disaster area Saturday night when hours were pumped up to 9-1 for all guests (something I firmly believe has to do with scheduling four hard-ticket parties a week). Folks pile in to the park, largely locals, but also resort guests and off-site tourists who have no desire to pay $59 for a second admission fee. Saturday at MK was packed and there's a certain point where Disney in its reduced custodial state simply can't keep up.

On light days like Thursday, the place is damn near spotless. On heavier days but early (like Friday) the place still sparkles. But when they start getting over 25,000 in there ... well, don't be surprised if you step into the remnants of a burger basket in the middle of the Hub.

One pet peeve was the fact I saw lots of trash in the landscaping (or what counts for it) near the Treehouse. Loads of cups, water/Coke bottles, napkins and other stuff tossed over the side made a home and was there every day (I climbed the thing three days in a row, which may be a first). Unacceptable.

Show quality was generally very good. Didn't get on Splash Mountain due to weather and time, but did almost everything else. I am still in awe of how well Mansion and HoP look. Pirates was better and Small World looked pretty damn good too. Also enjoyed the holiday touches in Mickey's Tentland.

Two exceptions would be Pan and Snow White. They look like jokes and are only going to get worse when Mermaid debuts. SW has been so castrated so not to scare anyone's brats (it scared me the first time I rode it at age 7, I lived!) that it really is time to pull the plug and replace it with the Beauty and the Beast ride that Eric Jacobson's team proposed originally. And Pan? When did they paint water ripples on the floor of the final scene? That is so cheesy and I don't recall seeing it before.

OK ... that's it for now ...


(and any MK stuff I forgot to mention yet)

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